Happy Friday! I have been so busy lately and have so much to tell you guys! But those things will have to wait because baby news are in over and way past due. Lol.
Tag Archives: Xie Na
Zhao Li Ying’s Updates: 30th Birthday, Swordsman Game Promo, Cosmo, Ming Lan BTS
Sorry, this post is a bit delayed, a little incidence happened and my presence was needed elsewhere after work. In any case, our girl turns the big 30 today! I’m sure she’s feeling the pressure from friends and families to find the special person and settle down but I do want her to know that she should go at her own pace. Some folks hurry into commitments and not take the time to explore and find happiness within themselves. You gotta love yourself first, before loving and allowing love to come into your life!
Happy Birthday Li Ying! ❤ ❤ ❤
Zhao Li Ying’s News Updates (4/17/17): Monkey King Press Conference, Beijing Film Festival
First post of the new ship dedicates to Li Ying. 😉 (Please tell me everything is fine now! The most stressful weekend.)
Zhao Li Ying, Xie Na, Bai Bai He dorky on Happy Life
It’s here! It’s here! Uploaded on youtube by Hunan 35 mins ago. Yes, I was stalking!
(BTW, there’s some issues with the commenting, sometimes it would show your comment didn’t go through, but it actually did 99% of the times, so don’t fret and let it show up in due time, I’m trying to get it fixed.)
Zhao Li Ying’s News Updates (4/3/17): CF Events, Fashion shoots
She’s so cute. Only filming one project at the moment, our girl has a lot of time for herself and products she endorses.
Zhao Li Ying’s Updates: Princess Agents BTS, Monkey King 3, CFs
Updates here and there on her projects. 😀
2016 Year-End Music Performances from Chinese TV Stations
Time to let your heart and brain dance and sing for the celebration of a great new year ahead! Chinese broadcasting stations took their turns to invite as many Chinese stars and celebrities as possible to their platform in the last days of 2016. How did it fair? Fairly equal. Find your favorite stars down below. I think it’s a solid end to 2016.
20 minutes to go before the closing of curtains on 2016! Last post is this humongous compilation of videos. Forgive me if there are mistakes….I am holding a drink…or two. ;]
Tencent QQ Star Awards 2016, more of Marie Claire Artistry
The endless rounds of red carpet events. O_________O I need some cookies and drinks after this. Lol.