Mandarin Playlist Suggestions

I love listening to music from around the world, especially music in a language I’m trying to learn. In the past couple years that I’ve been studying Mandarin and watching Chinese dramas, I’ve been slowly building a list of various Mandarin language songs and artists I enjoy. Since I haven’t had too many shows to write about lately, I thought I’d share some of my faves on my playlist. And to make it extra challenging, I picked songs that were not from dramas I’d watched.

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C-drama Music Composer: Chen Xue Ran

I have to admit that most of the time, when I’m watching these dramas, the music, for the most part, doesn’t really grab my attention. Sure, ever so often there will be one song that I like enough to find on YouTube or buy off of iTunes, but I’ve never really paid much attention to who the composers are for all this stuff and most of the songs I couldn’t really get into.

And then Guardian happened…

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Bulletin Board: Cdramaland & Entertainment News (61)

We had a white Christmas in Boston this year! 😀

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New Drama and Movie Video Promos: Red Rose, Faithful to Buddha Faithful to You, Monster Hunt 2, Monkey King 3

December is only getting busier!

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