Drifters of the Night: A Podcast for Dreamers S01EP0.5 – Easter Special Part 2 | The Most Forgettable Drama, Taming the Untamed, and the Mongolian Princess We Wish Were Dead

Here’s the second part of our Easter Special! Tune in to hear us discuss the dramas of 2019, as we dissect what is worth watching and what is worth skipping. If your quarantine adventures have been boring or uneventful then this is the podcast for you!

For part 2, listen in as we talk about the drama that Lin forgot she watched, taming the untamed, and why we all wanted to kill the Mongolian Princess in HSDS. 

If you haven’t heard the first part of this podcast, then click here! It is definitely not something you’ll want to miss~

Click below to listen to Part 2:


We have noticed some listeners pointing out how certain voice segments sound muffled, and we are working hard to resolve that issue. Please note that we are not professional podcasters in any way, and since many of us do not have professional microphones, it is hard to have top-notch audio. We hope that future podcast episodes will show our improvement. Once again, any suggestions, good or bad are appreciated!

Here’s a final reminder to the link of a poll you should take if you haven’t seen our Trailer Ep, and would like to hear us talk about your suggested topic. 

FINAL NOTICE: AVV now has a discord! Click here for an invitation to join~ Feel free to join us to chat about dramas, fangirl moments, life and more~ It works much like the chatbox on the current website, but it will have exclusive content you’ve never seen before!

**Hint: If you’ve been looking for 3000 Crows subbed, look no further!!** 

Thanks for taking the time to read through this post! We hope that this podcast episode will make quarantine a little bit more entertaining, and we look forward to seeing more of you on discord!

As mentioned in the episode, below is the episode of The Legends:

And for those interested in the associated BTS:



  1. 7 thoughts on “Drifters of the Night: A Podcast for Dreamers S01EP0.5 – Easter Special Part 2 | The Most Forgettable Drama, Taming the Untamed, and the Mongolian Princess We Wish Were Dead

    Let’s shake it season 2, episode 16 onwards seems to have a problem. The links aren’t working. Will this get fixed soon?

    • 7 thoughts on “Drifters of the Night: A Podcast for Dreamers S01EP0.5 – Easter Special Part 2 | The Most Forgettable Drama, Taming the Untamed, and the Mongolian Princess We Wish Were Dead

      Hi Zino, there’s nothing to fix because we didn’t get to those episodes yet, hence no links are seen. 🙂

  2. 7 thoughts on “Drifters of the Night: A Podcast for Dreamers S01EP0.5 – Easter Special Part 2 | The Most Forgettable Drama, Taming the Untamed, and the Mongolian Princess We Wish Were Dead

    i can hear you guys better in this episode. lol. i think i got dan’s and amy’s voice down.

    the legends – hated hated the ending. everything was on point until the last 20 episodes. i believe they dated (hopefully still dating) because in their next drama, footages of her spanking his butt was all over the net. LOL. that girl is zhao yao in real life. and she can dance!!

    the untamed – like amy…or should i say unlike amy……im in the minority, i watched 10 episodes and it just didn’t hook me but everyone’s comments was OVER THE ROOF. so confused. lols. i never went back. hahahah

    HSDS – i watch the tvb version, didn’t like any of the mainland ones even though the landscape is much better in mainland china. least its real, but zhang wuji is the most annoying male lead ever, four girls into. i don’t understand how or why the mongolian princess like him. she’s so smart and accomplished and she’s working for her country!! maybe she just likes dumb guys so she can control them. LOL.


    – since i rarely see a podcas for cdramas around, i think naming the post clearer and shorter would help draw in more viewers. the names right now is just too long and if viewers google a certain drama, it wouldn’t pop up. keep it short and to the point. ^_^

    for this episode something like:

    Episode 0.5 Podcast on Cdrama Reviews: The Legends. The Untamed, etc

    hope this helps!

    • 7 thoughts on “Drifters of the Night: A Podcast for Dreamers S01EP0.5 – Easter Special Part 2 | The Most Forgettable Drama, Taming the Untamed, and the Mongolian Princess We Wish Were Dead

      Hehe, I’m glad you are beginning to be able to differentiate our voices :))

      Also, I think you may be referring to Alison haha bc I did not watch the Untamed yet, but the others have been prompting me to xD

      I’m glad things were a bit more clearer in this episode, we’ve been trying to mess around with settings and frequencies to make sure everyone’s more clear. Hopefully, our future episodes will be even better!

      As for the title’s haha, I would be the one to blame. I thought it would be interesting to hint at the dramas, and didn’t think much about naming them because we tend to do a lot of dramas. I’ve been having fun coming up with them but I think it’s time to put them to rest xD (I have tried tagging the dramas mentioned, so if someone were to google mentioned dramas, they’d be led to this post).

      Thank you so much for your suggestions! They are super helpful, and it’s been super nice reading about what you thought hehe

      If you have any topics you’d like to hear about, do comment and let us know~

      See you around~

  3. 7 thoughts on “Drifters of the Night: A Podcast for Dreamers S01EP0.5 – Easter Special Part 2 | The Most Forgettable Drama, Taming the Untamed, and the Mongolian Princess We Wish Were Dead

    Regarding The Untamed, there’s this 20 episodes version called “Special Edition”, can I just watch that instead of the 50+ eps one? I’m curious about this show but none of the premise/reviews interest me that much. People keeps saying it’ll get interesting by the teens ep but I don’t think I’ll hold out till that far, so if there’s another way I can get to the good part faster I’d be thankful.

    • 7 thoughts on “Drifters of the Night: A Podcast for Dreamers S01EP0.5 – Easter Special Part 2 | The Most Forgettable Drama, Taming the Untamed, and the Mongolian Princess We Wish Were Dead

      Hi Vee,

      Thank you for stopping by.

      You could certainly give the Special Edition a go as it’s meant to have re-cut the series to make more chronological sense and is focused on Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian. You do lose a bit of story detail but I don’t think it makes too many changes to the overall portrayal of the novel.

      If you’re not interested in the premise of the show/plot, I’m not sure there would be any version that would better for you to watch. Might I suggest you choose an episode later in the series and watch it as a taster to see if you like it? Probably around Ep 35 mark~

      Do let us know how you go though ~~
      – Dan

      • 7 thoughts on “Drifters of the Night: A Podcast for Dreamers S01EP0.5 – Easter Special Part 2 | The Most Forgettable Drama, Taming the Untamed, and the Mongolian Princess We Wish Were Dead

        Thanks for the suggestion, I’ll keep it in mind. There are some shows in the past that I had no interest in but ended up enjoying for what it was, so I’m willing to try anything. Maybe not anytime soon though, there are other shows I’m actually interested in hehe.

        Anyway, I enjoy the podcasts so far. It’s nice to listen to them while doing my work.

What do you think?