If I announced each time I was back at the beginning of these posts, they’d probably all start with it. So from now on lets just promise to pretend I didn’t miss any weeks. But nevertheless, another week has ended so here are some pretty photos to brighten up the start of your weekend~.
Tag Archives: Meng Jia
2016 Year-End Music Performances from Chinese TV Stations
Time to let your heart and brain dance and sing for the celebration of a great new year ahead! Chinese broadcasting stations took their turns to invite as many Chinese stars and celebrities as possible to their platform in the last days of 2016. How did it fair? Fairly equal. Find your favorite stars down below. I think it’s a solid end to 2016.
20 minutes to go before the closing of curtains on 2016! Last post is this humongous compilation of videos. Forgive me if there are mistakes….I am holding a drink…or two. ;]