Drifters of the Night: A Podcast for Dreamers S01EP2 | Is this Worth the Electricity Bills?: And the Winner is Love

You suggested and we answered! Join us in discussing what we thought about the first few episodes of And the Winner is Love. We previously stated that the podcast would be published every other week, but we wanted to get this first impression one out before the drama finished, or else it wouldn’t be a first impression! Here’s an updated poll for you to take, please please take it, we’d greatly appreciate it!

This was a drama quite a few us staff at AVV were interested in prior to airing, so we all jumped on it when it released. Listen to hear about our opinions on whether this drama was worth it (LOL and the inside joke about the electricity bills), and if you haven’t seen it yet, then maybe our reviews can help you make a decision. If you have seen it, please comment below what you thought about And the Winner is Love and whether our opinions match! It’s very rare that all of us were interested in watching the same drama, so you’ll likely not hear all five of us together in future first impressions.

Click below to listen to Ep 2:


In case you haven’t noticed, there’s now a discord button on the side underneath the chatbox. Feel free to join us there to discuss your favorite dramas or just to hang out with other drama-loving, like-minded people!

Just up that way ↗

We have lots of exciting content to come with a lot more variety on the topics we cover, so be sure to tune in to all future episodes. We’d also love to hear any suggestions or comments you may have, whether it’s good or bad, as we’re only looking to improve from here~

In case many of you didn’t know, there’s only two of us working behind the scenes on this podcast, Dan and I. We’re in charge of editing the podcast which takes some time, writing up these posts, running the discord server, and preparing any powerpoints or things needed for recording, therefore we aren’t able to publish these recordings as fast as professional podcasts. 

We couldn’t do any of this without the AVV family with their opinions in our recordings and unfortunately as life post pandemic begins, our schedules are now filling up.

Please understand that we too have other things in our lives and that we are trying our best to be quick and efficient! 

Thanks for reading until the end~

We want to thank all of you listeners for making this podcast possible and for all the kind suggestions and comments you’ve provided. We are working to bring you more exciting content so hope to see you on the next podcast!!

  1. 9 thoughts on “Drifters of the Night: A Podcast for Dreamers S01EP2 | Is this Worth the Electricity Bills?: And the Winner is Love

    Thanks for the podcast! I am at episode 27 of “And the winner is love” and I’m glad we share similar sentiments:

    1) the blurry background – that drove me nuts! In some cases it even gave me a headache. I felt like I was watching the show on acid.

    2) lack of chemistry between the leads – they are a snooze fest to watch. No chemistry whatsoever. both are just reciting lines. I like Yuki’s character in HSDS much better! Her character in this drama is frustrating to watch. Not only is she a weak leader but now she has a misunderstanding towards the love of her life, and she won’t even hear him explain his side of the story. She does not deserve to be the leader of her sect. These two seem more like acquaintances rather than two people that fell in love while conquering obstacles.

    3) filler episodes – so many in the beginning. It’s much more tolerable if you skip over the scenes with the male and female leads. There were so many episodes that went nowhere. The plot does get better in the mid 20s when things start happening.

    4) not enough fight scenes, and the fight scenes are too short and not epic.

    Not a must watch, but if you do feel inclined to give it a try, watching on fast forward mode or skipping scenes/episodes makes it much better.

    Other wuxia shows I recommend instead: Handsome siblings 2020 (loved xiao yu er), and heavenly sword and dragon slaying sabre 2019. [aside from the Untamed and Nirvana in Fire which I guess everyone has already watched].

    • 9 thoughts on “Drifters of the Night: A Podcast for Dreamers S01EP2 | Is this Worth the Electricity Bills?: And the Winner is Love

      Wow, and you were still able to make it to Episode 27. 👍 I could only do 1 episode.

      • 9 thoughts on “Drifters of the Night: A Podcast for Dreamers S01EP2 | Is this Worth the Electricity Bills?: And the Winner is Love

        It’s not the best show or one that’s worth raving about in any way, but I guess it’s decent if just playing in the background haha unless your time and money can be better spent in other ways xD
        One of our team members Dan recently finished it and it seems like she’ll be the to do so for the time being! As for the others, I think they’ve all dropped it ahaha so you’re definitely not the only one not invested in the show or even bothering to watch it.
        Thanks for listening!

    • 9 thoughts on “Drifters of the Night: A Podcast for Dreamers S01EP2 | Is this Worth the Electricity Bills?: And the Winner is Love

      Ahaha yep, agree with pretty much everything you’ve said above but somehow I’m still watching it as well, just running in the background though, bc my electricity bills aren’t at stake xD
      Agree that HSDS 2019 was a very good watch, Yukee Chen is much more appealing there as Zhao Min. I haven’t watched Handsome Siblings yet, but it is on my watch list! Will find time to check that one out seeing as you recommend it.
      Interesting how you mentioned both fast forward mode and skipping scenes (We literally had a debate – future podcast ep – on which method is better LOL) which one do you prefer or gravitate towards?
      Thank you so much for listening!

      • 9 thoughts on “Drifters of the Night: A Podcast for Dreamers S01EP2 | Is this Worth the Electricity Bills?: And the Winner is Love

        I gravitate towards skipping scenes. Give Handsome Siblings a chance, though I liked it mainly because of xiao yu er’s character, thought the actor that played him did a really good job. I didn’t like the actress that played tie xin lan. She was wooden and boring. I skipped her scenes unless xiao yu er was in it.

        I’m currently watching Auntie Duohe. It’s a 2009 drama and not wuxia but it’s really good! The acting is really believable and there is so much kindness shown. I’m only on episode 3 and need kleenex already. Check it out if you are looking for something that has a good plot and strong actors. First episode was the set up but gets better once Sun Li shows up. Sun Li was so young here! There’s such a difference watching those that have incredible acting skills those that are just reciting lines 🙂

        • 9 thoughts on “Drifters of the Night: A Podcast for Dreamers S01EP2 | Is this Worth the Electricity Bills?: And the Winner is Love

          Hehe yay! Another one joins the skip scenes team~ We had a lively banter about this LOL
          Ooh, will give Handsome Siblings a try! Didn’t have time before due to school and all that but now that I’ve graduated plenty of time to binge-watch dramas haha
          Interesting~ Haven’t heard of Auntie Duohe..

    • 9 thoughts on “Drifters of the Night: A Podcast for Dreamers S01EP2 | Is this Worth the Electricity Bills?: And the Winner is Love

      I actually finished the drama but admit I just wanted to know the ending! Totally agree with you on the filler episodes, I just wanted to fast forward and was rolling my eyes at some parts that were just not necessary. Middle part of the drama felt so draggy. I wished there were more fight scenes too. Love the colour contrast between the leads though it reminded me of Listening Snow Tower. And is it just me or I feel the uniform for Chong Xue Zhi as sect leader is kinda ugly? 😅

      • 9 thoughts on “Drifters of the Night: A Podcast for Dreamers S01EP2 | Is this Worth the Electricity Bills?: And the Winner is Love

        I also found the uniform ugly and sad looking.

      • 9 thoughts on “Drifters of the Night: A Podcast for Dreamers S01EP2 | Is this Worth the Electricity Bills?: And the Winner is Love

        Kudos to you!! I’m still on ep 11 ahaha and I’m uncertain as to whether I should proceed forward. Did you also struggle with the blurred bg? I know in the podcast I said it didn’t bother me, but for some reason, the more I watched in ep 10 and 11 the more I was annoyed by it LOL
        As for colour contrast, it seems to be a trend haha Listening Snow Tower…The Flame’s Daughter…And the Winner is Love…looks like red and white might be the new in-colours.
        Not sure how I feel about her uniform…I’m just here for the pretty faces xD

What do you think?