Is anyone like me? After Princess Wei Young, I can’t seem to shake off the evil sister’s image from Li Xin Ai? Lol. And when she stands next to the death-magnet of dramas like Zhu Yi Long, I keep wanting him to run away! xD Has anyone been able to watch any of the new December dramas?
Tag Archives: Unparalleled Martial Artist Wong Fei Hung (国士无双黄飞鸿)
Cdramas to Air: Butterfly Lovers 2017, Zheng Kai’s Wong Fei Hung, Zhu Yuan Bing’s Die Now, As Flower Fade and Fly Away
Hot dang! It’s December already…2017 is coming to an end. I can’t believe it. How time just flew over our head this year. We still have another month worth of dramas to watch! This is about half of them. Lol….
Bulletin Board: Cdramaland/ENT News (33)
Caught a break and went to watch The Jungle Book with my little boy. Seems like the running theme in all Disney movies is identifying and enhancing one’s sense of self (be the best of you!) Haven’t watched the original movie or animation series, but I enjoyed the movie and loved it quite a bit. Baloo and his jokes got me rolling.
First stills of Ryan Zheng Kai as the legendary Wong Fei Hung
This drama makes me nervous! Ryan Zheng, an actor without prior background in martial arts playing a role known for his impressive Shadowless kicks? *sweats bullets* On the upside, I love this genre and time period! My heart belongs to directors who can film convincing hand-to-hand combat scenes, which is criminally missing a lot these days on our small screen. Dicky Cheung comes to mind when it comes to such scenes. He’s light on his feet and makes action scenes look effortless. My favorites of those are Mr. Winner and Young Hero Fong Sai Yuk, of which I still have on Dvds! I guess I should be positive and hopefully Ryan will surprise us all?
Bulletin Board: Cdramaland/ENT News (25)
Last batch of 2015. Thanks for tuning in to the previous ones. 🙂 I CANNOT BELIEVE 2015 IS A FEW DAYS TO ITS END!!??!