Love Game in Eastern Fantasy with Yu Shu Xin, Ding Yu Xi, and Zhu Xu Dan confirms air date in November

When it rains dramas, it also pours. (So what are we all dropping? Lol.)

Love Game in Eastern Fantasy (永夜星河) is adapted from the novel written by Bai Yu Zhai Diao Gong. From Wetv: A mischievous girl guides a tsundere, embarking on a journey through challenges to create a new world filled with love. Along the way, they level up by capturing demons and defeating monsters, forming friendships. The grudges between humans and demons finally has a resolution in their quest, serving both as the redemption of love and the salvation of the world!

Airing 11/1~

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The Red string of madness between Ding Yu Xi and Yang Chao Yue in Love You Seven Times

Synopsis By Qiyi: Xiang Yun was originally a cloud, but was turned into a fairy by Yue Lao, and started working in Yue Lao Pavilion. Chu Kong is a disciple of the Uri Xingjun constellation. He strayed into Yue Lao Pavilion and was treated as a villain. Chu Kong accidentally broke Xiang Yun’s fan, so the two quarreled and accidentally messed up the red string, which led to the marriage of the three worlds. The Jade Emperor knew about the chaos, and his punishment to them was that they could not go back to heaven until after the seven lives of love, and so their story began.

You can read the completed translated novel at Volarenovels.

Airing 8/10 ~

Looking mighty cute, this one!

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Cdrama Updates: My Fantastic Mrs. Right, Hunting, Love A Lifetime, My Little Happiness, Dance of the Phoenix

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Cdramas to Air: Butterfly Lovers 2017, Zheng Kai’s Wong Fei Hung, Zhu Yuan Bing’s Die Now, As Flower Fade and Fly Away

Hot dang! It’s December already…2017 is coming to an end. I can’t believe it. How time just flew over our head this year. We still have another month worth of dramas to watch! This is about half of them. Lol….

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First stills of Ryan Zheng Kai as the legendary Wong Fei Hung

This drama makes me nervous! Ryan Zheng, an actor without prior background in martial arts playing a role known for his impressive Shadowless kicks? *sweats bullets* On the upside, I love this genre and time period! My heart belongs to directors who can film convincing hand-to-hand combat scenes, which is criminally missing a lot these days on our small screen. Dicky Cheung comes to mind when it comes to such scenes. He’s light on his feet and makes action scenes look effortless. My favorites of those are Mr. Winner and Young Hero Fong Sai Yuk, of which I still have on Dvds! I guess I should be positive and hopefully Ryan will surprise us all?

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Anhui TV Drama Awards 2015

I would like to get back to writing news. Lol. I apologize in advance for slowing down people’s computers for this picture-heavy post. No self-control —> me. 98% of the men wear bow-ties but I do like that Chinese Actresses always bring the colors! =D I’ll be ripping some fancams so do check out the comment section. ^^

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Bulletin Board: Cdramaland/ENT News (4)

I can’t believe 2014 is about to be over. In about two days! What have I done all year long for the hours, days, and months to pass by without saying hello. Well, I graduated this past summer and is now on/off with my current job. What else…. let me think… I’m more productive than this right?

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