Zhao Li Ying becomes a bad-tempered pregnant wife in Crazy New Year’s Eve

The last thing I want to see is my baby girl pregnant. Lol. I guess it’s a new challenge for her to wobble around AND torture her movie husband, played by singer Jam Hsiao. The other main couple is played by singer/actress Amber Kuo and Taiwanese-British actor Rhydian Vaughan. That’s not all, because around 30 stars in the entertainment industry are gonna play cameos! Spot that celebrity game begins!

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Victoria and Jiang Jin Fu’s Cdrama has an official name and trailer

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I last talked about this drama earlier this year. Remember how some of us wanted to correctly translate its name? Thanks heavens the production company took care of that problem during the press conference held today. The official title is now The Chronicles of Town Called Jian. Did someone fall asleep and forget one missing letter in the title? Ahum.

Check the 5-minute trailer to see if it caters to your taste!

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Drama adaptation of The Legend of Qin confirms cast

Aka Qin’s Moon! The popular novels have been adapted into China’s first 3D wuxia animation. It has four seasons so far and finally, a drama adaptation that I have seen the anime of! Season 5 is nowhere to be seen in the last 2 years. The production company takes it veryyyyyyyyyy slow.

On the positive side, the production company in charge of the drama version is Tangren (Bu Bu Jing Qing, Chinese Paladin, Xuan Yuan Sword – Scar of the Sky) so that should ease some hearts.

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F(x)’s Victoria and Jiang Jin Fu lead in thrilling Coccoon Romance Town

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Have some abs to rinse your eyes on New Year! Good luck to all!

If the title sounds weird, it’s because Google hasn’t done a good job. Chinese title is 茧镇奇缘, so pleaseeee help me out with a fitting translation (I’m embarrassed, obviously! We need a Translator on this ship!) Anyway, it’s a new Cdrama based on a novel with the same name and is set in the Republican-era (again, I know! Bought your ticket yet?) From the green cast (they keep getting younger!), we have another batch of young actors added to the small screen. This includes K-pop idol, Victoria Song, from the group F(X), playing the female lead. The leading guy is handed to Jiang Jin Fu, the young lad in Xuan Yuan Sword – Rift of the Sky. Unfortunately, I will have to break more hearts by revealing that our baby, Yang Yang, will be playing the second lead. Hopefully, his character is complex enough to make up for your sinking feeling!

As I don’t follow K-pop anymore, I have no idea about Victoria’s acting. She was in Taiwanese drama, When Love Walked In, in 2012. Is she serviceable or good?

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Reel & Real Couples @ Shanghai TV Festival 2013

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A festival packed with stars in many Asian countries. But it’s the couples + a few favorites that I’m interested in. Some are reel, while some are REAL. Are you past the guessing stage? Wedding bells soon for any?

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First Look at Bu Bu Jing Xin Sequel: Why?

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Milking the cash cow, of course. And because you guys didn’t shed enough suicidal tears the first round. 😛 But why would you call it a sequel if the storyline screams I am not thy brother! Stop clinging!? Moreover, half the cast members are significantly missing. Might as well give it a fresh name. Kevin Cheng and Yuan Hong are busy laughing it off in Hua Xu Yin, with the former looking odd and sporting blue highlights. But the two are in talks for guest appearances, so yay? Han Dong is in almost every big productions but not here. After his dispute with Tangren, you won’t be seeing 14th Prince Lin Geng Xin either.

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