TVB 2015 Anniversary Awards Ceremony: “Surprises.”

Don’t know why I still like to do this red carpet, maybe it is tradition (since 2012). I haven’t watched a single TVB drama all year long. Those I planned to watch (Lord of Shanghai, With and Without You), I ended up not having time for. Did you guys watch any this year? Agreed with the winners?

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TVB 48th Anniversary Awards Ceremony (2014): “Expected results.”

No, they are NOT getting married. Lol.

Longest shift today. 15 hours! Then I came home and belated realized the TVB annual awards show was this past Monday. Surprised that it did not generate the usual heated competition like the other years among the contenders. Then I scrolled down the winners list and the reason couldn’t be any clearer. There was no competition at all. The major winners of the night were expected, with only a few great surprises. I think TVB had a decent year in 2014. At least I think so because I’ve watched more series this year as compared to the past few years. But the dismal ratings…so low…

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Coffee Cat Mama: Episode 5-8 “Shipping has settled.”

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For two people who are still reading, this is probably my last recap for CCM, unless something awesome compels me to rave. It’s a solid show but I find the humor more funny and the scenes more meaningful if you experience it through watching instead of reading.

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Coffee Cat Mama: Episode 1-4 “It gets better.”

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These three are the highlights of this drama! It’s a lovely setup that they’re housemates because I can’t get enough of their grumbling bromance. If you have watched and dropped this series after episode 1, I highly suggest you give it a second chance because the speed picked up significantly in episode 3 and 4 when all of our players are in the picture and gathered in one place. The cast is an excellent ensemble of capable actors, and the story might float on mundane happenings of daily life, is still highly entertaining with heartful moments scattered throughout the scenes.

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TVB 46th Anniversary Awards Ceremony (2013): “Lovely Winners!”

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Another year of TVB dramas. To be honest, I only watched and finished Triumph In the Skies 2 (skimming through the last 20 episodes, ahum), a few episodes of Brother’s Keeper and Reality Check, and 6 episodes of My Bounty Lady. So I’m not a good representative of a TVB fan. heh. But now that fans have calmed down, I’ll tune in for some fun. Hint: A round of fashion terror!

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Triumph in the Skies 2: Episode 16 – 20 “Not meant to be.”

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You see the blue sign? How fitting, isn’t it?

This set of episodes are uneven in emotions. Most intense scenes take place in the first three episodes and the last two flake out, adding more irrelevant characters to a cast that is already too big. I do not care about Bee, Flowers, Apple, and Pink Pink, OKAY? Can we just skip their sob stories and insert some flight emergency/action? We haven’t had any major accidents in the sequel! If last week’s theme was reunion, this week is breakups. These are mature breakups, not noble idiocy that we see so many times in Kdramas. They break up for the same reasons they got together. Isn’t that an interesting concept to mull over?

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Triumph in the Skies 2: Episode 11 – 15 “Reunions.”

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hee! Love the friendship moments in this drama. The two dorks and their seduction of Batman’s Robin. 😛 Seems like the running theme of this batch of episodes is reunion. Reunion of friends, lovers, ideas, and differences. Opposite from the prequel where the cameo appearances were from big stars, I quite like low-key additions of guest stars here. The effect is not huge to disrupt the flow but small enough to make an impact on our characters, forcing them to look at issues from a different angle. Holiday’s missing boyfriend arc has a closure and we finally learn why Sam’s been swimming in a sea of regret regarding Zoe.

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Triumph in the Skies 2: Episode 6 – 10 “Fun with aviation jargon!”

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Mother Hen and the three gossipers! I love when these four share the same scene. It’s light and fuzzy and cute. And Sam’s reaction is hilarious as he feels challenged by the hyperactive Holiday, playful with Coco, and critical of Isaac. Yet together, these three dominate the mother hen with their mischief. Careful there Sam, losing MOAR hair doesn’t do your image any good. Breathe! And now I’m just sad that our little makeshift family is split up in the next few episodes for the development of other story threads, especially that pesky thing we call love. Oh yea, it comes with multiple sides too. What? You don’t like subtle hints? We have a doll for that! Meet triangle!

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