Triumph in the Skies 2: Episode 1 – 5 “Unexpectedly good!”

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Men are handsome in uniform. Yes, yes?

Great flight guys! It’s a good sign when I sat down and breezed through 5 episodes like they did not take away five hours of my day. Old and new characters meshed in very well, with chemistry exploding from left to right. The conversations were surprisingly very funny and witty. Oddly enough, there were no emergency plane situations in the first five episodes. Considering Tvb’s style, this will change pretty soon. But I guess they have 38 episodes for those incidents. Heh. So far, it’s more character-driven than anything, but I don’t find myself feeling the urge to fast forward any scene. It’s a testament to the writer’s strength in turning mundane dialogues into entertainment. 🙂

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