2017 Chinese Quality TV Drama Festival by Dragon TV

More awards for everyone! The ceremony is hosted by Dragon Television, so popular dramas with actors on their stations are invited.

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Tang Yan and boo Luo Jin.

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The way she smiles at him. *___*

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Liu Shi Shi. Her clutch is adorable! Influential Female star of the Year.

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The Ming brothers, Hu Ge and Jin Dong. Hu Ge revealed he’ll be going to directing school officially. He also sang one or 2 songs. I’ll post them in the comments.

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Jin Dong won most Influential Male star of the Year.

Even their mannerism is the same. Heh.

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Helping the veteran actors.

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Yuan Hong and Ariel Lin were on stage when Hu Ge received his award. Excellence Star of The Year.

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Lay. He won all-around artist of the year.

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Zheng Kai walks with veteran Taiwanese actress, Sibelle Hu.

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Hubby and wifey, Jia Nai Liang and Li Xiao Lu.

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Huang Xuan.

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Ode To Joy team. The ladies won Best Quality Group of the Year. Yang Zi follows after them shortly. Yang Shuo grinning on the side.

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Yang Zi.

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Yukee Chen Yu Qi. Luo Jin’s aunt in Wei Young. Lol.

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The Legend of the Condor Heroes 2017 OTP – Yang Xu Wen and Li Yi Tong with producer. They won New Actors with the most interest.

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Qing Long gege is so handsome. *__*

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The first rendition of Ye Hua – Mark Zhao. He walks so fast during the red carpet. Lol. He won the Outstanding Performance Star of the Year for Three Lives. So dorky when he said “Hi” to his fans on stage. XD

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The summer rendition of Ye Hua – Yang Yang. hehe. He took home Most Beloved Star of the Year.

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Our Zhao Li Ying in yet another pale dress and straight split……. The design is really nice up close but for a red carpet event, it paled in comparison.

She got the Talented Actress of the Year award (male winner is veteran actor Chen Jian Bin). When asked about the rumor of her quitting showbiz because of the back injury, she said no. “I won’t withdraw from the showbiz world. As an actress, we have to strive for quality and hard work, so I’m only stepping a little bit slower right now. The past ten years of work is only the beginning. The road ahead of me is still very long.”

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  1. 39 thoughts on “2017 Chinese Quality TV Drama Festival by Dragon TV

    Kappy, I was waiting for you to post this. Thank you for all the pics compilation. I lurked on Weibo last night and saw this award ceremony trending when I watched Mark’s LIVE on Zhibo.

    Mark had a LIVE videochat with fans for having 10 million fans on Weibo. He’s telling fans not to send any gifts for him, but letters are fine. Then someone in the background, probably his staff asked him to sing, he rejected, then dance, he rejected that too. Fans also comment that his voice is too low in the comment section XD. So after a while, he’s like this is not fans asking questions, but more like ordering him to sing, dance, raise his voice. He also read some random hotel housekeeping assistant and spoke in English for English speaking fans. He said he will release more quality dramas and movies in the future. Here is the link http://www.miaopai.com/show/ktBiKtoSJQTLpkF8nORrcg__.htm
    There’s also a full video on youtube if someone is interested, watching him as Ye Hua make me think of him as so manly and cool but he seems so cute and easy-going in real life. LOL, in the end he said he won’t change so don’t worry. I don’t exactly know what he meant by that, but probably meant he won’t change even after his breakthrough with 3L3W in mainland. /end of spazz on Mark/ ??

    Another funny incident is that there’s Zhang Yi Xing who forgot that he’s releasing “Operation Proposal” in 2017, LOL, he totally doesn’t remember that drama when the MC asked him to introduce his projects for 2017. I think the MC handled it well by saying she must have met fake Zhang Yi Xing. Boy, you can’t really blame him when he’s promoting EXO and in China as an actor/singer is definitely not an easy feat. His award is well deserved.

    • 39 thoughts on “2017 Chinese Quality TV Drama Festival by Dragon TV

      so random, reading the housekeeping instructions thing lol
      He does have a nice voice though xD
      He’s pretty dorky in rl ? which is nice compare to Ye Hua lol.

    • 39 thoughts on “2017 Chinese Quality TV Drama Festival by Dragon TV

      Lol. Mark is a troll. He’s always been like this, but Ye Hua role has gotten him the exposure he didn’t have from before.

      Lay cracks me up too in the clip. He just finished filming it last month too! Not that long ago. Lol.

      • 39 thoughts on “2017 Chinese Quality TV Drama Festival by Dragon TV

        Mark deserved the award and hopefully more award in the future. He did an awesome job as YH & MY. Will miss the cast and the drama once its over. I didn’t like the dress Tiffany Tang wore, it doesn’t suit her.

        • 39 thoughts on “2017 Chinese Quality TV Drama Festival by Dragon TV

          I think Tang Yan dress is so weird that it wouldn’t match anyone at all, but at least she pull it off and doesn’t look terrible in it. Might have been better if it was made of different type of fabric, I thought she was wearing like some heavy ands shiny metal stuff.

      • 39 thoughts on “2017 Chinese Quality TV Drama Festival by Dragon TV

        After writing about his video chat, I forgot to add he is so deserving of the Outstanding Star of the Year Award. Being hopeful to see him in future award shows now that he’s finally out in the lime light. But isn’t this award ceremony for the year of 2016, why is 3L3W included? It started airing in 1/30/17, but I won’t mind Mark getting an award for his performance right before it finishes its run. I still remember his crying scenes when removing SuSu’s eyes. /sobs/ I am gonna miss it, 3L3W is ending in 3 days. C-netizens notice that he has slender fingers without being too masculine, XD, Zhao You Ting hand was trending on Weibo before. On a side note, he’s such a devoted husband, always wearing his wedding ring wherever he goes.

        Seems like Hu Ge has decided to debut as a director soon. Him and Jin Dong have good chemistry.

  2. 39 thoughts on “2017 Chinese Quality TV Drama Festival by Dragon TV

    Do you have the video of zhao li accepting her award?

    • 39 thoughts on “2017 Chinese Quality TV Drama Festival by Dragon TV

      Haven’t seen one yet, might appear in a few hours.

  3. 39 thoughts on “2017 Chinese Quality TV Drama Festival by Dragon TV

    Did ZLY recently suffer a back injury? Or was it that time she filmed The Palace movie?

    YZ kinda looks like LSS who kinda looks like LYF. It’s the baby fats! lol

    • 39 thoughts on “2017 Chinese Quality TV Drama Festival by Dragon TV

      old injury, dont know what the rumor was about. lol. so random. XD

      someone please change li ying’s stylist. those boring outfits. lols.

  4. 39 thoughts on “2017 Chinese Quality TV Drama Festival by Dragon TV

    Awww, was hopping the Three Lives Drama Team came as well~ hope to see them all soon
    Thank you Kappy ?

  5. 39 thoughts on “2017 Chinese Quality TV Drama Festival by Dragon TV

    Thanks for the update Kappy 🙂
    I personally don’t like the how ZLY’s hair splits? Idk if it’s just me. This time her hair isn’t split so even lol. I like it when ZLY doesn’t split her hair but it’s a common hairstyle for her. I wish the dress was better though :\

    • 39 thoughts on “2017 Chinese Quality TV Drama Festival by Dragon TV

      That is my complaint too, Cosmo. They keep on giving her the same style over and over….!! I think they wanted to spike up the middle split by doing zig-zag at the crown, but nope, effort failed. Lol.

      • 39 thoughts on “2017 Chinese Quality TV Drama Festival by Dragon TV

        The zig-zag might have failed by the boxer-dress sure did the trick. Cause I didn’t notice her mid split until you pointed it out. hahaha. I like the top part of the dress but on the bottom…she looks like she’s wearing boxer under a see thru skirt…..

    • 39 thoughts on “2017 Chinese Quality TV Drama Festival by Dragon TV

      It’s like her signature look. The hair split lol

      ABB also has a signature look with her hair. I don’t mind it for ZLY, but I think the dress has to be better.

  6. 39 thoughts on “2017 Chinese Quality TV Drama Festival by Dragon TV

    Luo Jin’s shoes… WHAT ARE THOOOOOOSEEEE?????

    • 39 thoughts on “2017 Chinese Quality TV Drama Festival by Dragon TV

      Karen: OMG! Why did you draw my attention to those things. I hadn’t noticed and now I can’t unsee them. Why would his stylist do that to him?

      • 39 thoughts on “2017 Chinese Quality TV Drama Festival by Dragon TV

        You ladies are evil! Now I can’t unsee the bows either. LOL.

    • 39 thoughts on “2017 Chinese Quality TV Drama Festival by Dragon TV

      LO!!! maybe they were trying to use the bowl on his shoes to match with the weird bows on TY’s dress!?

      • 39 thoughts on “2017 Chinese Quality TV Drama Festival by Dragon TV

        I thought that Luo Jin was well-dressed, until I saw the comments about the shoes. The shoes look like those fancy bedroom slippers that you find in the stores at Christmas time. Perhaps they were a Christmas gift from Tiffany.

  7. 39 thoughts on “2017 Chinese Quality TV Drama Festival by Dragon TV

    I really love what Zhao Li Ying said. I like her dress she somehow makes it look elegant where i think it could look tacky on someone else but I am also tired of that hairstyle.

    LSS’s dress is so elegant especially in motion and love the playful touch of the polar bear purse.

    My goodness how high are Li Xiao Lu ‘s shoes! Those stripper heels look tacky and incongruous with that dress.

    • 39 thoughts on “2017 Chinese Quality TV Drama Festival by Dragon TV

      Zhao li ying doesn’t look bad on the dress, and from far away it wasn’t that bad of a dress. I’m just so surprised seeing it up close, the dress is sure too goofy to describe. The shirt reminds me of some ancient chinese bra, and it’s mixed with modern baby styling, with kiddish drawings too, the skirt has crazy flowers and also some letters inside boxes at the very bottom, and it sees through the under pant with some labels. This is the first time I see bracelet pushed all the way tight on the arm? I’m not sure what I’m explaining but at least I don’t know how she pull off that dress too, didn’t look too horrible in it.

      Yang zi white dress is cute but a bit too naked for my taste.

      Liu Shi Shi does look best overall!

    • 39 thoughts on “2017 Chinese Quality TV Drama Festival by Dragon TV

      Thank you! I enjoyed Liu Tao and the Ode to Joy girls 🙂

  8. 39 thoughts on “2017 Chinese Quality TV Drama Festival by Dragon TV

    Yukee Chen Yu Qi is very pretty here. Has she done anything since Princess WY? I love Tiffany Tang Yan but I feel like she doesn’t do as a good job promoting her artists as Yang Mi.

    • 39 thoughts on “2017 Chinese Quality TV Drama Festival by Dragon TV

      She did two other projects, but not as leads, only supporting/tertiary characters.

  9. 39 thoughts on “2017 Chinese Quality TV Drama Festival by Dragon TV

    Qing Long gege is so handsome. *__*

    That was my thought when I saw the picture and when I scroll down…
    Voila…someone read my thoughts!

    • 39 thoughts on “2017 Chinese Quality TV Drama Festival by Dragon TV

      HA! The fact that we still call him Qing Long gege instead of Jing gege is telling of great minds who suffered through some 60+ hours of a mess. LOL.

  10. 39 thoughts on “2017 Chinese Quality TV Drama Festival by Dragon TV

    Hi Kappy,
    Been waiting for this since I saw this on one fan’s FB page. ZLY dress did not shock me. I thought it was a nice dress but I would have preferred her to wear a more vibrant colour like red. She did managed to pull off the dress sucessfully though. On her slim frame, it looks very nice and elegant. I am looking forward to see LY receiving her prize.

  11. 39 thoughts on “2017 Chinese Quality TV Drama Festival by Dragon TV

    Tang Yan outfit looks really awkward. But she looks so happy now.. she has such a radiant smile.

  12. 39 thoughts on “2017 Chinese Quality TV Drama Festival by Dragon TV

    Yixing’s hairstyle makes him look elegant and mature. I hope that he maintains this image for his acting career, to make a statement that he is ready to challenge the competition. I would love to see him and Yang Yang in a drama. Their handsome auras will light up the film sets.

  13. 39 thoughts on “2017 Chinese Quality TV Drama Festival by Dragon TV

    Random notes from ceremony.

    Li Ying’s acceptance speech. She wasn’t very well-versed this time and looked to actor Chen Jian Bin for help. Lol. He guided her up the stairs and to shake hands with the MC. She was the first artist to arrive at the ceremony but was the last to walk the red carpet. Seated by Hu Ge (again) and a veteran (helped him with the seat).

    Liu Shi Shi cried beautifully during her acceptance speech. Before there was rumor of her cutting off ties with Tangren Media was an ugly fight. She clarified that during her speech and thanks them for giving her opportunity and creating the her of today. She also wore a short sleeve dress this time, revealing the big scar on her left elbow, a result of filming.

    Mark trolling the reporter again. When asked how he courted his wife, Mark refused to say anything, “Isn’t that a silly question? I can’t possibly reveal that to you! What if you used that to court her!”

    Reporter: “He’s using it to court another person!”

    Mark: “Jia You!” Lol.

    • 39 thoughts on “2017 Chinese Quality TV Drama Festival by Dragon TV

      LSS still looks like a goddess when she cries ;_; I’m really looking forward to her future works!

  14. 39 thoughts on “2017 Chinese Quality TV Drama Festival by Dragon TV

    Liying’s dress and hairstyle….. l think the stylists gave up on styling her and just put anything on her. Seriously. lt’s like 9 out of 10 red carpet moments are the same copy pasta. Her dress is more fit in to wedding ceremony or garden party than red carpet.

    Anyway, l like the shape of the trophy~ Like a dragon ball. LOL

What do you think?