36 thoughts on “Tribes and Empires: Storm of Prophecy Discussion Post Week 3: Episodes 25 – 36”
Thank you for the obligatory Shawn gifs! Love him to bits in the drama, his interaction with Su Yu Ning is just so cute and hilarious. Has anyone noticed that whenever he needs to do a tough action scene he tends to pout his mouth a little and pull it up, so hot haha
I’ve seen some comments online with the Chinese drama fans that overall the drama is really good for a Chinese production, but apparently the conversation lines spoken by the characters are very poor? I’m still holding out from fully watching since I don’t have time, but I am spoiling myself with all the tidibts I can find online.
36 thoughts on “Tribes and Empires: Storm of Prophecy Discussion Post Week 3: Episodes 25 – 36”
What do they mean by poor?
I just find them speaking really slowly and going into too much details sometimes that I tend to feel sleepy. But otherwise the drama is good.
36 thoughts on “Tribes and Empires: Storm of Prophecy Discussion Post Week 3: Episodes 25 – 36”
There was alot of discussion online that the editing and the lines spoken by the characters are very book like. So it’s not treated as conversational but very straight forward and less suitable for a drama. Although there are many praises for CG, scenery and props the script is said to be lacking by many. I wasn’t sure if the English speaking audiences would see what the Chinese audiences are seeing as well.
I also heard there’s alot of flashbacks too haha Oh well guess it’s not a good drama to digest in one go.
36 thoughts on “Tribes and Empires: Storm of Prophecy Discussion Post Week 3: Episodes 25 – 36”
Oh yes I kinda get what you mean. It’s kind of true. But I think its because the characters themselves have to talk alot about their legends and folktales, and this kind of stuff is difficult to make it conversational because… it doesn’t exist.
Haha I just fast forward the flashbacks when they appear. Saves me about 10mins per episode.
36 thoughts on “Tribes and Empires: Storm of Prophecy Discussion Post Week 3: Episodes 25 – 36”
I have also been following some of the comments from the audiences from China and yes, they are complaining about the editing mostly and not much screen time for our 2 main leads. I think it is because there are just soooo many characters to talk about and it takes time to go through the story by providing each characters some depth. I believe most of the complains are for MYS and HJ’s storyline because there is so much going on (the king, queen, uncle, cousin, general, etc) and the focus are sort of divided from the main leads. While I do not see much complain on SFHY because he is the main focus on this storyline with happening and people revolving around him. But this is sort of expect from such a story with a huge cast.
As for the dialogues, I don’t even want to talk about that because trust me I have heard worst. Compare with other productions where I cringes or roll my eyes at the pointless conversation/scenes, T&E is like in another tier. Personally, I think the problem is that people have a very very high expectation to this drama and when they found something a bit lacking, they jump on it. For me, the only really thing I want to complain is the constant flashbacks, since I do have a pretty good memory, it is quite annoying to keep seeing flashbacks (I can’t recall how many time I have to see young SYN fell down the cliff) 🙁
36 thoughts on “Tribes and Empires: Storm of Prophecy Discussion Post Week 3: Episodes 25 – 36”
I was hoping that T&E would hail the end of superfluous flashback filler in costume dramas, but I was informed that they keep increasing in the later episodes. I have watched 16 episodes so far.
36 thoughts on “Tribes and Empires: Storm of Prophecy Discussion Post Week 3: Episodes 25 – 36”
I am shocked and appalled that no one is talking about how hot first prince is lol
I’m up to episode 30 and this drama really delivers. Some of the dialogue is awkward, but honestly when you compare it to the other dramas that have come out in the past ten or so years, it’s actually above average. I’m not sure why, but Chinese dramas took a huge dip in quality after 2010.
I am kind of sad that this drama isn’t as popular as it should be. I looked on douban and they seemed to say that while Tribes and Empires is getting tons of views, it’s still not enough due to the fact that it’s also airing online and had a gigantic budget 🙁 The rating on douban also keeps dropping. I don’t know why people would give it one star. Even if you hate the genre and the plot, shouldn’t the production value and acting from people like Jiang Qinqin warrant at least 3?
36 thoughts on “Tribes and Empires: Storm of Prophecy Discussion Post Week 3: Episodes 25 – 36”
Hahahaha…I am along with you on that. The first prince is hot…along with MYS’s cousin. The one who lure away his maid. lol I know he is evil and all but knowing his story…I kind of feel a bit sorry for him and hopefully, the maid can ‘soften’ him up.
36 thoughts on “Tribes and Empires: Storm of Prophecy Discussion Post Week 3: Episodes 25 – 36”
You guys are all right those two are very attractive as well. The cousin looks even better in his plain clothes during his first scene than in all his opulent robes. I didn’t expect this going in, but I’m not complaining lool
36 thoughts on “Tribes and Empires: Storm of Prophecy Discussion Post Week 3: Episodes 25 – 36”
People aren’t used to the slow pace of the drama.
Huang Xuan and Shawn Dou are the main draw for the series but they barely appear, because their storylines are shared with so many supporting cast.
I think people are expecting Nirvana in Fire-level of awesomeness because of how hyped the drama is.
36 thoughts on “Tribes and Empires: Storm of Prophecy Discussion Post Week 3: Episodes 25 – 36”
Tbh Shuofeng Heye’s storyline is the most interesting right now with all the fantasy elements. Muyun Sheng and Hanjiang’s storylines are basically transformed into a typical palace drama with all the politics and scheming going on. Hopefully its gonna change with the upcoming grand wedding.
This drama is nowhere near Nirvana in Fire level in terms of script and editing. In NIF, the storyline moves whenever the characters have lengthy conversations. Here, people just take turns to talk without actually moving forward the storyline.
36 thoughts on “Tribes and Empires: Storm of Prophecy Discussion Post Week 3: Episodes 25 – 36”
about the wedding…They’ve dragged out the wedding scene so it’s like we’re experiencing it real time lolol. BUT, I love when Panxi appeared during that scene. It was filmed so beautifully. love Panxi kicking ass as well.
36 thoughts on “Tribes and Empires: Storm of Prophecy Discussion Post Week 3: Episodes 25 – 36”
The first prince is so hot! I thought he sort of looked like Won Bin. Maybe it’s just me. Lol.
36 thoughts on “Tribes and Empires: Storm of Prophecy Discussion Post Week 3: Episodes 25 – 36”
Just seen them and totally agree. Finally it seems like that promised bromance starts to develop, and we’re probably going to see more of the main leads from now on. Both Dou Xiao and Huang Xuan are just super gorgeous. Waited so long for them to appear. I think we’ll get our reward now. Nice to see Han Jiang finally get rid of the chains and the rugs he’s been wearing throughout.
36 thoughts on “Tribes and Empires: Storm of Prophecy Discussion Post Week 3: Episodes 25 – 36”
Heh almost…on ep 28 now cuz sometime last week my addiction trailed off for a bit. The lull between 18 and the late 20s is quite…not that great. I’m not gonna try to go into too much detail cuz I’m liking it and I only rant and nitpick if I hate it so I don’t really wanna overanalyze T&E’s faults right now. Can’t pinpoint but the feeling for T&E for me is inconsistent. Overall it’s great. But the highs can be absolutely outstanding and the mehs just feel not really noteworthy.
And can I just say I’m not really liking Sun Jian and his second prince? Actually, after Su YuNing’s spiel at HanJiang in like ep 27(?) I’m not too much of a fan of her as a character either. So maybe they deserve each other. I know she actually loves Hanjiang and stuff but something about her just really rubs me the wrong way. And right now all my love for her can be attributed to XuLu’s awesomeness and her fantastic chemistry with Shawn. But otherwise as a character she’s the most forgettable of all the girls. Even as despicable Helan Tieduo was, even she had more personality and to me was more sympathetic and admirable than SYN right now…
And I’m also not understanding Princess Jing’s appeal. I don’t see why Heye likes her… So he can lust after a “Muyun” girl who was his owner, but can’t see how abandoned and despised MuruHanjiang, a friend who helped him survive in the pit, is innocent of the surname “Muru”? I don’t understand this logic.
36 thoughts on “Tribes and Empires: Storm of Prophecy Discussion Post Week 3: Episodes 25 – 36”
I don’t really like Muru Hanjiang and SYN’s relationship either. Individually, they are fine, but they seem to be willing to sacrifice the lives of other people for their relationship, which I’m not into. Of course I don’t think people should be forced into a marriage, but I don’t think my happiness is more important than someone else’s life.
36 thoughts on “Tribes and Empires: Storm of Prophecy Discussion Post Week 3: Episodes 25 – 36”
I think the “problem” with the dialogue comes down to the style of directing the drama. I actually quite like it this way. It’s more authentic and realistic. Many times, you could even hear the sounds of the rooster, crickets, swaying leaves and forest which made the drama feels like a scene out of real life. Rustic but elegant. There is much detailed in each scene and dialogue but there is also simplicity. It reminds me a lot of Three Kingdoms though Three Kingdoms do not have much flashbacks. At this stage, I can still sit through the flashbacks in this drama but anything more and it will get annoying! I suppose the director wanted to use the flashbacks to give the viewers a summary of what happened in previous episodes as there are some of us who are “fast-forward” happy (especially for a drama this size!). It also gives the drama a more ‘episodic’ feel as opposed to a one whole continuous drama. Maybe that’s meant to help with the story-telling since the drama consists of the story of 3 men and how it all link into one big story. Anyway, I am praying hard they don’t increase on the flashbacks towards the end to make up for time coz that would significantly reduce the drama’s rating for me!
36 thoughts on “Tribes and Empires: Storm of Prophecy Discussion Post Week 3: Episodes 25 – 36”
The drama is mostly not voice dubbed. When voice dubbing does happen here and there, a few words, a sentence… it’s jarring. Also, it seems like the sound crew was not adept dealing with sounds during outdoor scenes. When someone speaks, background noise is muted. When the person stops, background noise returns. The contrast is quite obvious.
I nod off frequently trying to watch it. I guess this is still something to be played in the background while I do other stuff.
36 thoughts on “Tribes and Empires: Storm of Prophecy Discussion Post Week 3: Episodes 25 – 36”
I doubt that is poor skills but intended. This style of shooting a drama is getting more popular in China for the bigger budgeted dramas. The combination of high quality set, costumes with detailed world construction which include language, social etiquette and culture construction plus high definition shooting with everyday sounds is what I meant by it being rustic but elegant. In a way, it’s very much Chinese with the thousand years of history and culture, richest and wealth, power and authority but rough around the edges. You won’t see this sort of style in dramas produced by other Asian countries. The Koreans love their aesthetics and their products be it drama or music, dance has a strong ‘male’ (‘yang’) element – fierce, passionate. They can make good impact but too much of it can cause stagnancy. The Japanese love creativity, brevity and simplicity in ambivalence in their pursuit of balance. They are almost always the first to come out with some weird and untried ideas and stories.They aim to avoid stagnancy. Sometimes it works, sometimes not. It all comes down to your personal preference.
36 thoughts on “Tribes and Empires: Storm of Prophecy Discussion Post Week 3: Episodes 25 – 36”
US, SK, Japanese, UK… productions are generally undubbed but have much smoother spoken words and environmental sound transitions and quality control.
36 thoughts on “Tribes and Empires: Storm of Prophecy Discussion Post Week 3: Episodes 25 – 36”
This drama looks like one with biggest budget of the year (just my own judgment, the look and feel of the quality is extremely high), I heard some good things about it and was sooooooo excited, well the excitement died down quickly after 15 minutes…gave it another chance of 20 minutes straight without skipping was just disappointed, it was getting nowhere…I skipped by minutes and started to skip by 2-3 parts ahead. This type of pace is my least favorite taste, this style totally reminds me of the Korean Gumiho Revenge (any other turtle pace Korean drama in ancient setting). But..at least Gumiho and her daughter were always running in the forest finding each other over and over again, there were more action. I feel like this one takes forever for people to walk, sit, talk, etc. The reason why I left Korean dramas is because of this style, ” I………………………….want to…..do this…..but………………….I………have to………..do something else?” More things did happen around 6 or 7, but I’m angry it’s about a nice and weak girl being the item of jealousy by a bunch of cruel and annoying girls, yup, totally Korean. The way they decorate rooms are very different, has more open space like Korean or Japanese too, I actually almost suspect duck tape on the floor when the girls were wearing pink, first time meeting Jiang QinQin in the hall, man…that scene took most of the entire episode. I started imagining as if it was myself being extremely bored at such an event for so long.
36 thoughts on “Tribes and Empires: Storm of Prophecy Discussion Post Week 3: Episodes 25 – 36”
Yes it is, but it became a 90% thing in recent years while back then there were so much more to the storyline than merely just that alone, nobody complained about it in the old days because it was almost not even a noticeable theme. Today, it’s eating 90% of the time in every serial drama. How would you guys rate this theme for this drama, I don’t really want to find time watching it if it is at a 70% and above.
36 thoughts on “Tribes and Empires: Storm of Prophecy Discussion Post Week 3: Episodes 25 – 36”
The girls bullying SYN takes up a few episodes out of the 36 I’ve watched so far. I skipped past those scenes since they don’t add much to the plot. Honestly, the female characters are cliche at times (there’s always the jealous woman trope), but still much more developed than in other recent dramas like ten miles of peach blossoms. I hope you take the time to watch tribes and empires! I just watched episode 36 and it was so hype you should try to get to that point at least. This style isn’t for everyone so there is a possibility you may not enjoy it.
With regard to the dialogue, I did not find it redundant so much as awkward at times. However, I feel like most of us are not fluent enough in Chinese for it to make a big difference, if that makes sense.
36 thoughts on “Tribes and Empires: Storm of Prophecy Discussion Post Week 3: Episodes 25 – 36”
Agree with some of the comments about the dialogue and editing. It doesn’t flow well at times and there is often a LOT of talking that does nothing for the characters or the storyline. Doesn’t feel like a conversation but more like characters having to talk because it’s their turn.
Exceptions would be the two short scenes between The Emperor’s Brother and his wife earlier on in the drama. Established the characters, their personalities and agendas.
The editing is strange because some scenes feel like they were cut abruptly and they just forgot about it. There’s a bit too many flashblacks, not any worse than a lot of dramas nowadays, just disappointing when there’s so much of the story to go through and they’ve wasted time on filler.
Good use of flashbacks: Different flashbacks interwoven in the scene where the Empress is walking back to her room after witnessing the downfall of the Nanku family.
Bad use: every other time in the drama – it’s always too long, too many and not spaced out well.
I’m only up to Ep 27. A few thoughts on the other characters besides the main 3:
The Emperor and Empress’s relationship is so toxic and pitiful.
Haven’t really warmed up to Princess Jing yet, will be good to see how she’ll mature and move away from supporting the Muyu family later on.
I kinda like Muyun De, he’s been amusing to watch so far. His quest for anarchy is not gonna end well.
36 thoughts on “Tribes and Empires: Storm of Prophecy Discussion Post Week 3: Episodes 25 – 36”
This drama could definately do without the flashback sequences. It is overused and quite frequently unnecessary. The editing is also a let down, they tried to do what Game of Thrones does with cutting between characters and places but the way they did it doesn’t advance to plot and is sometimes too abrupt.
I have no issue with the dialogue except that sometimes the monologues don’t really advance the plot or develop a character. The way the script was written is probably true to the time period where they use a lot of formal words etc. But still, in C-drama relative terms, the script is very well done.
The pace is slow but detailed which I don’t mind – especially because the rest of the production in terms of costumes, sets and props are also extremely detailed so it seems to match (and when you get bored of the characters and dialogue, you can just admire the pretty backdrops). But after watching the last few episodes which is just set in the palace, I really want to go back to SFHY’s storyline just to break up the monotony.
36 thoughts on “Tribes and Empires: Storm of Prophecy Discussion Post Week 3: Episodes 25 – 36”
The Eng sub for ep 14 has just been released today, and looking back at it again reminds me on how sweet and cute Hanjiang & Su Yuning in earlier eps. It’s esp. soothing for me after watched how their relationship has become so abusive & heartbreaking in these recent eps…
But the wedding ceremony and etiquette were very luxurious and grand, wow!
36 thoughts on “Tribes and Empires: Storm of Prophecy Discussion Post Week 3: Episodes 25 – 36”
I think using the word abusive to describe Hanjiang and Su Yuning relationship is wrong. Only separation and heartbreaking. They both love each other and they both know it but they can’t just be together because that would mean they’ve to sacrifice both of their family.
36 thoughts on “Tribes and Empires: Storm of Prophecy Discussion Post Week 3: Episodes 25 – 36”
Ah sorry for the misunderstanding. What I mean here for “abusive” wasn’t the kind of “violent abusive” like hitting or slapping, but a Chn Drama term mean “torment/mental torturing” for a pairing.
36 thoughts on “Tribes and Empires: Storm of Prophecy Discussion Post Week 3: Episodes 25 – 36”
My first post for the drama! Despite having waited for this forever, going back and forth with all rumors of airing date, I could only start it a bit late. Was in a 2 month professional training with gruelling schedule and tonnes of assignments. But the wait was worth it.
To say I’m hooked with the drama is an understatement. I’m OBSESSED. The cinematography, the attention to details, the creativity, the story and the actors!!! I’m watching up to date the raw episodes, and going back again to watch the earlier subbed episodes. And gosh, what a difference that makes. Understanding what characters say provide the context. For instance, [SPOILERS] apparently Muyun De can also see Pan Xi in the crystal bead, while Sorcerer Mo can’t and he figures the Muyuns have such ability. I’m wondering if this is something genetic/hereditary with the Muyuns, and this might explain their “entanglement” with the Mei clan. I suspect that Muyun Luan’s hatred towards Yin Rong is probably a disguised attraction laid deeeeep down (also, her powerful magic will certainly keep his Emperor brother’s strength). Now I feel like 75 episodes may not be enough, because there are millions of questions and I’d love to see them addressed.
Of course the show isn’t without flaws. Like others have mentioned, the flashbacks are quite irritating, and they are indeed not smooth enough. It often feels like a whole scene just being copied and pasted somewhere between some scenes. Some plot holes are pretty obvious, and a few CGIs are quite laughable and annoying, since everything else is beautiful. I don’t speak Mandarin, so I don’t see anything wrong with the dialogues (at least the subbed ones). I suppose that’s the perk of being an international audience, LOL. But I find the whole story very interesting — again, the English sub helps a lot in that aspect. Some conversation that I FF-ed during my first watch, I pay attention at the second watch.
The actors are fantastic. Out of the three leads, my current favorite is Shuofeng He Ye. This is my first time watching Zhou Yiwei, and I’ve since been frantically checking out his other works (have simultaneously started “Shaolin Wendao” because of him, LOL). However, unlike the majority, I’m somewhat not drawn to Han Jiang. I also think this character isn’t well developed yet, unlike He Ye and Muyun Sheng. But perhaps in the later episodes I will change my opinion.
The acting in the drama is perhaps best presented by the close ups (and they’re quite aplenty, including those supporting characters). You see the eyes and the movements of lips, even the nose. You see their veins popping up. I find myself fascinated by Muyun De’s expressions (Zhang Xiaochen is brilliant!). And don’t get me started with the Emperor and Muyun Luan, it’s such a satisfaction seeing them together. Out of the ladies, like others have mentioned before, Jiang Qinqin slays. The Empress is both ruthless and pitiful. And of course the kid actors are amazing, amazing.
Some trivia: it’s funny to see some actors from Oh My General in here, because these two can’t be more different! :)))
36 thoughts on “Tribes and Empires: Storm of Prophecy Discussion Post Week 3: Episodes 25 – 36”
I feel like an oddball if I admit that I really love the dialogues lol since the script gets so much fire. I think it all comes down to personal preference. I wished that each episode gets treated like certain American series where there is a central plot point and it actually moves forward in a definite way. Some even name each episode for the plot point. I heard about the background politics of what happened with the budget and stretching out the drama for more episodes, that was pretty bad move but otherwise the pacing doesn’t bother me otherwise. Slow pacing let’s me soak in the drama and figure out what’s happening and “feel” the drama better. I hate the constant flashbacks though, so time-consuming and redundant. Switching back and forth between character plotlines, even taking up a few episodes on end is also acceptable for me too since I am used to it from American series. It creates this weird yearning feeling and makes you wonder what the other characters are up to. There was a time where I’m just watch the MYS plotline and we visit the imprisoned Prince He He and my thoughts just randomly flew off of wonder if his fiance Nanku Yueli is going to make a comeback soon because I hadn’t seen her in a while. I really enjoy this especially for the minor characters because you start feeling more engrossed in characters that aren’t the main leads and want to see more of them too.
36 thoughts on “Tribes and Empires: Storm of Prophecy Discussion Post Week 3: Episodes 25 – 36”
Thank you for the obligatory Shawn gifs! Love him to bits in the drama, his interaction with Su Yu Ning is just so cute and hilarious. Has anyone noticed that whenever he needs to do a tough action scene he tends to pout his mouth a little and pull it up, so hot haha
I’ve seen some comments online with the Chinese drama fans that overall the drama is really good for a Chinese production, but apparently the conversation lines spoken by the characters are very poor? I’m still holding out from fully watching since I don’t have time, but I am spoiling myself with all the tidibts I can find online.
36 thoughts on “Tribes and Empires: Storm of Prophecy Discussion Post Week 3: Episodes 25 – 36”
What do they mean by poor?
I just find them speaking really slowly and going into too much details sometimes that I tend to feel sleepy. But otherwise the drama is good.
36 thoughts on “Tribes and Empires: Storm of Prophecy Discussion Post Week 3: Episodes 25 – 36”
There was alot of discussion online that the editing and the lines spoken by the characters are very book like. So it’s not treated as conversational but very straight forward and less suitable for a drama. Although there are many praises for CG, scenery and props the script is said to be lacking by many. I wasn’t sure if the English speaking audiences would see what the Chinese audiences are seeing as well.
I also heard there’s alot of flashbacks too haha Oh well guess it’s not a good drama to digest in one go.
36 thoughts on “Tribes and Empires: Storm of Prophecy Discussion Post Week 3: Episodes 25 – 36”
Oh yes I kinda get what you mean. It’s kind of true. But I think its because the characters themselves have to talk alot about their legends and folktales, and this kind of stuff is difficult to make it conversational because… it doesn’t exist.
Haha I just fast forward the flashbacks when they appear. Saves me about 10mins per episode.
36 thoughts on “Tribes and Empires: Storm of Prophecy Discussion Post Week 3: Episodes 25 – 36”
I have also been following some of the comments from the audiences from China and yes, they are complaining about the editing mostly and not much screen time for our 2 main leads. I think it is because there are just soooo many characters to talk about and it takes time to go through the story by providing each characters some depth. I believe most of the complains are for MYS and HJ’s storyline because there is so much going on (the king, queen, uncle, cousin, general, etc) and the focus are sort of divided from the main leads. While I do not see much complain on SFHY because he is the main focus on this storyline with happening and people revolving around him. But this is sort of expect from such a story with a huge cast.
As for the dialogues, I don’t even want to talk about that because trust me I have heard worst. Compare with other productions where I cringes or roll my eyes at the pointless conversation/scenes, T&E is like in another tier. Personally, I think the problem is that people have a very very high expectation to this drama and when they found something a bit lacking, they jump on it. For me, the only really thing I want to complain is the constant flashbacks, since I do have a pretty good memory, it is quite annoying to keep seeing flashbacks (I can’t recall how many time I have to see young SYN fell down the cliff) 🙁
36 thoughts on “Tribes and Empires: Storm of Prophecy Discussion Post Week 3: Episodes 25 – 36”
I was hoping that T&E would hail the end of superfluous flashback filler in costume dramas, but I was informed that they keep increasing in the later episodes. I have watched 16 episodes so far.
36 thoughts on “Tribes and Empires: Storm of Prophecy Discussion Post Week 3: Episodes 25 – 36”
I am shocked and appalled that no one is talking about how hot first prince is lol
I’m up to episode 30 and this drama really delivers. Some of the dialogue is awkward, but honestly when you compare it to the other dramas that have come out in the past ten or so years, it’s actually above average. I’m not sure why, but Chinese dramas took a huge dip in quality after 2010.
I am kind of sad that this drama isn’t as popular as it should be. I looked on douban and they seemed to say that while Tribes and Empires is getting tons of views, it’s still not enough due to the fact that it’s also airing online and had a gigantic budget 🙁 The rating on douban also keeps dropping. I don’t know why people would give it one star. Even if you hate the genre and the plot, shouldn’t the production value and acting from people like Jiang Qinqin warrant at least 3?
36 thoughts on “Tribes and Empires: Storm of Prophecy Discussion Post Week 3: Episodes 25 – 36”
Hahahaha…I am along with you on that. The first prince is hot…along with MYS’s cousin. The one who lure away his maid. lol I know he is evil and all but knowing his story…I kind of feel a bit sorry for him and hopefully, the maid can ‘soften’ him up.
36 thoughts on “Tribes and Empires: Storm of Prophecy Discussion Post Week 3: Episodes 25 – 36”
No love to MRHJ’s brother.
36 thoughts on “Tribes and Empires: Storm of Prophecy Discussion Post Week 3: Episodes 25 – 36”
You guys are all right those two are very attractive as well. The cousin looks even better in his plain clothes during his first scene than in all his opulent robes. I didn’t expect this going in, but I’m not complaining lool
36 thoughts on “Tribes and Empires: Storm of Prophecy Discussion Post Week 3: Episodes 25 – 36”
People aren’t used to the slow pace of the drama.
Huang Xuan and Shawn Dou are the main draw for the series but they barely appear, because their storylines are shared with so many supporting cast.
I think people are expecting Nirvana in Fire-level of awesomeness because of how hyped the drama is.
36 thoughts on “Tribes and Empires: Storm of Prophecy Discussion Post Week 3: Episodes 25 – 36”
Tbh Shuofeng Heye’s storyline is the most interesting right now with all the fantasy elements. Muyun Sheng and Hanjiang’s storylines are basically transformed into a typical palace drama with all the politics and scheming going on. Hopefully its gonna change with the upcoming grand wedding.
This drama is nowhere near Nirvana in Fire level in terms of script and editing. In NIF, the storyline moves whenever the characters have lengthy conversations. Here, people just take turns to talk without actually moving forward the storyline.
36 thoughts on “Tribes and Empires: Storm of Prophecy Discussion Post Week 3: Episodes 25 – 36”
about the wedding…They’ve dragged out the wedding scene so it’s like we’re experiencing it real time lolol. BUT, I love when Panxi appeared during that scene. It was filmed so beautifully. love Panxi kicking ass as well.
36 thoughts on “Tribes and Empires: Storm of Prophecy Discussion Post Week 3: Episodes 25 – 36”
The first prince is so hot! I thought he sort of looked like Won Bin. Maybe it’s just me. Lol.
36 thoughts on “Tribes and Empires: Storm of Prophecy Discussion Post Week 3: Episodes 25 – 36”
The last few eps have kind of been slow so nothing new to add…
Except that I don’t like the 2nd prince.
36 thoughts on “Tribes and Empires: Storm of Prophecy Discussion Post Week 3: Episodes 25 – 36”
Hi Julianne, wait until you watch ep 31 and 32. Those are my favorites so far!!!
36 thoughts on “Tribes and Empires: Storm of Prophecy Discussion Post Week 3: Episodes 25 – 36”
Totally agree, I love love the interaction between MYS and MRHJ. MRHJ is such a dork.
36 thoughts on “Tribes and Empires: Storm of Prophecy Discussion Post Week 3: Episodes 25 – 36”
Just seen them and totally agree. Finally it seems like that promised bromance starts to develop, and we’re probably going to see more of the main leads from now on. Both Dou Xiao and Huang Xuan are just super gorgeous. Waited so long for them to appear. I think we’ll get our reward now. Nice to see Han Jiang finally get rid of the chains and the rugs he’s been wearing throughout.
36 thoughts on “Tribes and Empires: Storm of Prophecy Discussion Post Week 3: Episodes 25 – 36”
Heh almost…on ep 28 now cuz sometime last week my addiction trailed off for a bit. The lull between 18 and the late 20s is quite…not that great. I’m not gonna try to go into too much detail cuz I’m liking it and I only rant and nitpick if I hate it so I don’t really wanna overanalyze T&E’s faults right now. Can’t pinpoint but the feeling for T&E for me is inconsistent. Overall it’s great. But the highs can be absolutely outstanding and the mehs just feel not really noteworthy.
And can I just say I’m not really liking Sun Jian and his second prince? Actually, after Su YuNing’s spiel at HanJiang in like ep 27(?) I’m not too much of a fan of her as a character either. So maybe they deserve each other. I know she actually loves Hanjiang and stuff but something about her just really rubs me the wrong way. And right now all my love for her can be attributed to XuLu’s awesomeness and her fantastic chemistry with Shawn. But otherwise as a character she’s the most forgettable of all the girls. Even as despicable Helan Tieduo was, even she had more personality and to me was more sympathetic and admirable than SYN right now…
And I’m also not understanding Princess Jing’s appeal. I don’t see why Heye likes her… So he can lust after a “Muyun” girl who was his owner, but can’t see how abandoned and despised MuruHanjiang, a friend who helped him survive in the pit, is innocent of the surname “Muru”? I don’t understand this logic.
36 thoughts on “Tribes and Empires: Storm of Prophecy Discussion Post Week 3: Episodes 25 – 36”
I don’t really like Muru Hanjiang and SYN’s relationship either. Individually, they are fine, but they seem to be willing to sacrifice the lives of other people for their relationship, which I’m not into. Of course I don’t think people should be forced into a marriage, but I don’t think my happiness is more important than someone else’s life.
36 thoughts on “Tribes and Empires: Storm of Prophecy Discussion Post Week 3: Episodes 25 – 36”
I think the “problem” with the dialogue comes down to the style of directing the drama. I actually quite like it this way. It’s more authentic and realistic. Many times, you could even hear the sounds of the rooster, crickets, swaying leaves and forest which made the drama feels like a scene out of real life. Rustic but elegant. There is much detailed in each scene and dialogue but there is also simplicity. It reminds me a lot of Three Kingdoms though Three Kingdoms do not have much flashbacks. At this stage, I can still sit through the flashbacks in this drama but anything more and it will get annoying! I suppose the director wanted to use the flashbacks to give the viewers a summary of what happened in previous episodes as there are some of us who are “fast-forward” happy (especially for a drama this size!). It also gives the drama a more ‘episodic’ feel as opposed to a one whole continuous drama. Maybe that’s meant to help with the story-telling since the drama consists of the story of 3 men and how it all link into one big story. Anyway, I am praying hard they don’t increase on the flashbacks towards the end to make up for time coz that would significantly reduce the drama’s rating for me!
36 thoughts on “Tribes and Empires: Storm of Prophecy Discussion Post Week 3: Episodes 25 – 36”
The drama is mostly not voice dubbed. When voice dubbing does happen here and there, a few words, a sentence… it’s jarring. Also, it seems like the sound crew was not adept dealing with sounds during outdoor scenes. When someone speaks, background noise is muted. When the person stops, background noise returns. The contrast is quite obvious.
I nod off frequently trying to watch it. I guess this is still something to be played in the background while I do other stuff.
36 thoughts on “Tribes and Empires: Storm of Prophecy Discussion Post Week 3: Episodes 25 – 36”
I doubt that is poor skills but intended. This style of shooting a drama is getting more popular in China for the bigger budgeted dramas. The combination of high quality set, costumes with detailed world construction which include language, social etiquette and culture construction plus high definition shooting with everyday sounds is what I meant by it being rustic but elegant. In a way, it’s very much Chinese with the thousand years of history and culture, richest and wealth, power and authority but rough around the edges. You won’t see this sort of style in dramas produced by other Asian countries. The Koreans love their aesthetics and their products be it drama or music, dance has a strong ‘male’ (‘yang’) element – fierce, passionate. They can make good impact but too much of it can cause stagnancy. The Japanese love creativity, brevity and simplicity in ambivalence in their pursuit of balance. They are almost always the first to come out with some weird and untried ideas and stories.They aim to avoid stagnancy. Sometimes it works, sometimes not. It all comes down to your personal preference.
36 thoughts on “Tribes and Empires: Storm of Prophecy Discussion Post Week 3: Episodes 25 – 36”
US, SK, Japanese, UK… productions are generally undubbed but have much smoother spoken words and environmental sound transitions and quality control.
36 thoughts on “Tribes and Empires: Storm of Prophecy Discussion Post Week 3: Episodes 25 – 36”
This drama looks like one with biggest budget of the year (just my own judgment, the look and feel of the quality is extremely high), I heard some good things about it and was sooooooo excited, well the excitement died down quickly after 15 minutes…gave it another chance of 20 minutes straight without skipping was just disappointed, it was getting nowhere…I skipped by minutes and started to skip by 2-3 parts ahead. This type of pace is my least favorite taste, this style totally reminds me of the Korean Gumiho Revenge (any other turtle pace Korean drama in ancient setting). But..at least Gumiho and her daughter were always running in the forest finding each other over and over again, there were more action. I feel like this one takes forever for people to walk, sit, talk, etc. The reason why I left Korean dramas is because of this style, ” I………………………….want to…..do this…..but………………….I………have to………..do something else?” More things did happen around 6 or 7, but I’m angry it’s about a nice and weak girl being the item of jealousy by a bunch of cruel and annoying girls, yup, totally Korean. The way they decorate rooms are very different, has more open space like Korean or Japanese too, I actually almost suspect duck tape on the floor when the girls were wearing pink, first time meeting Jiang QinQin in the hall, man…that scene took most of the entire episode. I started imagining as if it was myself being extremely bored at such an event for so long.
36 thoughts on “Tribes and Empires: Storm of Prophecy Discussion Post Week 3: Episodes 25 – 36”
nice and weak girl being the item of jealousy is also very chinese, another shared cultural fact.
the open space decor was typical of early dynasties.
36 thoughts on “Tribes and Empires: Storm of Prophecy Discussion Post Week 3: Episodes 25 – 36”
Yes it is, but it became a 90% thing in recent years while back then there were so much more to the storyline than merely just that alone, nobody complained about it in the old days because it was almost not even a noticeable theme. Today, it’s eating 90% of the time in every serial drama. How would you guys rate this theme for this drama, I don’t really want to find time watching it if it is at a 70% and above.
36 thoughts on “Tribes and Empires: Storm of Prophecy Discussion Post Week 3: Episodes 25 – 36”
The girls bullying SYN takes up a few episodes out of the 36 I’ve watched so far. I skipped past those scenes since they don’t add much to the plot. Honestly, the female characters are cliche at times (there’s always the jealous woman trope), but still much more developed than in other recent dramas like ten miles of peach blossoms. I hope you take the time to watch tribes and empires! I just watched episode 36 and it was so hype you should try to get to that point at least. This style isn’t for everyone so there is a possibility you may not enjoy it.
With regard to the dialogue, I did not find it redundant so much as awkward at times. However, I feel like most of us are not fluent enough in Chinese for it to make a big difference, if that makes sense.
36 thoughts on “Tribes and Empires: Storm of Prophecy Discussion Post Week 3: Episodes 25 – 36”
Agree with some of the comments about the dialogue and editing. It doesn’t flow well at times and there is often a LOT of talking that does nothing for the characters or the storyline. Doesn’t feel like a conversation but more like characters having to talk because it’s their turn.
Exceptions would be the two short scenes between The Emperor’s Brother and his wife earlier on in the drama. Established the characters, their personalities and agendas.
The editing is strange because some scenes feel like they were cut abruptly and they just forgot about it. There’s a bit too many flashblacks, not any worse than a lot of dramas nowadays, just disappointing when there’s so much of the story to go through and they’ve wasted time on filler.
Good use of flashbacks: Different flashbacks interwoven in the scene where the Empress is walking back to her room after witnessing the downfall of the Nanku family.
Bad use: every other time in the drama – it’s always too long, too many and not spaced out well.
I’m only up to Ep 27. A few thoughts on the other characters besides the main 3:
The Emperor and Empress’s relationship is so toxic and pitiful.
Haven’t really warmed up to Princess Jing yet, will be good to see how she’ll mature and move away from supporting the Muyu family later on.
I kinda like Muyun De, he’s been amusing to watch so far. His quest for anarchy is not gonna end well.
36 thoughts on “Tribes and Empires: Storm of Prophecy Discussion Post Week 3: Episodes 25 – 36”
This drama could definately do without the flashback sequences. It is overused and quite frequently unnecessary. The editing is also a let down, they tried to do what Game of Thrones does with cutting between characters and places but the way they did it doesn’t advance to plot and is sometimes too abrupt.
I have no issue with the dialogue except that sometimes the monologues don’t really advance the plot or develop a character. The way the script was written is probably true to the time period where they use a lot of formal words etc. But still, in C-drama relative terms, the script is very well done.
The pace is slow but detailed which I don’t mind – especially because the rest of the production in terms of costumes, sets and props are also extremely detailed so it seems to match (and when you get bored of the characters and dialogue, you can just admire the pretty backdrops). But after watching the last few episodes which is just set in the palace, I really want to go back to SFHY’s storyline just to break up the monotony.
Still, I’m thoroughly enjoying this drama.
Does anyone know the current total view count?
36 thoughts on “Tribes and Empires: Storm of Prophecy Discussion Post Week 3: Episodes 25 – 36”
The drama’s official weibo posted on 8:32 AM, Dec 6 Chinese time, view count is over 3 billion.
36 thoughts on “Tribes and Empires: Storm of Prophecy Discussion Post Week 3: Episodes 25 – 36”
The Eng sub for ep 14 has just been released today, and looking back at it again reminds me on how sweet and cute Hanjiang & Su Yuning in earlier eps. It’s esp. soothing for me after watched how their relationship has become so abusive & heartbreaking in these recent eps…
But the wedding ceremony and etiquette were very luxurious and grand, wow!
36 thoughts on “Tribes and Empires: Storm of Prophecy Discussion Post Week 3: Episodes 25 – 36”
I think using the word abusive to describe Hanjiang and Su Yuning relationship is wrong. Only separation and heartbreaking. They both love each other and they both know it but they can’t just be together because that would mean they’ve to sacrifice both of their family.
36 thoughts on “Tribes and Empires: Storm of Prophecy Discussion Post Week 3: Episodes 25 – 36”
Ah sorry for the misunderstanding. What I mean here for “abusive” wasn’t the kind of “violent abusive” like hitting or slapping, but a Chn Drama term mean “torment/mental torturing” for a pairing.
36 thoughts on “Tribes and Empires: Storm of Prophecy Discussion Post Week 3: Episodes 25 – 36”
My first post for the drama! Despite having waited for this forever, going back and forth with all rumors of airing date, I could only start it a bit late. Was in a 2 month professional training with gruelling schedule and tonnes of assignments. But the wait was worth it.
To say I’m hooked with the drama is an understatement. I’m OBSESSED. The cinematography, the attention to details, the creativity, the story and the actors!!! I’m watching up to date the raw episodes, and going back again to watch the earlier subbed episodes. And gosh, what a difference that makes. Understanding what characters say provide the context. For instance, [SPOILERS] apparently Muyun De can also see Pan Xi in the crystal bead, while Sorcerer Mo can’t and he figures the Muyuns have such ability. I’m wondering if this is something genetic/hereditary with the Muyuns, and this might explain their “entanglement” with the Mei clan. I suspect that Muyun Luan’s hatred towards Yin Rong is probably a disguised attraction laid deeeeep down (also, her powerful magic will certainly keep his Emperor brother’s strength). Now I feel like 75 episodes may not be enough, because there are millions of questions and I’d love to see them addressed.
Of course the show isn’t without flaws. Like others have mentioned, the flashbacks are quite irritating, and they are indeed not smooth enough. It often feels like a whole scene just being copied and pasted somewhere between some scenes. Some plot holes are pretty obvious, and a few CGIs are quite laughable and annoying, since everything else is beautiful. I don’t speak Mandarin, so I don’t see anything wrong with the dialogues (at least the subbed ones). I suppose that’s the perk of being an international audience, LOL. But I find the whole story very interesting — again, the English sub helps a lot in that aspect. Some conversation that I FF-ed during my first watch, I pay attention at the second watch.
The actors are fantastic. Out of the three leads, my current favorite is Shuofeng He Ye. This is my first time watching Zhou Yiwei, and I’ve since been frantically checking out his other works (have simultaneously started “Shaolin Wendao” because of him, LOL). However, unlike the majority, I’m somewhat not drawn to Han Jiang. I also think this character isn’t well developed yet, unlike He Ye and Muyun Sheng. But perhaps in the later episodes I will change my opinion.
The acting in the drama is perhaps best presented by the close ups (and they’re quite aplenty, including those supporting characters). You see the eyes and the movements of lips, even the nose. You see their veins popping up. I find myself fascinated by Muyun De’s expressions (Zhang Xiaochen is brilliant!). And don’t get me started with the Emperor and Muyun Luan, it’s such a satisfaction seeing them together. Out of the ladies, like others have mentioned before, Jiang Qinqin slays. The Empress is both ruthless and pitiful. And of course the kid actors are amazing, amazing.
Some trivia: it’s funny to see some actors from Oh My General in here, because these two can’t be more different! :)))
36 thoughts on “Tribes and Empires: Storm of Prophecy Discussion Post Week 3: Episodes 25 – 36”
I feel like an oddball if I admit that I really love the dialogues lol since the script gets so much fire. I think it all comes down to personal preference. I wished that each episode gets treated like certain American series where there is a central plot point and it actually moves forward in a definite way. Some even name each episode for the plot point. I heard about the background politics of what happened with the budget and stretching out the drama for more episodes, that was pretty bad move but otherwise the pacing doesn’t bother me otherwise. Slow pacing let’s me soak in the drama and figure out what’s happening and “feel” the drama better. I hate the constant flashbacks though, so time-consuming and redundant. Switching back and forth between character plotlines, even taking up a few episodes on end is also acceptable for me too since I am used to it from American series. It creates this weird yearning feeling and makes you wonder what the other characters are up to. There was a time where I’m just watch the MYS plotline and we visit the imprisoned Prince He He and my thoughts just randomly flew off of wonder if his fiance Nanku Yueli is going to make a comeback soon because I hadn’t seen her in a while. I really enjoy this especially for the minor characters because you start feeling more engrossed in characters that aren’t the main leads and want to see more of them too.