Yay for Wuxia fans! The Legend of Heroes (金庸武侠世界) is a 5-part drama series focusing on the Five Greats (my assumption) of the Condor trilogy from Jin Yong’s novels with a total of 60 episodes and directed by 5 directors.
Airing 6/17~
Yay for Wuxia fans! The Legend of Heroes (金庸武侠世界) is a 5-part drama series focusing on the Five Greats (my assumption) of the Condor trilogy from Jin Yong’s novels with a total of 60 episodes and directed by 5 directors.
Airing 6/17~
The Legend of Heroes (金庸武侠世界) is a 5-part drama series focusing on the Five Greats (methinks) of the Condor triolgy from Jin Yong’s novels with a total of 60 episodes and directed by 5 directors. It was called New Jin Yong Wuxia Universe for a while until the new trailer dropped last night with a new name.
Happy Lunar New Year! 🧧🧧🧧
Judge Dee’s Mystery (大唐狄公案) is adapted from Robert Van Gulik (Chinese name Gao Luo Pei)’s novels. He had translated the original story by an unknown author and later borrowed the name Judge Dee as a hero in his later works. It follows the legends and experiences of magistrate Dee Ren Jie who solved criminal cases and protected people from harms. From the trailers, there will be a total of 9 cases with a total of 32 episodes.
Airing 2/6~
Such a star-studded cast. 😍 😍 😍
Emperor’s Conquest/Monarch Industry (上阳赋) is adapted from the novel written by Mei Yu Zhe and stars Zhang Zi Yi in her television debut! I know it’s a shocker that she never did a drama in her whole career until three years ago when this was filmed. The production remains so quiet and secretive until now. Then Boom. Airing. Lol. The story follows two intelligent people bound together by a political marriage that slowly morphs into an epic relationship of love, loyalty, and trust in their conquest of the world. Female cast is not to be joked around either – Kara Hui, Angie Chiu!
You can read the translated novel here (still in progress).
Airing 1/9 on youku!
Sorry for the lack of updates guys! Hope everyone had a great thanksgiving or week wherever you are. Below are 6 more dramas to add to your list of November premieres. This is not even the end yet… Lol.
I did not expect that in my lifetime there would be a global pandemic happening. It is – still is, very tough. Working in a major hospital, I was very fortunate to have a job through Covid but there were definitely some selfish moments where I just wanted to stay home and stay away from the hospital, where protocols and procedures keep changing every single day as we learned more things about the virus. Colleagues falling sick and hospital dispatching some of us to different areas, sometimes unrelated to our job; some smaller hospitals were sending my co-workers to work at the morgue. >.<”
I don’t know what to expect from these dramas but maybe all we need is a little thing called hope to keep us moving forward. Having this blog and some of you guys to chat with has always been the anchor of my sanity. So thank-you for that! Stay healthy, stay informed, stay connected, and stay calm! We are in this together.
Guess who’s home and have time to watch dramas! Kappy! Why? She got her four wisdom teeth extracted. Bloody hell, let me tell you. I’ve been high on pain drugs for the past 3 days. I think it makes me nice and tolerant of everything. Lol.