Falling behind slowly as we speak… I really like how these stills came out but the question remains how they are gonna look in motion.
Drama adaptation of Guo Jing Ming’s novel Ice Fantasy finally reveals Victoria Song‘s stills. In the novel, the older brother (William) loves two women and both are killed by someone… Lol. No spoilers. Of course, they are gonna change that.
I like her warrior look much better.
The brothers frolicking in the snow. William Feng and Ma Tian Yu.
Alina Zhang. Only Princess from the Fire Tribe. A little something something going on with our bad boy little bro!
Francis Huang De Yi.
Maggie Chen Xin Yu.
Eric Liu Dong Qin (Precious Youth).
Hu Bing. King of Fire Tribe. Lol, the brothers are gonna look frail and tiny next to his frame.
Gong Bei Bi. I’m in love with how she looks. And the intricate lace design on her chest! Beautiful!
Shao Bing. Water Tribe King.
Now moving on to Guo Jing Ming’s other production (a movie) for which he is the director, L.O.R.D: Legend of Ravaging Dynasties about the battles between four kingdoms to gain ultimate domination. We didn’t receive the first batch very kindly but here is the first “concept” art look after they went through the molding. I swear with all the feathers going on, they could pass for the demon bird tribe.
Yang Mi.
Our Yan Kuan looking buff!
Kris Wu could use a little bit more meat.
Roy Wang.
Tony Wang Duo.
Lin Yun. She still looks cute!
Aarif Rahman.
Love how Amber Kuo looks.
They give William Chan lots of muscles! XD
Cheney Chen.
Fan Bing Bing.
And I just had to upload this video of the supporting cast in Ice Fantasy being geeky and nostalgic. The moment I heard the song, I almost burst into tears. My childhood. I love these kids already. 😉 Adorable!
Source: 01
8 thoughts on “Second batch of stills for Guo Jing Ming’s Ice Fantasy and LORD”
that lip-sync clip is sooooooo cute indeed! adorable cast!!!
LORD looks good for now but i agreed that in pictures and in motion, things are not gonna look as pretty.
8 thoughts on “Second batch of stills for Guo Jing Ming’s Ice Fantasy and LORD”
I REALLY like the stills for LORD, but I don’t really understand. Is it animated? Maybe it’s just the concept art, but in the stills, they don’t really look like real…like they don’t look like this film will be live-action (I know they’re not supposed to look human, but they look like drawings). If this is just the concept art though, I hope the costumes and “molding” translates over into something really believable and realistic (like, still fantastical, but like these species could possibly really be alive somewhere else). Obviously we know it’ll be beautiful from the pics 😀
Also for Ice Fantasy…it looks great, but still really..video-game ish. Lol. The costumes and styling are amazing though. And Ma Tian Yu looks really really pretty in the snow! Like Feng Shao Feng looks really warrior-like and all, but Ma Tian Yu is seriously beautiful…and he looks perpetually sad. I hope he has a somewhat happy ending at least.
8 thoughts on “Second batch of stills for Guo Jing Ming’s Ice Fantasy and LORD”
I’m confused too, I’m sure it’s not animated…. it’s a 3D film with them. These are how they wanted the cast to look, but undoubtedly it’s impossible since they are human after all. Lol.
Already in love with Ma Tian Yu, his character is so twisted when I read the novel. Then my friend spoiled the ending so I hope he gets a happy ending in the drama version. A great character for actors to play!
8 thoughts on “Second batch of stills for Guo Jing Ming’s Ice Fantasy and LORD”
Really really looking forward to L.O.R.D! Looks very promising with that amount of depth given to its concept art. Though why does L.O.R.D look like it just walked out of LOTR instead of ice fantasy?? Haha unless of course that art director is working on both sets. Did I mention the head pieces look hella stunning? (in awe face)
8 thoughts on “Second batch of stills for Guo Jing Ming’s Ice Fantasy and LORD”
Fan Bing Bing looks breathtaking in the L.O.R.D concept. <3
8 thoughts on “Second batch of stills for Guo Jing Ming’s Ice Fantasy and LORD”
My queen Biktoria
8 thoughts on “Second batch of stills for Guo Jing Ming’s Ice Fantasy and LORD”
As confirmed by producer of Ice Fantasy, scriptwriter, etc…. the drama will be different. Yes, the story of two brothers is still intact, but another focus will be romance between Kasuo and LiLuo. As for Victoria, she will be playing two roles: LiLuo and then a mermaid. LiLuo dies and then gets reincarnated into a mermaid princess. As more news gets revealed regarding Ice Fantasy drama, I see that the anticipation is huge. Already set for Hunan TV broadcast with highest sponsor fee per episode, and first ever c-drama to have its online broadcasting right bought collaboratively by 5 major online platforms…. this drama is surely getting a lot of attention. I am just hoping it will be amazing when it actually airs.
8 thoughts on “Second batch of stills for Guo Jing Ming’s Ice Fantasy and LORD”
*screams in delight* Ever since the last set of stills, Ice Fantasy has been on my list of highly anticipated dramas to watch. This set makes me yearn all the more to see this drama. The actress playing the Ice Queen would make a lovely Disney princess. 🙂 Is the Fire Princess confirmed to be an elf? There are mermaids and unicorns in this world, so why not an elf? 😀
While not everything on-screen may look as beautiful as the pictures here, I’m hoping things don’t look too fake with terrible CGI and bad voice-overs.
Thank you for the latest updates and please keep us posted! (^_^)