Beautiful cast of “The Four 2013” promotes on Happy Camp

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It’s Monday again (go ahead, you can cry)! What better way to start off this grueling week other than watching a batch of young talents play games? Yep! The batch of kitties were on Happy Camp yesterday and the chemistry was off the charts. I’m looking forward to the drama more than ever now. I swear Gui Gui can spark cuteness with even a mannequin on her own (so cute with the guys!). She has such a sweet and bright smile, as I’ve mentioned the first time I saw her in Summer Fever. Quite infectious if you ask me. Janine is more reserved but has her funny moments, especially when the guys went ??, er, where do we put our hands?

If someone is nice enough to translate some parts, I’ll be grateful. DL links are available upon request! 🙂

Images from various Weibos (as tagged)…Nope, I’m not a stalker! I’m a licensed professional!

The whole episode is place at the end.

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Janine strutting out with her team members, Zhang Han and Mao Zi Jun.

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Gui Gui and her boys, Yang Yang and William Chan.

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Whispering mischief to Yang Yang.

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Acting out a CF for the magically-repaired-itself heart with her partner in the drama, Mao Zi Jun.

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They’re gonna be sooo cute!

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And the girls together on set. Aw. So adorable!

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Alternate streaming link.

  1. 5 thoughts on “Beautiful cast of “The Four 2013” promotes on Happy Camp

    AAHHHHHH Cuteness overload. If I decide to watch this, it would probably only be because of Gui Gui and Zhang Han.

  2. 5 thoughts on “Beautiful cast of “The Four 2013” promotes on Happy Camp

    GG AND MJZ are sooo cute!!! yang yang’s fashion made me cringe! that kid! Thanks for sharing!! this show is popular in china but no english subs!!! WHY!

    zhang han is very TALL and skinny! he needs some meat. william chan looks fair enough. 😀

  3. 5 thoughts on “Beautiful cast of “The Four 2013” promotes on Happy Camp

    Maybe its me….but I like the way the boys pronounce Guigui name….its full of adoration and gentleness.

    She’s so small next to Janine. LOL@the butt part. She’s trying to be funny!

  4. 5 thoughts on “Beautiful cast of “The Four 2013” promotes on Happy Camp

    Yang Yang and Gui Gui look inseparable, like whether they’re twins or soul mates so it seems. Those two look good together. This is perfect timing since WGM Global edition is over, is it not?

    So the theme to this week’s Happy Camp episode is all about VACATIONING. Hosts spending down time together, sunbathing, swimming, sleeping, eating, touring, and getting to know each other’s pet peeves. So the male host in shorts (opposite end) and Nana (the female host in all blue) gets to divide the 6 guests in teams and start a game. Ladies first, Nana picks the younger trio close to her end, whom are Gui Gui – Yang Yang – and William, as so does the guy host who wants this group. Who’s picking the other three? Zhang Han is first to defend his trio, just like a chief of a group (Su Zhang) as he is. He continues explaining, “y’all wanna get exhausted on your vacation then pick them. I think we’re the better folks to hang out with on vacation and less tiring too. We have a nurse (that’s Janine) who’ll care for you, a Tab King (that’s Zhang Han paying and planning for everything) who’ll relieve your stress, and Zi-jun who is the most easy going person on vacation (don’t quote me on that, I didn’t quite pick up all what Zi-jun said) so you’ll have fun. The other three are too much!” So the male host ends up with Zhang Han’s trio, Imma call ’em that ’cause ZH oozes leadership qualities. So they play a few games and the rest is history. If you wanna know why the hosts prefer the younger three guests then read more below. Not Prof He and Hai-tao ( the chubby comedian) though, as they prefer Zhang Han’s group.


    As each host pick teammates based on personal attributes like how useful are they while on vacation. Each guest briefly explains what they’re like on trips. William says he’s the protective type on trips since he’s skilled in boxing and is totally fit from being a fitness freak, it’s natural for him to keep everyone safe – he’s got safety covered. Aww~~~ No wonder why ah Sa likes him. Yang Yang says he’s a portable table when needed, LOL, so the poor guy displays his skills, stretches beforehand, and does a backflip stance to share his flat abs like a reliable tabletop. Others find it amazing and put all their microphones on top of his torso. LMAO~ I have a feeling this guy hasn’t vacationed much during his youth. Gui Gui, on the other hand, says she likes to plan an extensive touring agenda while on vacation from morning till night. She can squeeze ten activities on a daily itinerary. 0 , o”” She’s quite shameless counting “going to the bathroom (after breakfast)” as an activity. LOL! That’s too much for moi. I can do three to six tops not ten. =P Moving on, Janine says she’s like the nurse on vacation duty. Professor He jokes, “then you’re like a portable medicine cabinet.” She agrees, she worries if someone gets sick on a trip so she’ll prepare an emergency pack with all sorts of medicines on the go. Plus, she has sensitive skin or a few allergies thus she’s always prepared. Prof He is like Janine in that sense. Hmm, I can tell by the looks of them they are the weakest link on vacation. Janine’s caring and sweet, yet on the other hand her type is not kosher w/ me. I don’t like worry warts on my vacation one bit. Spoils all the spontaneity which is WHAT’S FUN ALL ABOUT, am I right? A few pills here and there is okay, but a full medicine cabinet of drugs scream “legal drug dealer.” LOL! That’s a term of endearment I call my PharmD friends. Janine has some quirkiness which attracts me at first but not for long, I get bored of her fast. Then, Zhang Han says he’s like the chief in a group (Su Zhang), who does all the wake-up calls, execute plans to go accordingly, and usually end up paying for the group. Last part about Zi-jun gets cut off by Prof He and he gets dissed the most. Zi-jun says “a vacation isn’t a vacation unless I have at least seven days off. I make sure my friends get with the program and don’t flake out.” He’s pretty easy going and goes with the flow for agenda’s sake while on vacation. I like people like that, I’m game with whatever goes on for fun but I don’t like the group I’m with if someone gets flaky or throws a royal tantrum. By then, I’d rather go off on my own and make my own agenda, just like Nana or Prof He. Haha~

    Oooo, I like the guests’ intro, Yang Yang has good flexibility and has uninhibited charisma while dancing, ’cause he exudes effortless fun better than William Chan. Even though Bill won some kind of dance contest in the past I find him a bit reserved in his intro and his moves are too technical. Not much of a natural talent like Yang Yang. Janine is so awkward looking twirling the umbrella, and what the heck is she wearing!?! Is she covering up a baby bump? LOL! Hope not, Peter Ho… you’re mine! (day dreaming) Uhm, I don’t mind Yang Yang’s dress code; it’s youthful and suits him. I think those trim leggings are in fashion ATM. I have a few but solid trim silhouettes not funky style like how he’s screaming for attention ’cause a simpler look is more timeless IMO. Only celebs can afford seasonal waredrobe. Hee~ I like Mao Zi-jun’s style the most for the guys and none for the gals. Poor MZJ, he gets treated the worst out the bunch in this show. He gets dissed and cut off a lot. Whereas when Bill gets picked on about his relationship w/ ah Sa (of Twins) that amuses me. First time for me hearing about this Hong Kong couple. Bill looks cute being bashful about his personal life.

    Their games on this show looks boring. I’m not a regular viewer. The hosts try really hard to make those more amusing than they really are. I like Korean (DT- or RM-esque) and Hong Kong (hosted by Eric Tsang only) variety shows much more.

    • 5 thoughts on “Beautiful cast of “The Four 2013” promotes on Happy Camp

      WGM Global is over?! Now my friend can stop spazzing with me. I only caught a few scenes here and there for the show. And I agree with people that Taec-Gui Gui is only fun to watch. She has good things to say but those words just can’t be translated due to the language barrier.

      I don’t follow this show either, I only checked the guest list to see if my favorites are on. 😛 Thanks for the long translation!! ^^

      I didn’t watch this episode thoroughly, only skipped to here and there to see some action. Mao Zi Jun is rather awkward and new but I like him. He gets cut? GAH!

      Bill is dating Ah Sa. That’s news to me too.

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