Raymond Lam and Tang Yi Xin’s Rule The World to air in two weeks

Adapted from Li Xin’s novel, Unmatched In This World (独步天下), Hong Kong actor, Raymond Lam, is portraying Qing Emperor, Hong Tai Ji in palace drama, Rule the World. Playing his main lady love is Tina Tang Yi Xin (The Legend of Chusen) and Zhang Rui plays Daišan, an older half-brother of Nurhaci’s successor, Hong Taiji. A lot of princes in here too ~

I did not read the novel so spoilers? 😀

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Themevideos for Beauty at the Crossfires w/ Shu Chang & Sammul Chan

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The second installment of the Beauty series, Beauty at the Crossfires, is set to air in two weeks, on the 14th of this month. Really? Everything is just gonna air during my Christmas vacation ain’t it? Alrighty, let the sleepless nights begin (if…subtitle is available…) Anyways, only Sammul Chan remains from the prequel. How I missed this scholarly lad! He’s been in many Chinese dramas after bidding goodbye to native home in TVB and I don’t remember the last I saw of him (possibly The White Flame with Charmaine Sheh.) Taking the female lead role is the young but talented Shu Chang, who I found adorable in The Lotus Lantern.

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