Lady and the Liar releases dreamy and dazzling official stills

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Last time, I featured the ladies for the cover. Now it’s the hunky guys!

If someone asks me who’s the luckiest man in China right now, I would say it’s undoubtedly Hawick Lau. The man seems to be on the groom wagon for three ladies around the same time. Kissing Zhao Li Ying in A Wife’s Secret, wiping his real wife’s tears recently, and wooing Tang Yan, Yang Mi’s best friend and the only maid of honor for their wedding, in Lady and the Liar. heh. πŸ˜›

In the drama, Yang Rong plays the scheming second lead, while Tang Yan is the missing wealthy daughter who has conveniently lost her memory after a murderous setup by Yang Rong’s character. Tony Yang portrays a blind lover of Tang Yan, and he’s determined to search for her existence in the sea of people. Once he finds her, he must compete against Hawick Lau‘s mobster background to steal back his love. Along the way, he regains his eyesight. (Hey, if you can’t get the girl, it’s only fair to get your vision back.)

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Yes, we know. You are the groom for many drama ladies. Stop smiling. πŸ˜€

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Is that an ostrich nesting in Hawick’s lap?

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Tony Yang. Hopefully, him dancing and driving are events AFTER his eyesight is cleared for safety precautions. πŸ˜›

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How’s the ending to the Pursuit of Happiness peeps? I hear two sides, some really like it…some didn’t like the overall message.

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Uh oh. Looks like our triad boss isn’t very happy in the front seat. Our lover boy’s face is quite beat up.

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My favorite picture. Very whimsical and fantasy-like. It’d be quite romantic if she’s leading the steps because he can’t see.

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Yang Rong is gorgeous. In terms of characters, I think she has a meaty role, way more intriguing and colorful than the character description of our heroine. And after finishing the Female Prime Minister, she’s well-casted as the villain!

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Source: Sina

  1. 3 thoughts on “Lady and the Liar releases dreamy and dazzling official stills

    Am I the only one tired of seeing Hawick Lau in dramas? Seem like he’s in every Cdrama out there. He needs a break! Let the younger stars take over! Leave on your honey moon dude!

    I agreed, I think Yang Rong will blow Tang Yan out of the water with her villianous character. She does those glaring very well!

    I think the thing with POH that irks fans is the message in the end about happiness only existing because LL has a man. Why cant us women be happy and content without a partner? Must everyone be married to find happiness?

    • 3 thoughts on “Lady and the Liar releases dreamy and dazzling official stills

      Forgot to say that Tony Yang looks dashing in the white tux. <3 <3 <3 I'm already rooting for him, plus those shirtless pictures you posted in the previous post has me hyperventilating already. LOL

      • 3 thoughts on “Lady and the Liar releases dreamy and dazzling official stills

        Well, well, well. He’s going to be a father soon, so one can’t blame him for stashing money for baby formulas now, can we? πŸ˜›

        Oh, that is the message for POH? Then, I’m disappointed.

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