English Title: Wang Lan Ling
Chinese Title: 兰陵王
Cast: Feng Shao Feng, Ariel Lin, Daniel Chan, George Hu
# of Episodes: 46
Airing Days: All week! Dun dun dun….
Broadcasting Station: JSTV
Synopsis: A prophecy foretold that victory goes to the one who has the priestess’ blessing. Yang Xue Wu, the last priestess of her clan, unwittingly embroiled in a war between Northern Qi and Northern Zhou. Although she foresees the tragic fate of Lan Ling Wang, the general of Northern Qi, she nonetheless falls in love with him and helps him win the war against Yuwen Yong, the king of Northern Zhou. But destiny can not be altered. Lan Ling Wang ends up dying in the hands of his cousin, the new king of Northern Qi. [Credit: Wiki]
Note: All files are Raw 540p mkv. File Size: ~350MB+
Subbing Group: Online Streaming @ Viki, Soft Subs: OrientalSubs
♦ Episode 1
– 540p mkv // Mirror [Keane: Mirror reups DONE – as of 141109 ]
♦ Episode 2
– 540p mkv // Mirror
♦ Episode 3
– 540p mkv // Mirror
♦ Episode 4
– 540p mkv // Mirror
♦ Episode 5
– 540p mkv // Mirror
♦ Episode 6
– 540p mkv // Mirror
♦ Episode 7
– 540p mkv // Mirror
♦ Episode 8
– 540p mkv // Mirror
♦ Episode 9
– 540p mkv // Mirror
♦ Episode 10
– 540p mkv // Mirror
♦ Episode 11
– 540p mkv // Mirror
♦ Episode 12
– 540p mkv // Mirror
♦ Episode 13
– 540p mkv // Mirror
♦ Episode 14
– 540p mkv // Mirror
♦ Episode 15
– 540p mkv // Mirror
♦ Episode 16
– 540p mkv // Mirror
♦ Episode 17
– 540p mkv // Mirror
♦ Episode 18
– 540p mkv // Mirror
♦ Episode 19
– 540p mkv // Mirror
♦ Episode 20
– 540p mkv // Mirror
♦ Episode 21
– 540p mkv // Mirror
♦ Episode 22
– 540p mkv // Mirror
♦ Episode 23
– 540p mkv // Mirror
♦ Episode 24
– 540p mkv // Mirror
♦ Episode 25
– 540p mkv // Mirror
♦ Episode 26
– 540p mkv // Mirror
♦ Episode 27
– 540p mkv // Mirror
♦ Episode 28
– 540p mkv // Mirror
♦ Episode 29
– 540p mkv // Mirror
♦ Episode 30
– 540p mkv // Mirror
♦ Episode 31
– 540p mkv // Mirror
♦ Episode 32
– 540p mkv // Mirror
♦ Episode 33
– 540p mkv // Mirror
♦ Episode 34
– 540p mkv // Mirror
♦ Episode 35
– 540p mkv // Mirror
♦ Episode 36
– 540p mkv // Mirror
♦ Episode 37
– 540p mkv // Mirror
♦ Episode 38
– 540p mkv // Mirror
♦ Episode 39
– 540p mkv // Mirror
♦ Episode 40
– 540p mkv // Mirror
♦ Episode 41
– 540p mkv // Mirror
♦ Episode 42
– 540p mkv // Mirror
♦ Episode 43
– 540p mkv // Mirror
♦ Episode 44
– 540p mkv // Mirror
♦ Episode 45
– 540p mkv // Mirror
♦ Episode 46 *FINALE
– 540p mkv // Mirror
***111th COMPLETED PROJECT!!*** Woohoo. Finally done! Every time I finish a Cdrama, I feel physically drained. Hours and hours downloading, uploading, and posting links = an exhausting task. Hope you have enjoyed this project! Look forward to my next one, as well as to those who have yet to make a space for themselves on our ship. You know who you are. 😀
Kappy A: Here it is! We’ve been waiting for a year for this stunning cast! As with all my long Chinese drama projects, supporters pump my blood and drive my motivation to the finish line. You know what to do? 😉 Spazzing/discussion/word of appreciation are welcome!
I’ll try to upload as fast as possible but since there are more than 15 episodes per week (seriously, they need to calm down, drag out the ratings, yunno?), I’ll do my best.
65 thoughts on “Cdrama: King of Lan Ling Episodes”
OMG! I’m so excited for this drama! I hope it’ll be good and not be disappointing like Swordsman… Thank you for uploading this! I was totally hoping that you would do just that XD
65 thoughts on “Cdrama: King of Lan Ling Episodes”
im here! LOL.
watched the first 6 episodes already on youtube and im liking daniel chan’s villain character. HE’S A SEXY GODDD!!! even in beggar’s clothes. im far gone down the road. 😀
everyone behind me if they want a piece of Mr. Villain. lols
thanks Batman. 😉
65 thoughts on “Cdrama: King of Lan Ling Episodes”
Just want to let you know that I totally can’t download anything from the first file host (kingfiles.net). Either I end up downloading some weird .exe file or it tries to open the actual video in the browser to no avail… maybe you have to download their file download manager first, but I don’t trust file sharing site that requires that. The other file host (fileom.com) is working fine though.
65 thoughts on “Cdrama: King of Lan Ling Episodes”
Thanks for letting me know Vis. As a rule of thumb, I will never suggest fans to download those lame download managers from the file hosts. To download, just unclick “I agree” and proceed to download the file as shown in this screencap. I was able to download the file. If direct clicking doesn’t work for some browsers, Right-click > save as on the link instead.
Happy downloading. Hope the speed is okay for many. =D
65 thoughts on “Cdrama: King of Lan Ling Episodes”
Ohhhh! I didn’t know you could do Right-click > save as on the actual link. Thanks so much for the help! I’m able to download from kingfiles now (and wow it’s so much faster o__0)!
65 thoughts on “Cdrama: King of Lan Ling Episodes”
Awww, wish TITS2 figure out who’s Batgirl ’cause frea so fits this character… badddly. Haha~ *coughs*Summer*coughs*
Holy Toledo, Batman! Double digits release per week? That’s crazy! China’s editing room never sleeps or something?
Gonna have a little family reunion Sunday with some of my cousins. Hmm, I should tell my Marine cousin to start fanboying over Ariel Lin, again. LOL!
Thanks Batman. Y ^ , ^ Y
P.S. I like KF host better ’cause it takes 5 mins to DL a file and less wait time too. FOM host wait time is toooooo long and it takes 45 mins to DL a file.
P.S.S. I spared a little time last night to check out Tdrama: Dragon Gate. Oh. Em. Gee… everything, I mean, everything is terribly made. Acting was bad, starring Sunny Wang (In Time With You, Once Upon A Love) and Alice Ke (Office Girls) as well the lame action sequences and don’t get me started on the script. Low budget production ’cause even the audio is terrible. I wonder if the 720p version is any better but at this point, after offering 4 episodes a trial run. Le Sighs. I really like Sunny but the dude lost his mojo after a recent romance went public. He lost it! Tammy Chen tries really hard to keep this show afloat but that’s just not enough for me. There’s new blood Singaporean actor, Melvin Sia, but I feel sorry for him picking this show as his debut project. Meh!
65 thoughts on “Cdrama: King of Lan Ling Episodes”
Yea, sometimes I wonder why they release so many episodes per week while other countries would let the cow breathe and release only 2-3 episodes per week. More promotion and more people will tune in. WHY CHINA? I think the drama will make a more meaningful impact that way. This is just too fast for a production they spent months in filming and another few months in post-production. WHY CHINA? 😀 As a viewer, I won’t complain, but as an uploader, I have words with ya!
I have to stalk the anime forums to see what their recommended file hosts are. Give a few a try cause some of my accounts are whipped cleaned or suspended. =(
P.S.S That’s sad to hear. The synopsis sounds so interesting! I thought you’re gonna plow through that thing since Mr. Hottie Sunny is in it. 😉 But bad script + loss of mojo doesn’t sound too uplifting. Poor Tammy! Le Sighs too.
65 thoughts on “Cdrama: King of Lan Ling Episodes”
Lemme know if you want (30-days) soshareit mirrors. I’ll help ya create a pastebin folder Kappy!
65 thoughts on “Cdrama: King of Lan Ling Episodes”
I have to download something i WANNA WATCH EPISODE 2 NOW!!!!!!!!!!!! IF YOU DONT IM GOING TO REPORT YOU
65 thoughts on “Cdrama: King of Lan Ling Episodes”
Wow – thank you so much for uploading these – seriously hope someone gives us the Softsubs, i’m obsessed enough to watch this raw and can vaguely understand, but it would be nice to have that full link.
65 thoughts on “Cdrama: King of Lan Ling Episodes”
I’ve been looking all over for RAWs! Thank you so much for making this drama available to us in DDL!
65 thoughts on “Cdrama: King of Lan Ling Episodes”
i wish viki is faster but we can’t rush the subbers so i will watch it raw. I’M NOT THE ONLY ONE RIGHT? 😉
this scene is sooooooo cute.
lan ling is so adorable. his face. omgoddd. 😆
65 thoughts on “Cdrama: King of Lan Ling Episodes”
LOL I love his face in that scene too – actually I love that whole scene full stop (it’s hilarious) 😀
Many people complain that Feng Shaofeng isn’t handsome enough to be Lan Ling Wang but I’d rather watch his funny faces (I seen him in other movies and I love his funny faces LOL) than just another pretty face. Same with Ariel. She’s so cute and I love her facial expressions (so funny LOL). She’s a great actress and I LOVE her Xue Wu here. She’s so lively and natural it’s a joy to watch her.
Daniel Chan, George Hu, and the actor who plays Xiaodong are awesome too. Actually this drama as a whole has a really great cast and the script is awesome too 😀
This is like the most addictive series I swear….
And with the BEST AIRING SCHEDULE EVER OMG. 3 eps everyday! Finally the TV stations understand the pain of audience having to wait long weeks for drama eps! If only other dramas follow this example! 😀
65 thoughts on “Cdrama: King of Lan Ling Episodes”
totally agree with you. I love Ariel since first time I’ve seen her in a drama, even though many people said she wasn’t so pretty. It’s my first time with Feng, but damn, he’s so cool in Lan Ling role! I love how he looks, even the hair too! It’s perfect and totally hot for me keke
And the pair Ariel-Feng is really really good, just too perfect!
Can’t have enough of this drama, I’m so addicted =)
65 thoughts on “Cdrama: King of Lan Ling Episodes”
And no you’re definitely not the only one – I follow the raws too 😀
65 thoughts on “Cdrama: King of Lan Ling Episodes”
Hi Kaptain A,
Not sure if its my internet connection but kingfiles are not working?
65 thoughts on “Cdrama: King of Lan Ling Episodes”
Its working fine now…thanks and ignore the earlier msg 😛
65 thoughts on “Cdrama: King of Lan Ling Episodes”
Ahhh, *wipes drool* love it when a love rival comes into the game. The two royal pain in the a$$ look good in this drama.
Remember when a few of us were shaking our heads after seeing Geoge Hu in curls? He has such a modern face, that being a wuxia just doesn’t suit him at all. All I want to do is take a pair of scissors and clip off those curls draping over his shoulders. XD
So, FSF did get dubbed over after all? The trailers had his original voice as audio.
Will someone please tell Ariel to stop having side bangs in this show? Bugs the heck out of me. =P
Patiently waiting for moar. 😉
65 thoughts on “Cdrama: King of Lan Ling Episodes”
You know, I’ve been wondering about this for the longest time too! Is FSF dubbed in this series? Is he using his original voice here?
I know Ariel is using her own voice and George Hu is dubbed. But I keep wondering about FSF…
Which trailers had his original voice as audio? I’m not very good at identifying voices so that’s why I ask
LOL those curls 😀
I was so distracted by the curls the first time I saw them, but now I think I’m used to them a bit…
Just like I was distracted by FSF’s Fabio hair too. LOL dreads/braids/curls must be in season for period drama guys 😀
I think I get what you mean about Ariel’s side bangs. I have a strong urge to get a clip and clip them back for her. LOL 😀
65 thoughts on “Cdrama: King of Lan Ling Episodes”
From baidu, the majority of the main cast went back to the studio and dubbed their own voices, with the exception of American boy, George. But the voice that I can’t tell is FSF, a little off. And then I remember hearing him singing in his real voice and got surprised how masculine it sounds.
George’s curls and Ariel’s too long bangs. Agreed. 😀
65 thoughts on “Cdrama: King of Lan Ling Episodes”
Thanks for the info! 😀
I Googled a bit and apparently FSF didn’t have time to dub over his own voice so the voice actor for Yue Fei dubbed it instead.
Thanks for the Youtube link! 😀
I never heard him sing and you’re right, his voice is more masculine than expected O_o (and obviously not the same voice as LLW in the drama)
His version of Teresa’s classic song isn’t half bad either – I didn’t know the guy could sing 🙂
65 thoughts on “Cdrama: King of Lan Ling Episodes”
Thanks for uploading!
I cannot download episode 6 (file not found):(….
Please help
65 thoughts on “Cdrama: King of Lan Ling Episodes”
Not sure about your region but I can see both active links to ep.06 just fine. Might wanna try again later and possibly at a different time interval from your last attempt.
KF host doesn’t want to give me the files for some reason though for ep.11-20, so I can only grab it from 1F.
65 thoughts on “Cdrama: King of Lan Ling Episodes”
Hey, is it not possible to upload at empupload, or hotlfile? Just asking. Because these two filehost are not really that good. Filcher is pretty okay too.
65 thoughts on “Cdrama: King of Lan Ling Episodes”
I personally dislike embedupload because they make it hard for people to make an account. And I need an account to keep track of my uploads. Hotfile – they already cleaned out one of my accounts. Blacklisted.
These two filehosts are relatively new so they’re not on the radar yet, which means links live longer. When you said not good, are they slow?
65 thoughts on “Cdrama: King of Lan Ling Episodes”
I’m at ep. 35 now – a turning point towards the end. Suspense!
When they first advertised the love triangle for this drama, most of us were pro Langling-Xue Wu pairing. I like that pairing but I do not mind seeing Xue Wu with Yuwen Yong. Their chemistry started out a bit off due to Yuwen Yong’s desire to topple the competition for power within his own court. However, that was remedied when Yuwen Yong lost in the battle to Lanling. Yuwen Yong even gave Xue Wu up to Lang ling instead of stubbornly insisting on having Xue Wu to himself. Lanling himself commented that if Yuwen Yong was not his enemy, they would have been good friends.
I like that the drama explored a little of Yuwen Yong’s history and the reason why he became so ambitious and ruthless. Yet, we could also see his kindness and good nature shining through in his decision to free Xue Wu. Yuwen Yong is a man who had to tolerate a lot in his life in order to get to where he is now. Such men are natural leaders. It is no wonder that after Langling’s death, Yuwen Yong conquered Northern Qi. He proved to be a wise and capable king. Unfortunately, he died young and the empire deteriorated after his death. His heir was an incapable king.
I wonder if this drama will take us past Langling’s death and maybe Xue Wu ended up as a concubine to Yuwen Yong and assisted him in conquering Northern Qi as revenge against the useless Northern Qi’s king and that devious empress? In the love triangle between Langling-Xue Wu-Yuwen Yong; I really do not mind Xue Wu ending up with either one of the men. It is like Boys Over Flowers (Ancient China version) all over again!
As for the weird hairdo, curly hair and costumes – Northern Qi has a strong Persian and Western Asian influence. The Gao family who ruled Northern Qi consisted of men and women of mixed Han Chinese and Persian blood. Their culture and beliefs has strong Buddhist and Zoroastrian influences and this can be seen in their art, clothes, food etc. Strictly speaking, the only Han Chinese kingdoms then were those that existed in the South and the Southerners then regarded the Northerners as ‘barbarians’. This ceased when a Han general eventually gained control of the entire land after the fall of the Zhou kingdom (just 3 years after Yuwen Yong’s death) and established the Sui Dynasty. The first thing the new emperor did was to abolish the anti-Han law in Northern Zhou (which by then also consisted of Northern Qi). This pretty much sums up how the Northern kingdoms do not regard themselves as Han chinese. I would think that the director has done some researching and tried to match the costumes and hairstyles to the culture of the time…. though I agree, it took me sometime to get used to seeing George in long curly hair. *shivers*
65 thoughts on “Cdrama: King of Lan Ling Episodes”
“it took me sometime to get used to seeing George in long curly hair” I prefer him better like that instead XD I love so much man with long hair, so it’s not a surprise that I’m madly in love with Lanling *-* He’s so damn perfect! (note: I’m not saying I love Feng, just the drama character)
I like George here ‘cuz his act is really funny and natural.
BTW: weren’t the eps 46 before? Now they are 41? How come?
65 thoughts on “Cdrama: King of Lan Ling Episodes”
I cannt download it, the link already offline….please help!
65 thoughts on “Cdrama: King of Lan Ling Episodes”
Be specific, which episodes? The new ones are still there last time I checked. If it’s down on your end, use mirror when possible.
65 thoughts on “Cdrama: King of Lan Ling Episodes”
Wow this drama already end but im still addicted by it and i already complete download all episodes but still waiting to watch again with english subtitle because my chinese very very bad hahaha i want to give some pint of view for this drama.
i agree with you all here that even lot people said Shao Feng not pretty enough to portray Lan Ling Wang but i thin he’s fit perfectly, Yi Chen really nail Xue Wu charcter, Xiao Dong really done very amazing job as Yu Wen Yong and even Tian Lin portray Gao Wei smoothly hahah even the acrtres who play Zheng Er did a great job , hell we all hate Gao Wei and Zheng Er right haha that mean they did a fantastic job to portray the evil character.
in this drama of course i ship Chang Gong & Xue Wu but i also ship Wen Yong & Xue Wu hahahah because their chemistry are superb, i love Yu Wen Yong act around Xue Wu , as a emperor he used to got everything he want and people carefull if talk to him but Xue Wu is the opposite hahhaa i’m laugh when Wen Yong ask Xue Wu to be his concubine ( if im not wrong ) while Chang Gong listening from window and Xue Wu reject him and then Wen Yong lit bit jealous and ask if because Lan Ling Wang she refused him hahahaha and Chang Gong had smug in his face hahahahahhahaaha
and i love the scene where Chang Gong in the middle of looking for concubine and then Xue Wu fell on the floor hahhaha very funny especially when Wu Ye ( George Hu ) teased Xue Wu who didn’t want to be Lan Ling Wang wife if she refused she will hitt 100 time on the ass hahahaha man that scene really funny
and i think chemistry Shao Feng, Yi Chen and George Hu as in law superb hahahaha i like how Wu Ye like to tease her Si Ge & Si Shou hahhahahahaha
eventhough the end tragix but i really like and love this drama
65 thoughts on “Cdrama: King of Lan Ling Episodes”
Dear Kappy, many thanks for updating the entire download links !!
Currently downloading till ep31, watched till ep13… 15 more eps to download~ Will be marathoning this drama on weekends
65 thoughts on “Cdrama: King of Lan Ling Episodes”
omg thank you soo much!!1 i love this drama so much im going to download the whole drama and rewatch it lol
65 thoughts on “Cdrama: King of Lan Ling Episodes”
the kingflies inks are so fast to download!! u dont need to wait an hour like the other one lol. thank you!!
65 thoughts on “Cdrama: King of Lan Ling Episodes”
Thank U so much for the fast uploading:)
65 thoughts on “Cdrama: King of Lan Ling Episodes”
tried clicking on the oriental subs link & the blog was removed. is there any other way i could get the softsub (srt) for Lan ling Wang?
Ariel Lin is one of my fav actresses, started following her in Tian Wai Fei Xian (The Little Fairy)
65 thoughts on “Cdrama: King of Lan Ling Episodes”
Yeah, the owner got hit by trolls however another site will be up probably in a week. Please support. 😉
65 thoughts on “Cdrama: King of Lan Ling Episodes”
ugh… trolls.
thanks for the reply! 🙂
Definitely support!
65 thoughts on “Cdrama: King of Lan Ling Episodes”
first thanks for uploading it. Can you please help where i can get the soft sub since when i clicked the link you posted, the blog is already being deleted.
65 thoughts on “Cdrama: King of Lan Ling Episodes”
First, thank you for your hard work. You’re amazing. Love this drama ! 🙂 Can you tell me where I can find the subtitles please ? The blog doesn’t exist anymore. Thank you for your help !! 😉
65 thoughts on “Cdrama: King of Lan Ling Episodes”
The admin hasn’t re-uploaded the files yet. I will update you guys when she does.
65 thoughts on “Cdrama: King of Lan Ling Episodes”
Good news.
Softsubs for Episode 1-10 by Orientsubs AND Episode 11-25 by saquera@AT.
65 thoughts on “Cdrama: King of Lan Ling Episodes”
“AND Episode 11-25 by saquera@AT” subs aren’t sync with 540p, just the first few minutes are.
65 thoughts on “Cdrama: King of Lan Ling Episodes”
Yup its like that for me too hope they release revised subs sooon I need to know >< the drama is sooo good 🙂
65 thoughts on “Cdrama: King of Lan Ling Episodes”
I think I have to wait for DF version. They will sub this drama too. Dunno why… this wait will kill me! T_T
65 thoughts on “Cdrama: King of Lan Ling Episodes”
Thank you soooooooooo much, Kaptain ! You’re awesome !! Yeah !! 🙂
65 thoughts on “Cdrama: King of Lan Ling Episodes”
Thanyou sooo much for uploading the series and providing subs, I absolutely love Ariel lin and how she portrays her characters <3 Hope more subs wil be released soon, the vid quality is good too 🙂
65 thoughts on “Cdrama: King of Lan Ling Episodes”
Pls upload Ep4 again (file not found). TQ
65 thoughts on “Cdrama: King of Lan Ling Episodes”
Uploaded. Enjoy! 🙂
65 thoughts on “Cdrama: King of Lan Ling Episodes”
65 thoughts on “Cdrama: King of Lan Ling Episodes”
Okay drifters, a fan has emailed me the folder of softsub that they ripped from Viki. Click here to download. Warning. I don’t think it’s sync completely to the 540p version. If anyone wants to sync and then post the link here. I thank you! That’s all. 🙂
65 thoughts on “Cdrama: King of Lan Ling Episodes”
http://orientalsub.blogspot.com has it too
65 thoughts on “Cdrama: King of Lan Ling Episodes”
is it hard to verify that you’re correct? i mean since you linked to orientalsub, you should know the website well. they only have up to episode 25. the link kappy posted has up to the last episode. again its not hard to check if you had DL the link, its a pretty small file.
65 thoughts on “Cdrama: King of Lan Ling Episodes”
hai kaptain A please reupload subtitle cause after i click the link it said blog cannot find..thx
65 thoughts on “Cdrama: King of Lan Ling Episodes”
aaaghhhh.. English sub for episode 35++, please
my chiinese is bad
where i can find it?? anyone knows? thx
65 thoughts on “Cdrama: King of Lan Ling Episodes”
Found the completed DF subs at http://www71.zippyshare.com/v/41199088/file.html. Hope it helps
65 thoughts on “Cdrama: King of Lan Ling Episodes”
Hello! Can i ask a reupload of some eps? Most of the links (esp.) kingfiles are not working. I really would like to watch this drama!!!
65 thoughts on “Cdrama: King of Lan Ling Episodes”
Links are not working. I’ve really wanted to watch this drama 🙁
65 thoughts on “Cdrama: King of Lan Ling Episodes”
Can you reupload ep 46 please. I don’t think it is complete. Thanks!
65 thoughts on “Cdrama: King of Lan Ling Episodes”
Sorry about that! Will renew the mirror link
in a bit… DONE! Thanks for letting me know.65 thoughts on “Cdrama: King of Lan Ling Episodes”
Thank you so much! Really appreciate it.
65 thoughts on “Cdrama: King of Lan Ling Episodes”
Anyone knows where to get eng subs for this? The zippy link for the subs in the previous posts doesn’t sync with the files.
65 thoughts on “Cdrama: King of Lan Ling Episodes”
I’m re-syncing the DF subs to this 540 version since I haven’t been able to find any subs for it. I finished the first 3 but when I started ep 04, I noticed it was 07 instead.
Can you upload Ep 04 again? The mirror link says it’s LLW04 but when you play the file, it’s actually a broken file of 07.
65 thoughts on “Cdrama: King of Lan Ling Episodes”
THANK YOU for sharing!! ^^ I think ep 38 is incomplete, could you please reupload it.
Appreciate it!!
65 thoughts on “Cdrama: King of Lan Ling Episodes”
The mirror link still works. Did your download complete?
Lol… Keane… hehe XD
65 thoughts on “Cdrama: King of Lan Ling Episodes”
No, it’s complete. Maybe your internet got interrupted. Try dl-ing it again.