Yang Zi’s The Destiny of White Snake with Ren Jia Lun reveals opening and ending themesongs

My first impression remains….this is exactly like Hua Qian Gu! Lol. The torture, the master, the cages, the stabbity sword, the bunny hair…and when the pet bells shows up, I’m out! xD

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Opening Theme.

Ending Theme.

Directed by Liu Guo Hui (The Lost Tomb, Legend of Chusen) and Yin Tao (Glory of Tang Dynasty), and written by Han Pei Zhen (The Bride with White Hair 2012), New Legend of Madame White Snake premieres on 7/9 with 60 episodes.

Via: 01

  1. 10 thoughts on “Yang Zi’s The Destiny of White Snake with Ren Jia Lun reveals opening and ending themesongs

    So far my impressions are just ????? and a bit overwhelmed, it’s just so different to what i’m used to.

    But i actually don’t mind seeing something different, a new story, since there are already two more adaptions coming.

    Actually curious about Sun Xiaoxiao’s version after seeing this interview http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMjg2NTg0MTIwMA==.html?sharefrom=iphone&sharekey=343c1e5766913cc7ddba2b49201350c41

    Plus I’m definitely curious about Xiao Qing’s and Fa Hai/Qi Xiao’s story

    The songs, not feeling it :/

    • 10 thoughts on “Yang Zi’s The Destiny of White Snake with Ren Jia Lun reveals opening and ending themesongs

      The instrumental at the end of the 10min trailer, does anyone know if it’s a song that has been released or is it just for the trailer? Seems like i’ve heard it before…

  2. 10 thoughts on “Yang Zi’s The Destiny of White Snake with Ren Jia Lun reveals opening and ending themesongs

    Hua Qian Gu, EEEK!!! As long as she doesn’t act all overly sugary and cutesy like HQG maybe I can tolerate it, just act normally.

  3. 10 thoughts on “Yang Zi’s The Destiny of White Snake with Ren Jia Lun reveals opening and ending themesongs

    What kind of story is this drama about? It seems like a different story using The Legend of White Snake’s name. Since when did that scholar guy has power? Maybe in his past life, but not the present or through the story though.

    • 10 thoughts on “Yang Zi’s The Destiny of White Snake with Ren Jia Lun reveals opening and ending themesongs

      I know! I only see the trailer and still not ready to accept the powerful white snake I always seen turn into a tiny cute and fat little worm/catepillar with huge puppy eyes!

  4. 10 thoughts on “Yang Zi’s The Destiny of White Snake with Ren Jia Lun reveals opening and ending themesongs

    It should be a different drama than an adaptation lol I don’t mind watching the main cast.

  5. 10 thoughts on “Yang Zi’s The Destiny of White Snake with Ren Jia Lun reveals opening and ending themesongs

    Is anyone currently watching this remake? what are your thoughts so far? Would love to know 😀

    • 10 thoughts on “Yang Zi’s The Destiny of White Snake with Ren Jia Lun reveals opening and ending themesongs

      I only watched some while fast-forwarding. It depends on your preferences.
      Pros: Ren Jialun and Mao Zijun as eye candies, but you can get that from Glory of Tang too. CGI dragon is acceptable.
      Cons: Googly-eyed caterpillar as snake.
      Yang Zi’s character is quite naive in this version. This may get quite frustrating.
      I’m also sensing that there will be a lot of torture scenes. Probably a few involving punishing YZ for stupid mistakes that she made, and probably also RJL, for trying to accept punishments on YZ’s behalf.

      • 10 thoughts on “Yang Zi’s The Destiny of White Snake with Ren Jia Lun reveals opening and ending themesongs

        omg thank you! i really wanted to watch it because of the cast but i really can’t watch sad dramas.

        unrelated question, is the glory of tang sad? i know it has a sad ending but how was that drama in general?

  6. 10 thoughts on “Yang Zi’s The Destiny of White Snake with Ren Jia Lun reveals opening and ending themesongs

    Hmm, not feeling these songs. I thought the opening was “A Thousand Years (千年) by Jin Zhiwen & Jike Junyi (金志文 + 吉克隽逸) . At least that was what was floating around the internet. I much prefer that song.

    I am still interested in seeing this, though, I think it looks kind of cute.

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