No one rocks a short do like Rainie Yang does (yes? yes?)! Color it red and we have a flaming goddess. 🙂 Can you believe the petite, pastry girl in Meteor Garden turned 30 this year? Oy, how times fly by, leave wrinkle prints on most of us, while others, like the girl above, continue to look ageless. Why hath thou forsaken 98% of the normal citizens, time?!!
This is a Rag. Wearing it is a goddess of Fire!
Well, since other stars have movies coming out this year, why not Rainie? Her latest film project, Endless Nights in Aurora, with Chris Wang hits theaters on December 19th. Watch the related videos below.
Theme Video:
Themesong + lyrics Video:
- Movie adaptation of Hugh Lee‘s stage drama, Northern Lights. An interesting tidbit, our newbie director, Li Si Yuan, is only 24. He’s the author only son and took it upon himself to adapt his late father’s work. Hugh Lee passed away last year due to cancer. The story crosses two generations and boasts two moving love stories surrounding the legend of the celestial phenomena. If you scream out Aurora when the light appears, your wishes will come true.
- In the trailer, Rainie cries, “If you want to play games, I can play any games with you.” And then she asks, “What do you know?” Chris Wang answers, “I only know the feeling of losing everything in the blink of an eye.”
- “The existence of first love is only for one to experience regret.”
6 thoughts on “Rainie Yang becomes the goddess of fire for Elle”
I like her third outfit best; the mustard yellow and postal blue contrast really pops to pull away from the hideous vintage trench coat with huge printed leaves on it. The red curtain chiffon looks good for headshots only. Haha~ I’m being mean. The second piece would look better if the designer chose a different color other than white/cream on those bat sleeves. Too distracting, pity really, ’cause I like the oriental silk print bodice and all the black piping.
For a moment there I thought I saw Lego Li in the movie. Chris Wang is so cute, although I miss him more playing flamboyant roles like in Ella’s movie Bad Girls.
Happy belated birthday Rainie. I’m grumpy now, she’s paler than me. Hmph! Still watching all her acting projects though, uhm, not a devoted fan of her music unfortunately. I gave it a shot once. I need to move beyond all her melancholy melodies.
6 thoughts on “Rainie Yang becomes the goddess of fire for Elle”
I’m mesmerized by her hair, her small face, and the attractive placement of the mole on her face. She really nailed the red color so fiercely that I rarely pay attention to the rags she had on (third one is the best indeed).
Chris Wang is cute, remember our shock when we found out he was 30 years ago in Bad Girls? Well, now’s 32! Still in shock. 😛
6 thoughts on “Rainie Yang becomes the goddess of fire for Elle”
What a BEAUTIFUL photoshoot! The hair suits Rainie so much (it makes me want her to keep it 😀 ) and the outfits are so colorful and lively. The scenery is great too and altogether with the hair/makeup and outfits, an awesome photoshoot!
6 thoughts on “Rainie Yang becomes the goddess of fire for Elle”
It is! I wish I can rock a short do like her!! Such a fresh look from those unsettling short bobs. =)
6 thoughts on “Rainie Yang becomes the goddess of fire for Elle”
Who is the man with mustache in the last part of the trailer? hehe.. he’s hot LOLs..
Chris Wang is so cute, but for me, his best character is in Inborn Pair.. 😀
I’m not a fan of Rainie, but sometimes, i miss her acting.. *i like Ariel Lin and Janine Chang more* 😀
6 thoughts on “Rainie Yang becomes the goddess of fire for Elle”
That hottie is Jack Li! =)