Picspam: Bridal Mask Finale – “The spirit goes on…”


Bridal Mask was never a romance, that part I understood from the very beginning. It’s just a small, but very lovely and colorful part of the forest, bringing life and meaning to our lost heroes. The ending scene was awesome, true to the spirit of patriotism and the fight for independence of a country. A lot of deaths in the finale, as expected, but with death comes a new generation of fighters, and the theme of patience and bravery continue as the people struggle, fight, and die to protect the grounds they live on.

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  1. 2 thoughts on “Picspam: Bridal Mask Finale – “The spirit goes on…”

    just finished watching it on YT, still sobbing and i’m running out of tissue
    i just hope my eyes not swollen coz i have a presentation in 6 hrs
    this final episode is daebak..can’t think of another suitable ending
    off to watch the whole pics

  2. 2 thoughts on “Picspam: Bridal Mask Finale – “The spirit goes on…”


    bucket of tears is yanked out of me. first day of school and i returned home to see this sobbing mess of a drama!! i love you gaksital and the writer, awesome ending, true to spirit.


    but i can’t help but feel TERRRRRRIBLE for kang to who lost everyone he cared about!!!! what a tragic hero!!!! the grave comment got me crying so much more….. 🙁 can’t the writer be a little bit lenient towards Joo won? NO? WHYYYYYYYYYYYY? he has suffered so much. hell to the future. i want to see a happy ending!!!

    Bridal Mask was never a romance, that part I understood from the very beginning. It’s just a small, but very lovely and colorful part of the forest, bringing life and meaning to our lost heroes.

    beautifully written kaptain A…… i love how the cover screenshot describes what you wrote…


    *sobs in a corner*

    wewe, drink water and dab ice to your eyes dear.

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