Jing Tian in Peking Opera-inspired look!

Finally, some summer colors from Zhao Lu Si. She’s in the currently airing The Romance with Tiger and Rose.

The two young actors, Ren Min and Bian Cheng, from the recently wrapped up airing Serenade of Peaceful Joy (清平乐). Did you like the drama?

Wang Yi Bo. I like his black and white photos more than the crazy scissorhands ones. Lol. Sorry Polaris, he’s back to filming a new drama with Chen Xiao. Filming to begin in a few days ~

The two Yu Xi from the currently airing Intense Love. Mostly positive reviews!

7 thoughts on “Friday Photoshoots: Jing Tian, Wang Yi Bo, Zhao Lu Si, Ren Min, Bian Cheng, Zhang Yu Xi, Ding Yu Xi”
Yibo! Yes he’s busy. He’s filming a surfing reality show, now the drama (he had the first script reading the other day) and he’ll be filming Street Dance of China soon. I’m happy to see him in more fashion photo shoots even if the clothes are questionable lol
7 thoughts on “Friday Photoshoots: Jing Tian, Wang Yi Bo, Zhao Lu Si, Ren Min, Bian Cheng, Zhang Yu Xi, Ding Yu Xi”
They basically found any piece of scrap lying around and threw it on him! Lol!! But the black-and-white are on point. Me Likey. I saw the script read, he looked very fresh there!
7 thoughts on “Friday Photoshoots: Jing Tian, Wang Yi Bo, Zhao Lu Si, Ren Min, Bian Cheng, Zhang Yu Xi, Ding Yu Xi”
I enjoyed all the photoshoots and their different concepts, but if I have to pick a favorite, then I would pick Jing Tian’s because it is a visual feast on its own with the flamboyant colors and the Chinese opera references. She looks like a heroine out of a Wong Kar-wai movie set during the Republican era. Speaking of film protagonists, Ren Min and Bian Cheng give off the feeling of rich young lovers in a youth romance. This is a random observation but I think the upper class and equestrian themes tie well with the historical setting of their recent drama, “Serenade of Peaceful Joy”.
Zhang Yuxi and Ding Yu’s photos are a riot :DD I like how they mixed their camaraderie as co-stars with the seriousness of editorial models. My favorite photo of the pair is them looking at a picture of their arms interlocking. Simple at a glance but it exudes a lot of feelings 😊💕
7 thoughts on “Friday Photoshoots: Jing Tian, Wang Yi Bo, Zhao Lu Si, Ren Min, Bian Cheng, Zhang Yu Xi, Ding Yu Xi”
Yes, Jing Tian’s shoot is also my favorite! The richness of the set and her sharp make-up!
The Yu Xis had a lot of fun on set. =D
7 thoughts on “Friday Photoshoots: Jing Tian, Wang Yi Bo, Zhao Lu Si, Ren Min, Bian Cheng, Zhang Yu Xi, Ding Yu Xi”
Ren Min and Bian Cheng look very much alike in this photoset, they could practically be twins. In my culture, the people often say they are soulmates/match made in heaven. It’s kinda ironic given their current situation (and your apt caption, Kap. lol)
7 thoughts on “Friday Photoshoots: Jing Tian, Wang Yi Bo, Zhao Lu Si, Ren Min, Bian Cheng, Zhang Yu Xi, Ding Yu Xi”
Now that you brought it up, yes they do…. They say when you spent a lot of time with another person/spouse/partner sometimes you begin to look like them too. Lol. Quite the irony there. Heh!
7 thoughts on “Friday Photoshoots: Jing Tian, Wang Yi Bo, Zhao Lu Si, Ren Min, Bian Cheng, Zhang Yu Xi, Ding Yu Xi”
Totally agree! Great caption, Kappy!
Ren Min’s a pretty girl and the poor thing was so gracious to put up with the crap from Bian Cheng. I hope she never has to work with him again. Bian Cheng got lucky with Serenade of Joy and then started acting like an entitled sh*t. He’s a bully and I can’t believe he had the gall to pressure her to forgive him (to make him look better) after humiliating her and then giving insincere apology. He’s not even that famous yet and he’s already such an ass. He’ll be unbearable if he ever does get famous. Yuck.