A pure post for spazzing. Yang Mi & Feng Shao Feng’s drama Ming Yun Jiao Xiang Qu (命运交响曲) is currently airing. Are you watching? How’s it?
With BBJX soaring in popularity deservingly, comparisons are inevitable. For me, the only saving grace of Jade Palace Lock Heart is the palpable chemistry between Feng and Mi (don’t you dare mention 4th! terrible!). I know the romance is a rip-off from Meteor Garden but I couldn’t help myself, FengMi is just too adorable. For those wondering about Jade and Bu Bu Jing Xin, one is for comedic purposes (less scheming, more pop romance) while the latter is a sob festival (detailed, heart-breaking, beautiful). Both dramas have the same ending…but one makes you jump in happiness while the other suffocate your heart.
Anyway, less words, more pictures!
Pictures from Sina Entertainment.
HOT. HOT. HOT. I see a flaming banner coming soon! Anyone wants to show off their photoshop skill?
Probably the only aspect that I dislike about this photo shoot is how yellow/golden brown they made Feng out to be!
12 thoughts on “Feng Shao Feng & Yang Mi in Men’s Health”
OK I like Yang Mi & Feng Shao Feng's ab but c'mon, admit it, their chemistry can't be 1/10 of LSS & any other prince in BBJX. I don't know why there's going to be a second season to this drama.
12 thoughts on “Feng Shao Feng & Yang Mi in Men’s Health”
^^^^ that's harsh! how could you say that? the chemistry of two people in love is NOT even 1/10 of friends in BBJX? Any other princes? did yo forget 9th/10th/1st/2nd?!!
so sick and tired of people trampling all over Jade ''cause BBJX is sadder. im not saying it's not good, it's excellent. compliment one doesn't mean you have to put down another. geeezzz i like both. but people on the net are making BBJX out to be the GOD of drama. wth
12 thoughts on “Feng Shao Feng & Yang Mi in Men’s Health”
Alice you know i was just thinking the same thing about Feng's coloring, it looks very odd. He looks very funny in some of those photos – espec the jumping one! lol!
Is the drama you mentioned above called Symphony of Fate? I tried to watch it, yesterday in fact, but there are no english subs. Vikii started to sub ep one but it's only about 5% is done i'd say. This drama's supposed to be the mainland remake of Cinderella's sister
@ Saucyfan: I emphatically agree with you. I think both dramas have their merits. Personally, as i much as i like BBJX i don't think its the best drama ever, and as you mentioned, i like Jade for its light heartedness and BBJX for its more serious tone (compared with Jade anyway)
12 thoughts on “Feng Shao Feng & Yang Mi in Men’s Health”
Lynette, I have no idea why there's a second season. Leave it alone I say.
Saucyfan, your name is feisty! I'm sure not everyone claims BBJX is the god of Cdramas. It's just that the drama is currently a contagious fever on the net. Don't feel offended. Annette is right!
Annette, ah yesh! That's the english title. Mainland remake of Cinderella's Sister!? CS isn't the best drama (draggy & repetitive) but the acting is top-notch in my book (Moon Geun Young & Seo Woo). I read the synopsis. FSF gets killed halfway?! o.o So this is the second time they don't end up as a couple…I see Luwu from BBJX!
12 thoughts on “Feng Shao Feng & Yang Mi in Men’s Health”
Alice, i did think about watching CS but when i heard – i think from you – about the draggy repetitive scenes i heeded the warning and stayed away.
FSF actually plays two roles in this one. One character's dating YM and he gets killed. The other character/role is a colder FSF who at first doesn't get along with YM but eventually they fall in love and etc.
12 thoughts on “Feng Shao Feng & Yang Mi in Men’s Health”
Annette, the first 4 episodes of CS are good. I was hooked instantly. Give it a try and see whether I'm justified in my opinion. hehe =D
As for Symphony of Fate, that was the original synopsis but FSF has other commitments (scheduling conflict) so he can't film the second half. Another actor steps in, Chi Shuai. o.o Picture attached below:
12 thoughts on “Feng Shao Feng & Yang Mi in Men’s Health”
Alice are you serious!! Then this one is officially knocked off my list. I wondered why there was a face of a different guy on the poster and not just FSF.
I am no longer keen on melodramas but i do still watch. The worst part about them is the whole draggy-repetitive cycle which gets very annoying – i no longer have the patience for it, and i do trust your judgement so CS is a pass for me. I also did see many of similar comments when i looked at reviews posted on different websites
12 thoughts on “Feng Shao Feng & Yang Mi in Men’s Health”
It is Annette so I'm not bothering with this drama anymore. Melodramas are okay for me…but I desperately want a happy ending for FengMi. If not, I'm out!
12 thoughts on “Feng Shao Feng & Yang Mi in Men’s Health”
Okay. To be honest, I don't think Wu Qi Long is good looking at all. And I'm not saying this because I like Gong or anything. In fact, I love BOTH dramas equally. I just think he is not handsome; his face is very disproportional; and his chemistry with Liu Shi Shi is mediocre. The chemistry between the characters is awesome, but between the two actors? No. Liu Shi Shi is so much better with Yuan Hong.
On Gong–I COMPLETELY disagree with whoever says Gong is less sad/serious. What are you saying? The scheming in Gong is so much more intense. I could barely keep sitting with the whole Hua Ying and the 13th prince situation. And the entire situation with Su Yan–she was very treacherous. Bu Bu Jing Xin was light in comparison. PLEASE SOMEBODY, tell me a single scheme in BBJX that made you furious. Of course, BBJX was sad, but so were many parts of Gong. AND GONG A RIP-OFF FROM METEOR GARDEN?!?!?!?!!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!? PUHLEASE. the acting in meteor garden is atrocious. watch the first episode and you will get disgusted by the low quality of acting from Barbie Hsu and the main 4 guys (who are all mediocre in looks, if you care about that). Gong has 20 million times more depth than Meteor Garden.
Yang Mi and Feng Shao Feng are brilliant actors, as are Liu Shi Shi and the princes in BBJX. (except sometimes the knuckle crunching by Nicky Wu gets extremely annoying).
Ming Yun Jiao Xiang Qu (Symphony of Fate) is AMAZING. breathlessly amazing. watch it.
12 thoughts on “Feng Shao Feng & Yang Mi in Men’s Health”
i can seem to understand why people think Gong is lighthearted. i thought BBJX was much more lighthearted. I kept on waiting for something terrible to happen, but nothing did until the second half.
Symphony of Fate is NOTHING like Cinderella's Sister. trust me. NOTHING. watch it and you'll see 🙂 I loved it
12 thoughts on “Feng Shao Feng & Yang Mi in Men’s Health”
the drama actually gets better after FSF dies in the sense that the plot is more interesting (not because of his death-obviously). his death was heartbreaking, but it didn't ruin the drama at all.
12 thoughts on “Feng Shao Feng & Yang Mi in Men’s Health”
BBJX is dabomb.