Professional Single (我凭本事单身) is an upcoming rom-com starring Song Yi Ren and Deng Chao Yuan and follows the two undergraduates in the Arts department, overcoming various obstacles to reach their artistic goals. From the trailers, looks like both of our leads have aversion to being in a relationship. Lol. Song Yi Ren is keeping up with her records in starring alongside tall male leads, she’s so petite! xD
Airing 10/17!
14 thoughts on “Song Yi Ren and Deng Chao Yuan sculpt their dreams in Professional Single”
Hola Kappy,
I hope you’re doing well and fine. With your countless admirers and writers in your forum, I wonder if you can still remember me. My last writings here was done more than 5 years ago. I usually like to write about our First Favourite Asian Actress, who is Ruby Lin / Lin Xin Ru, who still continue to be well-loved by my family and associates here in Canada and with my close friend in other western countries.
Anyway, thank you so much for your latest post on this new drama of Song Yiren.
Ireine Song grew up in Canada and her family’s province before they moved back to China, is near the province where we resides.
After more than 5 years of silence here and of not watching any Chinese Drama, (after a busy time of relocation and of working with the lawyers of different nationalities), I am now back, liking another Chinese actress, “Ireine Song”.
Ireine Song, the cute, the petite Chinese actress. She’s the reason why I subscribed again to your Forum, as I pray that I could see some writings from you, about her.
As our knowledge of other Chinese actors and actresses are so limited, we can only select a very few to write here.
We really liked Ireine Song. We focused more on her acting talents and the diversity of the many roles that were given to her. Most fans focused on her physical looks and I could read so many insulting and humiliating comments on YouTube about her – comments which are so immature and disrespectful.
One of my associate in Europe who liked Chinese Dramas had written an article – that Song Yiren being paired with Dylan Wang – is one chapter of her life which opened her to many insults and with so much negative words written around by the so-called Dyshen fans. And I asked myself: Is this the way these fanatics behave?
My friend in Oregon, USA had written an article in one forum:
“The Dylan fans or the Dyshen fans are on the same page as the ones who want Ning Que to be with Leader Mo shanshan. It has nothing to do with the story line or the characters even. It’s all about physical appearance- who is “beautiful” enough to be with the chosen heartthrob.”
And Socrates, the great Greek Philosopher is indeed so right to write: “When a rational debate is lost, slander and name-calling becomes the tool of the loser.”
Ireine Song, is one actress and with her roles – that we like to associate with those ordinary person who still hope for a better guy to come along and to love them wholeheartedly.
For one cannot judge a person by his or her physical looks alone; for what is “beauty without talents”.
As I browse into other forums and on YouTube, Ireine Song’s entry into the Chinese Entertainment Industry, opened up a wider thought on reality that “Acting is not be based solely on being Handsome nor of having a Pretty Face”. Acting is done on having a perfect emotion on the role being assigned to an actor and to an actress. They have to emote a complete feeling, putting themselves on one’s person shoe – and here is the feeling of empathy – the ability to understand and perform the complete feeling of another person.
My associates, working in the Legal Indsutry and I always remembered these meaningful and symbolic words of Sang Sang, the maid of Ning Que to Mo Shanshan, the lovely lady in Ever Night, Season 1:
“You’re really pretty. Your hair is pretty. Your eyes are pretty. Your clothes are nice. Your hands are nice. Your writings is also nice. Everything about you is nice.”
Logically, these words of Sang Sang to Mo Shanshan revealed a deep-seated insights into the Entertainment Industry where a beautiful face and nicely shaped body are given more emphasis than the acting talents of an actor and an actress. With these beliefs, the industry will not permanently survives for physical beauty cannot endures forever. It wilted with the passage of time, as one cannot be forever become immortal in this passing and temporary world.
I rest my point here and with a heart full of gratitude to you for posting this Professional Single. .
And that Ireine Song’s role on this latest drama; “Professional Single” with another taller, handsome guy, does not only entertained us with the funny antics of Song Yiren – but it gives us a deeper point of view in one’s life of an ordinary looking lady – who can still hope for a better future – loved by an unexpected person.
If only all audiences and fans of any Asian Dramas can look beyond the physical aspects of their celebrities – but rather focus on its storyline and the roles that were being performed there . .
Thank you so much, dear Kappy for this opportunity to write my thoughts here, as I also carried the thoughts of my associate and friends – who remained to be faithful to what is noble and what is valuable.
Thank you. Thank you very much.
Kindest regards from Canada.
14 thoughts on “Song Yi Ren and Deng Chao Yuan sculpt their dreams in Professional Single”
Hey Marilina!
Long time no see indeed! Your last comment was in 2016! I’m glad you’re able to take a break from your busy work schedule to enjoy a drama here and there. And don’t fret over people who don’t share the same feelings about Ruby Lin/Song Yi Ren. Life is short, don’t let other people’s opinions overshadow your happiness!
14 thoughts on “Song Yi Ren and Deng Chao Yuan sculpt their dreams in Professional Single”
At last, I am really excited to see that you’re writing to me, dear Kappy. Thank you so much.
I must admit that I really admired your dedicated efforts to maintain this Virtual Voyage, a good forum for us to discuss and share our thoughts on a drama series or shows which we’ve watched . .
So, after my last post here on 2016, I came back here, after moving around. I, indeed missed your area here.
I really appreciated your words: “Life is indeed short” . . . Yes, life is indeed short for us to fret and to brood. We should be happy . . . And I shared your words with some of our lady-lawyers at work and they all agreed to it! I make them smile . . .
Our admiration for Ireine Song / Song Yiren stems from the fact that whenever I saw her, I was reminded of my high school classmate, in their bodily profile. She was my best friend before – and we lose contact now, after she got married to a taller, good-looking guy whom I believe worked in another foreign country.
Anyway, our longings for a happy dramas is being filled up by this beautiful drama, “Professional Single”. My associates and I are all smiling or laughing from ears to ears, with hearts on our eyes, watching its episodes on English subtitles on YouTube.
And since, there are still singles amongst our associates in the Legal Industry, so most ladies can easily relate to Ireine Song – especially that secret crushes on a quiet, cold-tempered guy, who was the captain of the basketball team. This is one of the best Chinese drama series we have watched and we always look forward for its other episodes on its English subtitles.
For us, Ireine Song and Ruby Lin – shared the same talent for comedic flair; they acted naturally on it, especially this Ireine who I know won many fans in Spanish-speaking countries due to her natural acting on comedy scenes; a little lady, much loved by taller, handsomer actors. She’s so lucky indeed.
Kappy, thank you again for this chance to be writing here . .
Best regards.
14 thoughts on “Song Yi Ren and Deng Chao Yuan sculpt their dreams in Professional Single”
I am just as excited to see Sang Sang and Chen Pipi reunited! 😀
I like Song Yi Ren but It feels like she is getting the same type of characters over ad over. I think she would benefit from doing a drama with different hair and clothes . She looks the same in all her modern dramas: short hair + tomboy clothes + tall male lead.
14 thoughts on “Song Yi Ren and Deng Chao Yuan sculpt their dreams in Professional Single”
Hello Sunny,
Thank you so much for writing here. I’ve learned some updates from you.
Yes, as with you, I am excited to see Chen Pipi on this Professional Single. Seeing him brought back memories of the many episodes of Ever Night, Season 1 and 2 – the first Chinese Epic Drama Series we have ever watched.
And we were so happy that Ever Night, Season 1was awarded the 2019 Best TV Drama Series at the Canada-China International Film Festival
And that Ever Night, Season 2 was nominated at the 2020 15th Seoul International Film Festival as one of the nominee for the Best Epic Drama Series
Yes, you are right; it seems that Yiren is being typecast on the same role – however, browsing around the many comments of other fans on YouTube – they enjoyed and was entertained fully with this typical role of Yiren – funny, yet cute, tomboyish, being bullied, humiliated and yet still loved by the tall and handsome actor all the way . . . A sort of Cinderella type of story – for which many young ladies keep a hidden dream of being fulfilled into its realities.
And so the Producers and the Directors take this opportunity . . “we will give you what you want to see” . I’ve read that Song Yiren is one of the Most Sought Actress in China now, for having several projects within one year.
Following the acting career of Ireine Song, I met a good Malaysian lady – who wrote on Asian Dramas and she kept me updated on some news about Yiren Song.
She wrote to me that by November (hopefully), shooting for a new drama will start, with another new storyline for Song Yiren.
Drama – Fantastic / Adventures
Genre – Historical comedy time travel
Rumored cast – SongYiren and GuoJunchen
The Story: A quirky modern girl who travels back in time, and goes around collecting sacred objects in order to return home. Filming slated to start Nov
I am hoping to see another sort of Sang Sang on this coming new drama of Song Yiren, the only Chinese actress, next to Ruby Lin / Lin Xin Ru – that we liked most.
I hope for your kind understanding of my limited knowledge of other Chinese actors and actresses and other Chinese dramas.
The demand for my work for International Lawyers on various aspects of Legal Laws does not leave enough time for me on knowing more about other Chinese Dramas and its Celebrities.
Sunny, thank you and kindest regards from Canada.
14 thoughts on “Song Yi Ren and Deng Chao Yuan sculpt their dreams in Professional Single”
Thank you for replying. You know far more than I do about Chinese dramas so thank you for taking the time to reply! I’m glad to hear Song Yiren has a different type of role coming up.
14 thoughts on “Song Yi Ren and Deng Chao Yuan sculpt their dreams in Professional Single”
Hello Sunny,
Thank you for your messages here.
Four months ago, I opened a YouTube account, just to browse around to see what is the best Chinese Epic Drama to watch and I stumbled on this Ever Night Season 1 and out of curiosity, I decided to have a full subscription with for its English subtitles series. Watching this best Epic Drama – opened an opportunity to me – on meeting many foreign-friends.
To make a long story short, some good new friends from Taiwan, Vietnam and Malaysia – who has an active Weibo, Twitter and Instagram account, keep updating me with current news about Song Yiren. And even updating me some news on the various actors which were paired with Yiren.
My other friends and I really look forward for another interesting drama series of Song Yiren, especially with that one with Dylan Kuo – a good Taiwanese actor . .
Anyway, have a good and a restful weekend. Take care
14 thoughts on “Song Yi Ren and Deng Chao Yuan sculpt their dreams in Professional Single”
Dear Friends of My Virtual Voyage,
Re: “Professional Single – OST “Belong to You” – Ending Song in Every Episodes
I am inspired to write here again . . . And thank you so much for giving me a space to write here.
I am really overwhelmed with excitement on the beautiful English song, sung by Sunnee, which is one of the most beautiful OST that we’ve ever heard for a Chinese drama on romance.
The lyrics completely captured the very essence of the relationships of Aaron Deng and Ireine Song as the two main leads in this so-lovely drama of friendship and love, with a touch of comedy, “Professional Single”.
This song leaves a magical meaning for my heart . . as I dedicated this mystifying song to my cousin . . The lyrics of this song leaves an indelible mark in the life of my cousin . . .
Art is the Imitation of Life.
Anything can be possible.
“My first cousin, a nurse – she stands at 4’5, was pursued and completely got married to a
good looking guy, an engineer, who stands at 5’8.
They have 2 beautiful kids now.”
– When you’re fully in love with a person, any age, any physical looks don’t matter anymore.
What matters most is that your life is being united to the one whom you loved most.
“Like a magic,
my heart belongs to you . . . ”
14 thoughts on “Song Yi Ren and Deng Chao Yuan sculpt their dreams in Professional Single”
Hi and hello, my dear Virtual Voyage Friends,
We are all happy with this good news which I just want to share with you all!
1) —- “Professional Single” is in the Top 10 Chinese Drama for the Month of October & November, 2020
==Congratulations to Aaron Deng and Ireine Song and to the whole Cast and Crew
—- Source: Vlinkage, Chinese Weibo
2) —- “The Best of You in My Mind” – Top Ten Golden Angel Award-Winning TV Series
== Congratulations to Gala Zhang and Ireine Song and to the whole Cast and Crew
—–Source: 16th China-US TV Festival, Nov 8, 2020
14 thoughts on “Song Yi Ren and Deng Chao Yuan sculpt their dreams in Professional Single”
Me gusto mucho tu comentario sobre ella. Para mi ever night, ambas temporadas, me abrieron los ojos hacia la forma en la que uno puede idealizar lo que es la belleza. Me arrepiento de no haberla visto antes, es hermosa por donde la vea, tanto asi me gusto que terminé leyendo hasta el libro y esperando el manga. Song Yi Ren me gustó tanto su actuación como su forma de personalizar un personaje que para mi es muy realista, pero siento en sus dos ultimos dramas como dicen muchos, muy encallisada con un personaje, pero a un así me encanta. Me agrada la idea de que vaya a tomar otros roles. Creo que ella tiene aun mucho por mostrarnos y años para hacerlo. Como dices la belleza tiende a marchitarse, ella seguirá siendo hermosa ante nuestros ojos por más que siga envejeciendo, porque lo que dejo marcado en nosotros no fue una cara bonita, sino una hermosa personalidad con grandes interpretaciones.
14 thoughts on “Song Yi Ren and Deng Chao Yuan sculpt their dreams in Professional Single”
Hola Geraldine,
I am happy to meet you here. I’ve studied the Spanish language for some years and thank you so much that I can write here for you . . .
Pensamientos interesantes y excelentes. Estoy muy agradecido de conocerte aquí.
Tus líneas son tan hermosas. Escribes tan bien, directamente desde el corazón. Me gusta leer sus pensamientos una y otra vez con respecto a Song Yiren.
Sí, Song Yiren es una actriz talentosa, actúa bien y con total emoción. Y puede extraer de su coprotagonista qué emoción se necesita en una escena en particular.
Es por eso que tanto Arthur Chen (Ever Night 1) como Dylan Wang (Ever Night 2) lo hicieron mejor en las escenas cuando están con Song Yiren.
Espero tener noticias tuyas nuevamente y seamos buenos amigos aquí.
Gracias y saludos!
14 thoughts on “Song Yi Ren and Deng Chao Yuan sculpt their dreams in Professional Single”
Hola Geraldine,
Para actualizaciones:
Felicitaciones a Ireine Song / Song Yiren por ser nominada como “Personaje Femenino Popular” en la siguiente serie dramática:
– Yuan Qian en “Single Professional”
– Lin Xichi en “The Best of You in My Mind”
– Sang Sang en “Ever Night, Season 2”
Y todas las 3 series dramáticas están nominadas para el Drama Popular de los Premios Weibo TV Series Awards 2020.
Gracias y saludos.
14 thoughts on “Song Yi Ren and Deng Chao Yuan sculpt their dreams in Professional Single”
For updates:
Congratulations to Ireine Song / Song Yiren for being nominated as a “Popular Female Character” in the following drama series:
– Yuan Qian in “Single Professional”
– Lin Xichi in “The Best of You in My Mind”
– Sang Sang in “Ever Night, Season 2”
And all 3 drama series are nominated for Popular Drama of the Weibo TV Series Awards 2020.
14 thoughts on “Song Yi Ren and Deng Chao Yuan sculpt their dreams in Professional Single”
Hi and hello,
I would like to write down here; my last thoughts on “Professional Single”
Finally, on YouTube, I completed the whole 24 episodes with English subtitles of the “Professional Single”.
It was, indeed, a light-hearted romp with our favourite and cute, Ireine Song, being her most adorable. And one of the things I liked most about this likeable drama of our lives – is the truth that love is not based or contingent on looks, status or someone else’s ideas of who should be attracted to whom.
Aaron Deng as Qin Shen summed it all up when he answered the question, “Why do you like her?”-
“I like her.”
You can talk about looks and such, but when it gets right down to it, we like who we like.
I find it interesting that Aaron Deng is more handsome than any other actors paired with Song Yiren.
Of course, his taller height makes a difference. He seems to be more quiet and reserved in his demeanors.
As for Ireine Song, I always loved her funny ways. She’s a versatile and talented actress and she can sings well, too. I observed that she always sung the OST of most of her dramas.
Going around YouTube, here have been far too many comments about her size and “childish” antics, but it’s common (sadly) for people to be so shallow. Ireine Song is a treasure in the entertainment industry. She’s a joy, and I feel sorry for those who keep themselves from enjoying what she brings.
Anyway, I am just re-watching some episodes of the Professional Single – those that has a funny scenes. We really need to smile and laugh, especially in this trying times of our lives – where so many people are depressed . . .
Thank you so much for this opportunity of writing my thoughts here. I am extremely grateful to this forums.
And all look forward for the upcoming, new drama of Ireine Song; “Her Fantastic Adventures.
Again, thank you and take care.