YESH! YESH! Just before I head to bed, the Chinese Version of the themesong to American movie Beauty and The Beast, is released! Boran Jing and Hebe Tien lend their voices for the rendition. Watch more covers come out in the next few days. I’m so hyped up for this movie, it’s not even funny! Our nerdy, successful, beautiful Emma Watson is the perfect Belle.
Her red dress…. Stunning.
The Trailer Mashup: Beauty and Lord Voldemort: Ingenious! LOL!
Chinese Ver. of the Themesong:
7 thoughts on “Boran Jing and Hebe Tien sing for Beauty and the Beast Themesong (Chinese Version)”
Hebe + Boran = WOW!
7 thoughts on “Boran Jing and Hebe Tien sing for Beauty and the Beast Themesong (Chinese Version)”
Borannnnn….. love his voice in this song 🙂
7 thoughts on “Boran Jing and Hebe Tien sing for Beauty and the Beast Themesong (Chinese Version)”
Hebe and Boran, the perfect match! Looking forward their Chinese version
7 thoughts on “Boran Jing and Hebe Tien sing for Beauty and the Beast Themesong (Chinese Version)”
I was wondering when the opening was gonna end and thought I was cheated by just an instrumental song of the theme song hahaha!
Anyways, enjoyed this version! Lovely voice of Hebe, absolutely beautiful!
7 thoughts on “Boran Jing and Hebe Tien sing for Beauty and the Beast Themesong (Chinese Version)”
Boran even sport that sleek hairstyle for princely beast character. Love hebe’s voice and dress
7 thoughts on “Boran Jing and Hebe Tien sing for Beauty and the Beast Themesong (Chinese Version)”
OMG..I can´t stop laughing! I just looove the The Trailer Mashup: Beauty and Lord Voldemort…it is simply brillant and like it more than the original US trailer..
The Chinese version of the theme-song is beautiful.
7 thoughts on “Boran Jing and Hebe Tien sing for Beauty and the Beast Themesong (Chinese Version)”
Yay! Glad someone noticed that. LOL. I was wondering why no one said anything cause it’s wicked brilliant editing and Voldemort’s cackling! HHAHHA!