Highlights: Feast of the Gods Episode 31 & 32 Finale


Lee Sang Woo: “Let’s make a life-long promise?”
Yuri: “Sure!”
Lee Sang Woo: “Never accept another role from this writer.”
Yuri: “That’s what I’m thinking as well! Fans, her name is Jo Eun Jung.”

Cutting out the crap/details and getting to the core of our interests. I divided the last two episodes into 3 sections as followed.

Highlights #1: Before the Competition


After Baek Sul and In Joo successfully stole the ambassador’s wives to Sanarae, they plan a quick cheer with wine. Unfortunately, Arirang’s women (Grandma, Doo Hee, Joon Young) barge in and demand to take In Joo back. She doesn’t want to and declares to compete in the competition as Song Yeon Woo, representing Baek Sul, no less.


Do Yoon lies on his bed and recalls the sofa-shoulder moment with Joon Young. He misses her, and decides to call her, asking haughtily for a lunch box. His reasons: he doesn’t cook unless paid, Jane isn’t around to run errands, and he can’t go out to buy food because the reporters have blocked the entrance. Joon Young insists that she isn’t in the mood to play around, he stubbornly replies, “Then I will starve! Okay then!”

Knowing her nature, she comes to entrance with a lunch box. The reporters quickly surround her, recognizing her as the girl who cooked with Haemil. In the midst of chaos, Do Yoon stops his car and hooks her in.


He opens his lunchbox, the rice forming a skull. He snorts at her lack of cuteness and digs in happily. While he eats, she looks at his face wistfully, thinking that his mother probably won’t change for the better. She supposes that he would only get hurt here, and suggests boldly that he returns to England, where he stands before his fans, and be their role model. He’s upset that she wants him to leave, and changes the subject by complaining about her average cooking, even though he has finished the whole lunch box already.


Walking away in a huff, he meets a little kid and engages in a short period of care-free soccer. Joon Young looks at them, remembering how he wished his hyung could get better and play with him. After the kid leaves, Do Yoon is still upset with Joon Young, so she changes her tune, “Fine! Don’t leave! Stay in Korea until the day you die.” Elated, his face lights up with a scheme, “Then you have to take responsibility… until the day I die.”


In Joo comes back to the Ha’s house, meaning to pack her clothes and leave, but In Woo’s diary catches her attention. It’s placed there strategically by him of course. She reads it and tears immediately sting her eyes: he pitied her! Really writer? After what you told me us how horrible he was to the little In Joo, you decided to solve all tension with that one line? Fail. He appears and quietly reprimands her for having the same habit – reading people’s journal. With a somber expression, he apologizes to her, explaining that he, too, was a small child at the time, so he didn’t know any better. So? Did you treat her better while you guys grew up together? No.

Downstairs, Young Bum asks tenderly for the last time, “With Joon Young, can’t you be our daughter too?” In Joo’s reply is far from upset, she wants to test herself, and sees where her strengths/weaknesses are beyond the walls of Arirang. Doo Hee agrees with her appraisal, as long as she carries with her the pride and class as Sung Doo Hee’s daughter.


Now that Jae Ha understands where Joon Young’s heart lies, he’s prepared to leave Korea for a long period by applying for a transfer to Europe. He’s leaving the day of the competition, to Grandma’s dismay. She sees through his smile and why he chose to leave. She approves his leave with a heavy heart and grumbles when he starts to nag about her unhealthy habits. Aw.

Although Doo Hee still prefers In Joo as the next Master Chef, she plays fair, and gives Joon Young the needed boost of encouragement. Doo Hee won’t teach Joon Young as a mother, she will aid her along the way as a Teacher, honing her talents to be the next master.


The theme of their contest? “A good student surpasses his teacher.” On Baek Sul’s side, with a clear mind, In Joo isn’t bothered by her lack of talents anymore. Instead, she makes up for it by using the skills she has acquired over the years. When she and Baek Sul make the same dish, hers comes out as the clear winner, shutting up Baek Sul’s criticizing attitude.

To counter Haemil’s articles, Baek Sul publishes her own set of articles, disqualifying Haemil’s talents as a chef. Joon Young hears of the news, and worried that he’s hurting, so she hurries to his place. Do Yoon masks his sadness by playing game. Jane leaves the two alone and Joon Young spices up his competitiveness by joining him, on the condition that the loser makes dinner.


He scores the first goal and slowly loses all the shots to Joon Young. She waves her controller, happy and satisfied, while he shakes his head in defeat. They’re so freakin adorable here, like two little cute bunnies.


Although she wins, Do Yoon insists she makes dinner. He heads inside to read some articles regarding Baek Sul’s attack and the possible demise of their family tie. Joon Young wonders if he’s okay, and he smiles, saying that being a chef was his hyung’s dream. He holds a frame in hand, which displays a ripped photo of just Ji Yoon. They were born on the same day, yet he was the only one plagued with an illness. From there, Do Yoon moved forward in life, carrying the dreams and desires his brother couldn’t accomplish. He’s achieved it all for him. Except for one thing, in which he fails continuously – liking President Baek.


Armed with a mission to help Do Yoon, Joon Young enters the tiger’s cave – Baek Sul’s house, and hopes that she could publish an article where she retracts everything she has said. Baek Sul’s smile darkens, she takes this opportunity to shake up Joon Young’s feelings for Do Yoon. “You like him? When? You thought he was a newbie in the kitchen. Are you surprised he’s my son? Maybe when you learned he’s a renowned chef?”


Joon Young avoids the question, and instead answers that she feels sorry for him, the life he’s lived. She shows Baek Sul the same ripped photo of Ji Yoon. She is stunned seeing the photo again and screams at Joon Young, demanding her to leave. Staying rigid in her seat, Joon Young continues her speech, “Can’t you see? He became Haemil to show you his success!” Baek Sul: “What he wanted to do was hurt me all his life!” Baek Sul doesn’t believe this nonesense and flings a pillow towards her direction, forcing Joon Young to leave. Unbeknownst to them, In Joo watches this whole exchange at the door, her face peaceful as something dawns on her. That maybe revenge against family is most hurtful to those involved?


That night, in her drunkard state, Baek Sul calls Do Yoon, still believing that Doo Hee is the culprit behind Ji Yoon’s death. However, we see another side to the story. She says she’s also wrong for locking up Ji Yoon, “I shouldn’t have locked him up. But your hyung kept running away. Other kids beat him up for no reasons! You know that! He liked cars too, and almost got killed several times by running in front of them.”


He takes a deep breath and clarifies, “You misunderstood. He didn’t like cars, he liked the sound of cars. Every time he recognized the sound of your car coming home, he would run out, thinking that you would be there.” At this, he turns around to face the mirror before muttering out, “Hyung….loved you a lot. Not me.” Oh, I really like how this scene is shot. He’s looking at a mirror, hoping to confirm his own feeling, but it instead reflects that he does love his mother, in his own twisted way.

Again, In Joo watches Baek Sul agonize over her lost child. Seeing her pain has finally opened her eyes to the truth. She cradles her real mother’s photo, pondering, “Who made me this way, mom?” Although she asks in a daze-like state, I believe she knows the answer already, that it’s her own stubbornness that led things to this crushed moment. It only takes a single step back to free yourself, girl. Time for apology!

Highlights #2: The Competition


Just like 22 years ago, the main ingredient is carp. The teachers are assigned to prepare the carp and here is when Baek Sul allows her darkness to take over. She can’t even lift the lid without shaking from fear. After much hesitation, she finally picks up the fish and places it on the cutting board. When she tries to stab it, both the knife and the fish slip out of her grasp, falling weakly to the ground.

Doo Hee orders a second carp to be brought in and warns Baek Sul to collect herself together, “Whatever happened, we need a clear winner today.” The carp is done preparing and the teachers walk off the stage. Baek Sul trudges along, and Do Yoon comes up to her, grabbing her arm, “Is everything finished?” She doesn’t have the energy to talk to him. Plus, she knows he didn’t come here for her sake, “So go.”

Jae Ha secretly watches the girls as they cook, specifically his eyes only spare moments for Joon Young. He leaves without making his presence known. I think it would be nice if he at least glances at In Joo….but okay.


Doo Hee chases after Baek Sul to say a few last words. She muses about the competition 22 years ago, had Baek Sul played fair, what would the result be? Baek Sul arches her brow, “You naturally thought you would have. Since you have never considered me as a rival. Always looking down on me!” Doo Hee refutes that, “From the beginning, you’re the only one with that thought.” She leaves, and Baek Sul drops a regretful tear.

The girls are finished with their dishes. Joon Young made a stew, representing the different flavors and expressions that Arirang has offered in the last century, and its integrity that has kept Arirang strong against the emerging competitors. Grandma smiles, satisfied with the deep meaning.


It’s In Joo’s turn, she made a five-colored steamed carp with 8 ingredients. Everything looks good, but Grandma is worried about the expensive ingredients, “Who would buy it?” In Joo: “Probably no one.” This answer stuns the crowds and In Joo explains the meaning behind her dish: “The 8 expensive ingredients are like 8 jewels that are hard to come by. This dish has been prepared with the utmost care. It’s too precious to eat. That notion, is what Korean Cuisine means to me.”

She turns to look at Doo Hee, “And that preciousness is what I want to deliver through this dish. The things I have seen, felt, and learned in Arirang for the past 10 years.”

The results are in and Doo Hee informs the girls. In Joo is the winner, with her mindset to lead Arirang in the future. Joon Young’s dish is great but it embraces too much of the past.


Meanwhile, Joon Young stands by herself on the balcony, and Do Yoon joins her. She confesses that she knew she couldn’t beat the passion In Joo possesses for Arirang. She’s envious but not jealous. At least now, she can go on and live a happy life. Do Yoon suggests she learns from a great teacher abroad, pointing to himself. Ha. Joon Young replies, “I’d get scold every day! I don’t want that!” They laugh and he messes up her hair teasingly.

Highlights #3: After the Competition

At the airport, Jae Ha relays the truth to In Woo, the woman who saved In Joo 22 years ago was Yeon Woo’s mother. He then sends a goodbye text to Joon Young, telling her to live life courageously, he’ll be gone for 2-3 years. She replies with a thank-you note and an apology.

In Woo passes the message to Young Bum and Doo Hee, and they both visit Yeon Woo’s mother’s grave to pay their respect.


Night falls. Baek Sul holds the ripped photo of Ji Yoon in one hand, while the other hand opens up a box filled with kids clothing, and behind those stuff, is the other half of the photo with her and Do Yoon. She sobs by herself… and finally publishes an article, accepting all her faults, and apologizing to her sons.

Jane meets up with Joon Young, pleading, “If you can’t give me a decisive answer about your feeling, let Do Yoon go. His career will suffer greatly if he breaches the contract again by not performing in the next food event.” Joon Young swallows down a lump. What? You’re backing out? Tell Jane your feeling! My hair! It’s falling!


After he reads the article, Do Yoon drops by to see his mother. She’s in bed with a disheveled look, not caring about her appearance. The news of his visit has her up in seconds, quickly making herself look glamorous again. heh. He looks at her fancy clothing and supposes that she’s still alive after all. She drops a snort, “What? You think I would be lying in bed? Haven’t you heard? I beat Song Doo Hee!” Since she’s okay, he excuses himself, and she adds, “Ji Yoon is my son. He’s not only your hyung. Stop being arrogant and let him rest in peace.”

She goes into the kitchen and waits for him to leave. Turns out he’s finally cooked her something. The kitchen ajuhmma pours a bowl of soup. Baek Sul tastes it, and mumbles proudly, “It tastes…good.” Aw! He cooked for her! He then visits his brother’s site and hangs the perfect picture of their family of three on the tree. His hyung is not alone anymore and he professes that it’s time for him to go to that girl.


He takes Joon Young, dressed in her pajamas/exercise clothes, out on a date. In the car, she covers her head with her hoodie, meaning to hide herself from the reporters in case they get caught. He chuckles at her extreme caution, “You stand out more like that. You might cause a scandal too.” He pulls down her hoodie and they smile at their each other’s silliness.

Their date is having dinner outside, under the stars. Uncomfortable with the attention they’re getting, Joon Young thinks it’s better that they leave. There’s nothing she’d like to get on the menu anyway. He seizes her arm, “Then I’ll cook for you.” Weeeee! He looks so dashing wearing that black suit. And cooking. What a girl gotta do to find this perfect man?


Everyone watches in awe, and Joon Young basks herself in the moments before Jane’s words shadow her mind. After he’s done, he presents the food, arranged into a happy face, before Joon Young. The customers gather around, and one girl requests, “Can you make me one?” He rejects her, explaining, “This dish is one of a kind.” A reporter jerks up his doggy ears, “Is this a proposal then?” Immediately, everyone chants happily, making it an awkward for the couple. Judging from Do Yoon’s face, he didn’t mean for it to be a proposal scene, and Joon Young, thinking exactly that, gets up to leave! This type of scenarios happens often in real life, and I would like to slap all the people in this scene alone. You guys ruined it!

Do Yoon comes home and Jane, in a monotone voice, lists off all his jobs until next year. She calls his love selfish, “What about Joon Young? She just met her family. And what about her dreams? Don’t delude yourself, chasing and pushing ahead is not love.” Guys, my head wants to explode. Why is everyone so sure that they can’t work out? His only desire to bring Joon Young with him is to help her improve her culinary skills. Marriage is part of the plan, but not now. He sees it too.


Later, he receives a text from Joon Young: “I’m sorry. Instead of cooking for me alone, I would like if Haemil’s food can be enjoyed by everyone in this world.” Whoa, so noble and honorable Joon Young. Let me ask you, what has he been doing for the past 15 years of his life in England? Cooking for the world, for the people he doesn’t care about. And right now, when he finally found that one person he wants to cook for, you reject him?


In the end, In Joo accepts the seat of Master Chef. Did I miss it? Did she ever apologize for doing all those nasty things? To Joon Young? I would’ve loved and supported her if she added that one liner in her acceptance speech. And how is Arirang saved? Did they change management or something? Loose end left untied, writer.


Outside Baek Sul drops a news to Joon Young, that her son is returning to England. Joon Young hurries to haul a cab. In the last minute, she looks up at national tv and sees Do Yoon at the airport. She doesn’t go after him.

A year later.


Joon Young is seen driving her own van, singing happily to the song Fake Dad always sings. She screeches to a stop when national tv again reports about Do Yoon’s return to Korea. According to Jane, Joon Young has been quite a hit in the past year: publishing a Korean Cuisine recipe book, and demonstrating event for overseas chefs weekly. During her free time, she does community service too, cooking for others. Her motto: “Only people who work can eat.”


Knowing that Do Yoon has returned to Korea, Joon Young jumps to check her phone whenever something rings. Unfortunately, it’s not her phone, and Fake Dad teases her.


The sun is setting, and Joon Young cleans up to go home. She tries to reach for the car’s cover but it’s too high. After four attempts, Do Yoon appears and effortlessly pulls it down. She looks at him unpleasantly, gets in the car, and drives away.


Several feet away, she stops the van, gets off, and walks slowly back to him. Really? You can’t run to him? They stare at each other, and she kicks him. He doubles over in pain and smiles back at her.


Alice —- > Photobucket
Gif credit to myfunandlove.tumblr.com

The ending plasters a stoned face on me. I don’t have any intelligent words to offer you all because it is underwhelming, as I stopped caring after the supposed proposal scene. As I have said eons ago, I came because of Sung Yuri and Joo Sang Wook, despite the writer’s infamous reputation of draggy plots. But I now leave with nothing but an upset stomach. And a whole world of adoration for Lee Sang Woo. Pick up a rom-com please man? Spare your supporters of romances that tread a millimeter each episode.

Beanie Couple’s Separation: The writer’s poor attempt at being dramatic in the last episode. Terrible because it makes no sense and it doesn’t change anything. What does one year change? Is he not going to cook anymore? Do Yoon began his journey to be a chef for his brother. Now that the burden is lifted, why is everyone making such a big deal out of a small issue? How is he being selfish for pursuing the love he’s repressing all these months? At the end of the day, I just hate that they were separated on bad terms, without contact for a year!

Moreover, the theme that this drama often brings up is family. But how can it be heart-warming if the two leads aren’t building a family together? Yea, they stare at each other, which suggests nothing, other than longing. We know for a fact that they want a proper family but now? He’s leaving for Korea, so when is family going to be built? Too many loose ends.

My last words for this drama? It has all the right, fabulous ingredients, but given to a Krappy Chef, it became a mush of disappointment. Thank-you you all for being here with me for the past few months (4! Beejeezbus!). Lurkers and all. 50% of my patience resulted because of everyone’s encouraging words and hilarious bantering. If I ever step into this recapping business again, let’s all hope it’s for a good drama, because my writing alone can’t help much to save a doomed train. Weeeeee ~~

Until next time. 😉

  1. 43 thoughts on “Highlights: Feast of the Gods Episode 31 & 32 Finale

    Thanks, it’s a fun experience reading your recap. You made it fun and bearable despite the flimsy logic of this drama. Lots of potentials, botched by the writer. Too bad. The best part, which I’m so glad for, LSW stood out! Pleasant surprise. I hope Sung Yuri and LSW get together in another drama, and next time with better plot development.

    I have a feeling the writer did not anticipate the chemistry of LSW and SY; perhaps the writer rooted for JSW initially, otherwise why the symbolism of hour glass? And what’s that lesson from mom about the essence of waiting (scene when they were preparing the secret broth). We now see that after long wait to see her family, JY was still short-changed by the whole drama around fake IJ. And yet, no repentance from fake IJ or that fake IJ accepted JY! Even JSW may feel that his character was severely botched. Perhaps there was a switched of main lead in the middle of the road? O well…this one I can’t complain, LSW stepped in and he is hot and oh so fine 🙂

    I truly enjoyed your recaps. Thanks, again!

  2. 43 thoughts on “Highlights: Feast of the Gods Episode 31 & 32 Finale

    ” This type of scenarios happens often in real life, and I would like to slap all the people in this scene alone. You guys ruined it!” it was the stupidest scene, I hate it! and the customers :)) and that girl “can you make one for me?” yak!

    It was a louse ending, and I already promise myself not to watch a drama from this writer or one with SYR in it. I was not a fan of her, I enjoy some scenes, but she is not a good actress (sorry, my opinion). Lee Sang Woo better play a rom-com, an action series, something better than this.

    Thank you for the recaps, I loved them as I started to love your site, Kaptain A <3

  3. 43 thoughts on “Highlights: Feast of the Gods Episode 31 & 32 Finale

    gracias por su arduo trabajo la verdad es el primer drama que veo que los malos se llevan los premios que hacen de las suyas y solo derraman una lagrimitas jajajaja y la buena queda como tonta y loca ups lo unico bueno lsw ese hombre si esta bueno de guapo y si me fijare bien en futuros dramas y donde aparesca< el nombre de ese gionista la verdad no perdere mi tiempo espero que la novela que se va extrenar la del fantasma alivie mi alma por que tambien me gusta ese actor y espero tenga un mejor momento buen comienzo de semana

  4. 43 thoughts on “Highlights: Feast of the Gods Episode 31 & 32 Finale

    thanks for the recaps….however crappy the ending was. i don’t want to think that i wasted several weeks of waiting for recaps and eng subs for FotG. i still love the JY/DY pairing though.

  5. 43 thoughts on “Highlights: Feast of the Gods Episode 31 & 32 Finale

    I like your self created conversation between Lee Sang Woo and Yuri in the beginning of the recap. Very creative yet hilarious ^^ .Ohhh.. I like Your Blog TOO 🙂

  6. 43 thoughts on “Highlights: Feast of the Gods Episode 31 & 32 Finale

    Thanks Kap. I have stalked this site since Sunday morning. I thought you have given up, because of crap ending.

    Crap ending as what I have expected ,just like the past few dramas written by this woman. I am guessing

    she did not went after DY because she wanted him to build up his reputation again. I am not a great fan of SYR

    too, but I am fine with she pairing with LSW. They should do another drama together right after .

    I hope LSW will accept another role soon…. should he partner with Kim Tae Hee , Kim So Eun, Lee Si Yeong,

    Lee Yo Won.

  7. 43 thoughts on “Highlights: Feast of the Gods Episode 31 & 32 Finale

    ROFL! Good thinking Kaptain!

  8. 43 thoughts on “Highlights: Feast of the Gods Episode 31 & 32 Finale

    thank you very much that you didn’t give up, held on and pulled us through these 4 months with your beautiful recaps of this unfortunately-turned-out-to-be-a-crappy-drama FotG! i wish your next project will be with a better writer. This script writer is on my red list now! I am not a fan of SYR but love LSW, so was happy that at the end he became to be the main lead and got the girl, but with this kind of ending, i really am at a loss for words. What kind of an ending was that?

    Fake IJ won the competetion with that mind set? Sabotaging the other contestant, not playing fair and square, poisoning with food, … She had no respect for the food, just saw it as a means of getting the life she dreamed of, as a tool, didn’t even apologize for her wrong-doings. Did she even feel remoarse? I doubt that. No redemption for the wicked!

    IW with his crappy apology for treating fake IJ so badly in the past and admitting that he found her pitiful, really not believeable. If it were like that, why did you behave that way from the beginning when you came back to Korea after so many years as an adult this time? You could have made up for your mistakes, but he had to wait till the last episode! Again, no redemption for the wicked!

    What kind of an answer was that fake IJ gave that noone would eat her dish in the competition? Hahaha! It’s like the urban legend where the professor asks only one question in the exam with the value of 100 points, it is: What is “risk”? Every student try to explain from different angles with various examples what risk is, and fail, only one student passes the exam with 100 points, who has written nothing on the paper but “this is risk”. It is like IJ’s answer. “Who would eat your dish if it is so expenseive? Who can afford it?” IJ. “Noone!” Hahaha!

    How was Arirang saved? With fake IJ’s mindset during the competition that Korean Cuisine is so precious that you can not eat, isn’t that the reason, that they didn’t allow the customers to take their left-overs with them in doggy bags you know, in the previous episodes there was a quarrel between fake IJ, JY and the customers who wanted to take their left-overs home, IJ said that wasn’t allowed, JY said since they paid the price for the food, it belongs to them and the customers are then free to do what they want with the food, so they are allowed to take the left-overs. So if the food is that precious and that expensive, who will be able to afford it and how will come out of the managerial crisis? Wasn’t their firm grasp of their tradition the reason why they were fighting against the modernness of Baek Sul and Sanarae? After JY worked for Sanarae a couple of weeks/monts and learnt from the Chef there, and came back to Arirang and cooked, her dishes were critized because they were too modern, Sanarae-like, they didn’t have the essence of traditional Arirang. So what is with the judgement that she loses the competition because she representes too much of the past and tradition with her dish? Totally contradictory!

    Why did JH have to go abroad? Why is it in K-Dramas always America or Europe an escape road from their miseries in the home country? He is so heart-broken that he has to change the country? So dramatic! Didn’t he say in the previous episodes after the disco scene to fake IJ that he doesn’t understand himself how he can love a woman like her and said her name was pretty after which a smile was formed on fake IJ’s face? What happened to his feelings then? Did he decide that he didn’t love her afterall? Undecisive pair in love: JY and JH!

    I think DY and JY won’t be a couple, maybe just be friends with special feeling for each other? Because he is in Korea not for good, will go back to England or whereever, she is too absorbed in her familial bonds with fake Dad and her “noble” family in Arirang!

    Why do they do it always like this in dramas that the pair will be seperated where they have asolutely no contact with each other? Do they go to an underdeveloped, third-world-country, where there is no cell-phone reception, no internet, no landline-phone, no post to send letters or cards? Why do they cut the contact so abruptly? And when they come back after one or a couple of years they resume the relationship where they have paused? So convenient! No hurt feelings of being deserted, forgotten, not mentioned, not remembered, being shut of from that person’s life! What a wonderful relationship (!) huh!

    I think i can make a much longer list about the crappiness of this drama but will stop here to not upset my stomach any more!

    Thank you very much again Kaptain A! Respect your hard work and patience! Will be visiting your page and anticipating your next project! I wish you lots of love and take care!

    • 43 thoughts on “Highlights: Feast of the Gods Episode 31 & 32 Finale

      you think too much! 😀

      “He is so heart-broken that he has to change the country? ” LOL and I really approve every other word of your comment.
      Thanks God for the Queen In Hyun’s Man <3

      • 43 thoughts on “Highlights: Feast of the Gods Episode 31 & 32 Finale

        yeah i am off to Queen In Hyun’s Man too 😉 it is such a superb drama, am totally hooked, hopefully the writer won’t bail on us and remain being perfect till the end! can’t wait for the recaps at joonni.com 😀 recommend you all, if you are eager to understand what’s going on so you can’t wait for the subs! 😉

    • 43 thoughts on “Highlights: Feast of the Gods Episode 31 & 32 Finale

      Totally agree with your thoughts on the explanations of their dishes! Completely contradictory to the way the girls’ act and think of Arirang.

  9. 43 thoughts on “Highlights: Feast of the Gods Episode 31 & 32 Finale

    I am so happy that DY is wearing his H bracelet………Wow missed him so much.

  10. 43 thoughts on “Highlights: Feast of the Gods Episode 31 & 32 Finale

    We are so unsatisfied , we should protest to get the writer and director to do extra episode just SYR and LSW

    with a happy ending. I remember fans of Kim Hyun Joon were so unhappy with the ending in ” Playful Kiss” ,

    finally , Kim Hyun Joon and that girl ,had extra screen time on you tube.

  11. 43 thoughts on “Highlights: Feast of the Gods Episode 31 & 32 Finale

    Hi! As a lurker of your site for about a year now and a lurker of your recaps every week, I just wanted to say: THANK YOU! You actually got me to download this show and fall in love with Do Yoon (awh, the Beanie Couple…) — granted I loved LSW already, but I hadn’t been keen on watching this show. Not when I couldn’t tell from the promotional pictures if he was THE lead or not. However, once I downloaded the last episode and saw the ending for the Beanie Couple I just had to delete the series. Seriously? SERIOUSLY? LSW is a fantastical kisser and you don’t give him a chance to shine?! What is wrong with you Jo Eun Jung? Are you even human?


    I digress: thank you ever so much for these wonderful recaps and I’m sorry that this show wasn’t worthy of them. =( But good Lord, the pictures were gorgeous! =) Thanks again!

  12. 43 thoughts on “Highlights: Feast of the Gods Episode 31 & 32 Finale

    I was quite disappointed with the ending because when Joo Young got out the car I kept on saying “RUN!RUN!RUN TO HIM AND KISS HIM LIKE THERE’S NO TOMORROW!!!”… But she walked. I mean it was a peaceful scene? but dull and then they smiled and I am sure they made babies on the spot that’s what I keep telling myself that they went off to make little cuties in the back of her van 😉

  13. 43 thoughts on “Highlights: Feast of the Gods Episode 31 & 32 Finale

    i knew it, back way in episdes one digits i post a coment about the otp seperated a long time than cut to smiling at each other then the end!! why are all the endings to the dramas that i am watching end in such a crappy way?!! i want to kick the writer in the shin in the way that she will not be smiling afterwards.

  14. 43 thoughts on “Highlights: Feast of the Gods Episode 31 & 32 Finale

    LOL! You guys are hilarious! I didn’t think much about this drama after like half way thru but couldn’t help coming back here every week to read the recaps (definitely BETTER than the show…THANKS FOR YOUR HARD WORK!) and the comments (like i say, people, you are more fun than the show!!!).

  15. 43 thoughts on “Highlights: Feast of the Gods Episode 31 & 32 Finale

    Thank you so much for your earnest efforts to recap and to bring out the significance of even the small details.

    It seemed everyone here already said what has to be said of the drama’s ending . I have nothing big to add except that in the ending there was an attempt to add the career issue quite late, issues unresolved like In Jo’ crimes , lopsided stress on how pitiful she is but not Joon Young, perhaps that is why she cannot attend to her heart because she herself has that heartache no matter that she is not saying anything or pretending only to be brave.

    How come there are no heart to heart moments when DY/JY can actually be open to each other and not just have snatches of several minutes and then BS/Jane had to meddle. Poor JY actually,when JH let her go, she has those two meddlers. Jane -haha she has her ulterior motives, too ever since day one. But tough luck, girl!

    The ending,for me is just a promise -nothing for sure -just perhaps a beginning for DY/JY to resume where they left of. If there was no hug, kiss and she did not even run to him -I think it’s because she wasn’t sure if he is just here for old time’s sake . What if he is after a year of no contact had fallen for someone? Also DY, is he sure JH has not returned ?

    And the kick . It is another punishment for leaving her and not contacting her for a year ,you jerk! On another note, JY should have checked his wrist, he is still wearing the Haemil bracelet .

    Btw, the main cast of FOTG went to the VIP premiere showing of Sung Yuri and Kang Jihwan’s Movie Runway Cop last May 22nd . BS and Jane didn’t come or I just didn’t see their pictures online.

    • 43 thoughts on “Highlights: Feast of the Gods Episode 31 & 32 Finale

      Sorry , I posted twice by mistake.

  16. 43 thoughts on “Highlights: Feast of the Gods Episode 31 & 32 Finale

    To Alice –

    Thank you so much for your earnest efforts to recap and to bring out the significance of even the small details. I like your comments here and there. Funny and brilliant .

    It seemed everyone here already said what has to be said of the drama’s ending . I have nothing big to add except that in the ending there was an attempt to add the career issue quite late, issues unresolved like In Jo’ crimes , lopsided stress on how pitiful she is but not Joon Young, perhaps that is why she cannot attend to her heart because she herself has that heartache no matter that she is not saying anything or pretending only to be brave.

    How come there are no heart to heart moments when DY/JY can actually be open to each other and not just have snatches of several minutes and then BS/Jane had to meddle. Poor JY actually,when JH let her go, she has those two meddlers. Jane -haha she has her ulterior motives, too ever since day one. But tough luck, girl!

    The ending,for me is just a promise -nothing for sure -just perhaps a beginning for DY/JY to resume where they left of. If there was no hug, kiss and she did not even run to him -I think it’s because she wasn’t sure if he is just here for old time’s sake . What if he is after a year of no contact had fallen for someone? Also DY, is he sure JH has not returned ?

    And the kick . It is another punishment for leaving her and not contacting her for a year ,you jerk! On another note, JY should have checked his wrist, he is still wearing the Haemil bracelet .

    Btw, the main cast of FOTG went to the VIP premiere showing of Sung Yuri and Kang Jihwan’s Movie Runway Cop last May 22nd . BS and Jane didn’t come or I just didn’t see their pictures online.

    • 43 thoughts on “Highlights: Feast of the Gods Episode 31 & 32 Finale

      To me she has no right to kick him. She let him go, through a text no less. JY PISSED ME OFF throughout this drama. She fell for jh after what? One meeting! But it takes her a century to like dy! She has never said sh loves him neither. Im sure she knows his number or jane but in the end, she doesnt want to fight for him. Lettin him do all the work in the relationship. Im sorry but this ending tells me how imbalanced their relationship is. I stopped and hate seeing dy pining after such a silly girl. The ending killed the couple for me. How ironic.

      Thanks kap for your recap. It makes this drama bearable nd sometimes funny wih your humor. Hope you pick up another drama, I like the way you write. 🙂

  17. 43 thoughts on “Highlights: Feast of the Gods Episode 31 & 32 Finale

    To me the ending was lame. No hugs and kisses on both sides (DY and JH) when they meet up again. All well, Thanks for the recap. Enclosed is a article about Lee Sang Woo.

    Article Titled: Lee Sang Woo Love of Pure Loyalty Attracts Attention of Ads Industry

    Actor Lee Sang Woo is winning the hearts of woman through pine tree-like love in MBC weekend drama “Banquet of the Gods“.

    Lee Sang Woo is playing the role of Kim Do Yoon whose heart for Go Joon Young (played by Sung Yuri) is always the same and quietly guards her behind her in “Banquet of the Gods” which scheduled to end at May 20th, 2012.

    Because of Lee Sang Woo has been showing never changing true heart for Sung Yuri regardless of suffering circumstances, so the viewers are giving enthusiastic support and praise.

    In fact, the praise for Lee Sang Woo has been continuous on the message board of the drama series. Most audience praised, “The stable acting of Lee Sang Woo made Kim Do Yoon shined even more” and so on.

    The fact that Lee Sang Woo impressed the hearts of female audience also attracted the attention of advertising industry. The likability for “pine tree-like love and warm man Lee Sang Woo” in CF has increased. The official of management agency, Bae Sung Eun, said on May 14th, 2012, “Lee Sang Woo won the love of many people through the role of “Kim Do Yoon in ‘Banquet of the Gods’, and he has received many proposals from advertising industry. Currently reviewing the CF proposals received before the end of the drama, will sign contract in the next few days.”

    Lee Sang Woo said through management agecy, “I’m current working hard in filming, I will do my utmost until the end.”

    via Yahoo!

    Retrieved from ” http://dramahaven.com/lee-sang-woo-love-of-pure-loyalty-attracts-attention-of-ads-industry/

    PS. I love to see Lee Sang Woo do a toothpaste commercial due to his beautiful smile.

  18. 43 thoughts on “Highlights: Feast of the Gods Episode 31 & 32 Finale

    Hi Kaptain – thanks for the highlight recap. It felt good to know that you felt the same as me ~ i thought i was the weird one ~ till your next recap on more interesting drama ~ will still haunt this site 🙂 🙂 🙂

  19. 43 thoughts on “Highlights: Feast of the Gods Episode 31 & 32 Finale

    Sigh, I’m suddenly overwhelmed with emotions reading everyone’s comments…once again. The disappointment is upsetting, but bearing it with a bunch of comrades – makes everything endurable. 🙂

    I still despise myself for investing so much time and tears into the beanie couple. We don’t deserve this crap! And JY, yeaaaaaaaa, she raised my hackles in the end. I was speechless with her I’-m-not-going-to-call-you-first mindset. Really girl?

    When I just finished watching episode 32, what I did was deleting all of my 720p copies of this drama – which is around 45GB+. Now I have space for other quality dramas next season.

    Next, I want to rename this drama – Feast of the Gods!? Unless the writer means Lee Sang Woo because this drama presents no feast that I would call god-like. The food moments were often glossed by, and they didn’t leave me craving like I did for Baker King. Our characters didn’t even get to have a proper family dinner. That would have been a poignant moment to wrap up the series, much better than seeing them scattered and separated.

    Feast of the Gods? Pshhhhhhh Feast for the Frogs is more appropriate.

  20. 43 thoughts on “Highlights: Feast of the Gods Episode 31 & 32 Finale

    Things I’ll miss in Feast of the Gods:

    Haemil’s hair-do
    Haemil’s wickedly handsome black chef’s outfit
    Do Yoon’s leather jackets
    Do Yoon’s beautiful smiles
    Do Yoon’s incredible doll making skills

    Hmmm, I may have left out a few others, but since there was so very much to hate from this drama, I decided to find the hidden diamonds:) This about sums it up! A million and one thanks to you, Kaptain for weathering this long ride and never failing to disappoint. I love your humor throughout and your fortitude to graciously finish recapping this mess of a drama, but hey. There was some good, right? 🙂

  21. 43 thoughts on “Highlights: Feast of the Gods Episode 31 & 32 Finale

    Glad that you actually recapped the last two episodes Alice (: i’m sure we’re all disappointed with the less than desirable ending, but for all of us to still read this…..just goes to show how much we all love the beanie couple (as well as your recaps of course! )

    I guess i’m an easily satisfied person, cos I’m actually pleased that at least the writers paired up DY and Jy together in the end. Although i do wish that maybe we can see the beanie couple appearing in a CF together and if they win the best couple award at the end of the year, i would totally scream in joy! 😀

    I’m sure glad to have discovered LSW through this. I sure will be watching him for his upcoming dramas/films! (FOTG is the longest ever drama i ever watched without skipping episodes, and all credit is due to LSW’s superb acting (; )

    Anw i’m gg to miss all of you guys. But i think imma stop watching dramas for awhile. (watching FOTG and King2Hearts have taken a toll on me. Somehow the writers are intent on not giving my ships more moments together 🙁 ) exams are coming soon, bit you might see me dropping by once in a while here. Keep up the good work alice! Love ya!

  22. 43 thoughts on “Highlights: Feast of the Gods Episode 31 & 32 Finale

    Thank you for the last 2 episode ..Love your recaps even I have to agree it was a very sad ending..I’ve seen a few of LSW drama but I think this was the best ever ..he is the saving grace in this drama..I will watch this drama again because of him.And keeping a eye for his next one hopefully.I actually watch this because I love drama that shows cooking or baking but this one has very little to see.Your hard work of recapping this drama is not waste because I enjoyed it tremendously..I love K drama but the 2 drama that I followed has drained me out because of its sad and irrelevant endings..its saving grace is only of the beautiful pairing…Thank you Kaptain A…salute.

    • 43 thoughts on “Highlights: Feast of the Gods Episode 31 & 32 Finale

      P.S…Your hard work is not wasted…Thank you.

  23. 43 thoughts on “Highlights: Feast of the Gods Episode 31 & 32 Finale

    Hi! Am one of the weekly lurkers of your recaps….it’s midnight now and all I have to say is I laughed so hard when I saw the tumblr pic. Awesome! Thanks for all the hard work, it’s very much appreciated!

  24. 43 thoughts on “Highlights: Feast of the Gods Episode 31 & 32 Finale

    Thank you so much for all your recap, I really really enjoyed it, you made the drama more enjoyable. I agree that this drama is a mess, the only thing that make me able to wait every episode patiently and finish this drama is Do Yoon/LSW. The ending mmm is ok, because with this kind of writer I was expecting the worst. The way I look at the ending it is a happy ending, both of them smile without words meaning they know what in each other heart, JY kicks DY basically saying that she misses him. And just a matter of time they will be together for good, wedding will definitely come at the end. So I am keeping this drama for my collection and will try to just cut DY and DY/JY scenes and rewatch them again. Thanks again, your recap for FOTG is really appreciated, I sometimes re-read it just for fun. I still love this drama.

  25. 43 thoughts on “Highlights: Feast of the Gods Episode 31 & 32 Finale

    anyone know if there’s a new upcoming drama of lee sang woo … 🙂

  26. 43 thoughts on “Highlights: Feast of the Gods Episode 31 & 32 Finale

    try to watch his drama DON”T HESITATE in dramafans.com . one of the best drama of Lee Sang woo 🙂

  27. 43 thoughts on “Highlights: Feast of the Gods Episode 31 & 32 Finale

    Thank you so much for all the hours and time you did for us by recapping all the episodes. I know some must be hard to even write but you did it – you are most appreciated by me. I really love how you really show your emotion – you really don’t hold back anything – if it is crap, you wrote it!!

    I too agreed with you about the writer – I will forever hate watching any of her drama. After what you went through and what I went to through (I almost sent her a crate of poison snakes but the people at FEDEX said I needed to state what was the content – never mind I told them). She is one writer that I had such a hard time figuring out each week.

    And don’t ask me about the ending – geez – is that what we got after waiting for 32 episodes – a kick in the shin – I would have been happy and would have said maybe one nice word about if they got to hug each other. But no, you had to have smile and then the music started.. Geez, that was one lousy ending.

    Anyway, enough of the writer. I just wanted to say “thank you” again and hopefully I will read more of your recaps on other drama.

  28. 43 thoughts on “Highlights: Feast of the Gods Episode 31 & 32 Finale

    A month since I came to your blog..and re-reading your recaps and watching the drama again especially DY/JY scene.Due to this drama LSW become my sought after actor to watch..and he might take another drama’ Horse Doctor’ Saguek…as 2nd lead with my favorite actresses..Lee Yo won and Kim So eun.. Thank you I still visits your blog often….

    • 43 thoughts on “Highlights: Feast of the Gods Episode 31 & 32 Finale

      Thanks Athena. At this rate, I hope he doesn’t accept the role. 2nd LEAD? AGAIN? Imma pass that.


  29. 43 thoughts on “Highlights: Feast of the Gods Episode 31 & 32 Finale

    Hi there! I stumbled upon your recaps while looking for information about this series – thank you so much! Especially because you finished the entire series too, which is super hard given life commitments (and sometimes a waning interest in the actual drama).

    I got my hands on a copy of this series and was wondering whether or not I should give it a go, but after reading your recaps, I’m a little wary of embarking on a 32-episode series that ends up being more blah than wow. 🙁 However, the scenes between the two main leads (second male lead???) seem sweet albeit few and far between. Since I know the majority of the plot now, maybe I’ll keep my finger on the fast forward button and only watch those scenes. 🙂

  30. 43 thoughts on “Highlights: Feast of the Gods Episode 31 & 32 Finale

    Hi Kaptain and Alice,
    Thank you soo much for recapping. I enjoyed your recap, although less so for the storyline. It is totally makjang., and too dragging. The only good things that I like in this show is, Korean Food and Cooking and LSW character. P

  31. 43 thoughts on “Highlights: Feast of the Gods Episode 31 & 32 Finale

    Great potential for a classic Drama, i agree that things moved slow and the ending was a big let down. Sadly Jun Yeong seems to get dragged through the mud way to often with no real respite along the way. I watched the entire drama in a few days, I couldn’t imagine what it must of felt like watching it over the entire season. In all honesty I think if your after happy love and happy endings don’t watch this, if you enjoy cooking drama then you should watch this. For a happy all round drama with a great ending watch Coffe House or Secret Garden! In saying all that, I loved the characters a lot but felt they were let down by a slow and frustrating plot. This could of been done in at least 24 episodes not 32.

  32. 43 thoughts on “Highlights: Feast of the Gods Episode 31 & 32 Finale

    Thanks for all your understanding in writing these recaps. Glad I’m not the only one feeling robbed. I feel that I invested 32 hours of my life and didn’t even get a token kiss. Thought the whole family dynamic was weird and there was no resolution to the family relationships or love interests…so disappointing on many levels. A year later and still annoyed. 🙁

    • 43 thoughts on “Highlights: Feast of the Gods Episode 31 & 32 Finale

      “A year later and still annoyed.”

      HA. And Aww. Tis okay. Many of us wasted 32 hours too. For me, I wasted 3 times more for each recap! I heard LSW has a new drama so maybe it will be better for us! Cheers!

  33. 43 thoughts on “Highlights: Feast of the Gods Episode 31 & 32 Finale

    well im not happy with the ending also.. but I imagined that they are going to be together just like in “faith” and “city hunter”. It has no connections at all. I wanted to see JY’s parents accept DY, but her brother always did was picking fights with DY. I was so disappointed with him. At least, JY’s dad could have talked to DY. It would be so great if they did it. 🙁 . Well, for my benefit and happiness, I always make up an imagined ending for bad ending dramas. I wish if they had one more episode for concluding. 🙁 However, I love this drama without thinking about the ending. You have done a great job in recap and I love your imaginations. Oh IJ should have a boyffriend too.

  34. 43 thoughts on “Highlights: Feast of the Gods Episode 31 & 32 Finale

    TQ for your recap which has saved me time from the downloading of the drama over the internet. For sure many a times your recap is much more fun than the actual drama. Thoroughly enjoyed the whole show via your fabulous and humourous writing.

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