New Drama and Movie Video Promos: Red Rose, Faithful to Buddha Faithful to You, Monster Hunt 2, Monkey King 3

December is only getting busier!

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Niu Zi Fan and Chen Rong’s Faithful to Buddha, Faithful to You To Air In December 2017

What’s going on?! It’s the end of the year so we are just gonna release dramas that have been sitting on the shelf in the last two years? Joining the fun in our festive December is another novel-to-drama adaptation: Bu Fu Ru Lai, Bu Fu Qing or Not to fail God, Not to fail You, and popular translated on the net as Faithful to Buddha, Faithful to You (不负如来不负卿). Written by Xiao Chun (pen name), it’s a time-traveling story. Not once, but many times. Actress Chen Rong (1986, Brothers, Weddings Postponed) is the female lead, Ai Qing, and Niu Zi Fan (1994, a graduate from Shanghai Theatre Academy) is playing the famous Buddhist monk, Kumarajiva. The story follows an epic love story through time when a historian student successfully time-travels through time (many failed attempts before). She’s 23 when she meets our little monk who is 13 at the time, and their relationship begins as teacher and student, but he develops a crush on her ever since. Years passed for him but only mere months for her and they meet again when the little boy is at the blossoming age of 24. They recognize their love for each other but he is man with a divine mission and they suffer immensely. The third time they meet again, Kumarajiva is in the worst years of his life and she stays by his side through it all.

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Faithful to Buddha, Faithful to You releases First Character Posters

Ready to take a peek at the angst-iest novel being adapted? Last week Faithful to Buddha, Faithful to You (不负如来不负卿) revealed the fresh-faced OTP and this week we have posters and stills ready to be scrutinized. Lol. I love the spectrum of golden colors and subtle hues of the costumes, but somehow they managed to make the ladies not as pretty?

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