Li Yi Tong and Deng Lun’s Hai Tang’s Rouge Shines Through In The Rain is finally airing

It’s finally airing on 10/24!

Hai Tang Jing Yu Yan Zhi Tou (海棠经雨胭脂透) is an upcoming republican series that is not focused on spies but make-up factory back in the days and the messy love triangle between two brothers and a beautiful girl. Li Yi Tong (Legend of the Condor Heroes 2016) and Deng Lun (Princess Agents) are the ultimate OTP but elder brother Ying Hao Ming will throw many wrenches to separate them.

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The Taoism Grandmaster features 29 Rookie Actors from Huace

And you thought you could handle any amount of prettiness?! Take this! 29 rookies from Huace in one drama but you might have seen them scattered throughout dramaland. They must have had a blast filming together. A lot will film, only a few will stand out. Pick your favorites!

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Deng Lun and Li Yi Tong’s messy love in Hai Tang Jing Yu Yan Zhi Tou

Hai Tang Jing Yu Yan Zhi Tou (海棠经雨胭脂透) is an upcoming republican series that is not focused on spies but make-up factory back in the days and the messy love triangle between two brothers and a beautiful girl. Li Yi Tong (Legend of the Condor Heroes 2016) and Deng Lun (Princess Agents) are the ultimate OTP but elder brother Ying Hao Ming will throw many wrenches to separate them. I have been meaning to write about this drama but the production was being so cheap with stills as weeks turned into months with nothing but fan-taken photos. The frustration was real. Lol. Now, they are starting to trickle out quality photos so yay for that.

Not fond of the crazy storyline but they look so cute….

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