Synopsis by Huace: In 1937, Beiping and Tainjin fell into enemy hands. In order to preserve culture and education, several universities in the north of China decided to move to Changsha. Soon after, wars broke out in Changsha. Meng Haitang, who was a lecturer at the Medical School of National Peking University, escorted young students to Chongqing. Meng Haitang, Kang Lanshan, Zhang Qi and other exiled team members from Southwest Associated University established a school and continued their teachings on their way to Chongqing. Haitang and Zhang Qi fell in love with each other. They supported each other and developed a medical school under Peking University in Chongqing. Soon, Haitang was dismissed from school. Haitang and Zhang Qi went to Kunming, got married under the witness of Ling Kang and his wife, and re-developed the medical school in Mengzi. Due to the intense situation of Myanmar-Burma Battle, Haitang and Zhang Qi led some students to establish a battlefield hospital. During the Battle of Pinggu, Zhang Qi was captured by the Japanese army and his whereabouts have never been heard since then. Haitang, who was pregnant at that time, carried on the only bloodline of the Zeng family. In 1949, Haitang and Lanshan refused to go to Taiwan and stayed in the newborn China. Haitang continued to engage in education, while Kang Lanshan inherited his husband’s will and engaged in historical research. Haitang never stopped looking for Zhang Qi, and they reunited after thirty years.
Airing 5/19~
ZRN looks really pretty and demure in this time period~
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