183 Club reunites on stage with Prince Turned To Frog OST for Wang Ou

All the Feeeeeeeeeeeeels. Taiwanese drama The Prince Who Turns into a Frog was one of my favorite Twdramas growing up and I ship Chen Qiao En and Ming Dao with the burning passion of 10 suns when I was a teenager and well into my adulthood. But since they are adamant as good friends, my heart is satisfied and shall move on. With the exception of the leader of the group, the four members reunited on stage last night to surprise Angel Wang Ou, Ming Dao’s current partner on the show We Are In Love Season 3. They sang two songs from Prince Turned To Frog OST, she also sang and cried her heart out.


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Drama-Binging: What Are You Watching? (10)

Been slacking off on these binging posts! Let us know what and how many dramas are your plate! What’s frustratingly bad, messy mess mess, and the ones that get you right in the heart!

I’m only watching three dramas, one of which you know has been taking over 48 hours of my every day. Lol.

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