Chat Station: We Are In Love & Run Brother S2 [Episode 2]

Liu Wen is my new girl crush. Just oh so cuddly and adorable. Her hands-on attitude and humble nature get me right *HERE*.


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Running Man: Episode 236 โ€œReal Men.โ€

This episode was worth the wait. I watched without subtitle and found it entertaining and intense. A lot of guests are invited to challenge our Running Man team. I didn’t recognize the new idols, except for Kwang Hee so their names will be added later when the official list is out. Lol. I might write more to this post if I’m not too tired after work tomorrow. For now, enjoy the gifs and the real men moments. ๐Ÿ˜›

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Running Man: Episode 230 “The New Pretty Boys.”

My, my, my. Have I been THAT out of the loop with K-ent? Five pretty boys are invited on Running Man and I only recognize two! Did you know all five or are we on the same boat? The things about pretty boys and pretty idols being on Running Man is that I get to cackle with glee when our Kim Jong Kook throws them around like stick figures. Stop preening in front of the cameras and hit the gym lads!

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Run, Brother: Episode 11 โ€œFabulous team work!โ€

I would love to write more about this episode since it has sweetheart Gui Gui, and forever young, JJ Lin, but I got an injury at work today and kinda have a split nail bed + deep slit into the tip of my ring finger, which makes typing frustratingly slow and sloppy. You never cherish your fingers until you lose touch with one. =/

Anyhow, this episode is really cute with all the cheers, positive energy, and constant teasing. It made my day better. =)

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Run, Brother: Episode 9 โ€œGreat games!โ€

This episode cracks me up and this is me not understanding much. The cast sizzle with chemistry and jokes and new games! They have been repeating many games from Running Man, so I’m so glad that the PD decided to try out new games to great results and great pains. We love seeing people in pain.

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Running Man: Episode 209 โ€œMuddy Sculptures.โ€

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Wooohoo! Finally, a Running Man episode for me to spazz. This episode killed me. Not sure how many times I peed in my pants. It’s a testament to our Running Man’s charms that despite having 8 guests (!!) in one episode, they shine through and through, until the very end. Even if they become unrecognizable at some point. ๐Ÿ˜‰

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