[Updates] Final Verdict

Due to the overwhelming emails, comments, and posts from avid Star Golden Bell fans, I have decided to continue uploading this show. Happy Together fans don’t have to worry because this show has become my side project, meaning that I will upload it depending on the guest list.

– Main Project (for now): Star Golden Bell aka Twinkle Time (Name used on my new channel)
– Side Project: Happy Together aka Happy Land

NEWS: I’m moving to a new channel because I have 2 strikes for ACshow10 already, a third one and I’ll be history. My new channel will be ACshow21. Please note that I’ll also be using a new method to prevent my videos from THE HUNTERS by UNLISTING them. If you don’t know already, this means that my videos will NOT be listed in my channel, the search results, or youtube public spaces. Everyone can view the videos as long as they have the LINKS, which will be posted here on my blog whenever I upload the episodes.(Thanks anonymous for the genius idea! :D) This is way better than private videos with a limit of 25 users.

I hope this arrangement works. If you have any more idea, please do not hesitate to tell me! Cheers!

P.S. A big thanks to those who voted and emailed me. =)

Author’s Note

Hello everyone!

This post is mainly to inform you guys that I won’t be updating this blog for the next two weeks (episodic downloads will still continue for “Oh My Lady” and “Cinderella’s Sister“). My finals are crashing down on me starting on Monday and  last until Thursday of next week. Therefore, I need to study and remove my attention from the intense drama between Eun Jo and Ki Hoon, with cutie pie Jung Woo and complex Hyo Sun. It’s challenging… (sigh).

For now, those who are fans of the variety show “Star Golden Bell”, you are welcomed to my channel here: ACshow10 to watch the most recent episodes. PLEASE be mindful when you comment and make sure you DON’T mention the show’s name to avoid copyright issues. Also, no tagging of any names. Thank-you!

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