C-drama Music Composer: Chen Xue Ran

I have to admit that most of the time, when I’m watching these dramas, the music, for the most part, doesn’t really grab my attention. Sure, ever so often there will be one song that I like enough to find on YouTube or buy off of iTunes, but I’ve never really paid much attention to who the composers are for all this stuff and most of the songs I couldn’t really get into.

And then Guardian happened…

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First Impressions: Tomb of the Sea (Cdrama, 2018)

Tomb of the Sea“《沙海》is a sequel to the popular 2015 series, “The Lost Tomb”, and based on a web novel taking place several years after the events of the first series, though with new actors. It stars Wu Leo (“Nirvana in Fire”) as a loser high school student who is suddenly kidnapped and taken to the desert to help locate a mysterious, forbidden city.

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Drama Updates: Tomb of the Sea, The Evolution of Our Love, Sweet Combat, Heavy Sweetness Ash-like Frost

Sorry for the lack of updates guys. Been really busy!

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Drama Trailers Updates: Bloody Romance, The Message, Sand Sea, Age of Youth’s Chinese Remake

So much catch up to do guys. I can’t believe July is here…. what have I been doing?

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Drama Sand Sea confirms Wu Lei, Yang Rong, Qin Hao, and Zhang Ming En

And it’s official. Yang Rong‘s co-stars continue to be younger and younger. xD Her next project puts her alongside Leo Wu Lei in Kennedy Xu’s novel, Sand Sea (Sha Hai 沙海). He’s turning 18 this year… Novel series Sand Sea I think takes place 10/15 years after The Lost Tomb and stands independently with four volumes, three of them revolves around the main character Li Cu played by Wu Lei (who’s been confirmed since June of this year.)

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