William Chan becomes a wanted man in The Dance of the Storm with Guli Nazha

The Dance of the Storm (风暴舞) is an upcoming suspenseful modern drama starring William Chan and Guli Nazha as the main leads. The story follows our orphaned hero who lost his parents (both were top scientists) at age twelve and was sent to orphanage where he meets his best friend played by actor Guo Jia Hao. As the boys grow up, they are recommended by Chen Gang as new recruits to a security agency. There the boys meet and fall in love with our heroine, played by Guli Nazha. During an operation, our hero’s recklessness causes the death of their father figure, Chen Gang, and he puts himself in charge of finding the main culprit, which leads to many secrets and conspiracies with dangerous organizations behind the security agency. Dun, Dun, Dun!

Airing 4/25!

William may not be the best actor, but doing action scenes while looking good and handsome, he gotsa in spades. Lol.

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