[Highlights] City Hunter Episode 17

As I marathon 5 episodes (12-17) of CH, a terrible feeling hits me. City Hunter is ending NEXT WEEK. This is not the truth right? Oh Alice, shut up, and move on! I can’t! No more Lee Min Hot! No more Ajusshi and his home shopping addiction. No more body shield in the form of Nana.

Just a heads up, by the end of this episode, I’m no longer my normal self. That last scene = EPIC!

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[Highlights] City Hunter Episode 12

Yea. That’s basically my face the whole episode as our gang tackle the big bad selfish wolf in the form of Kim Jong Shik. A light episode full of cute yet remains to be eventful. And Military Dad, if you’re going to keep up with that hit-and-run show, I might have to join hands with the fan girls and lock you up. STAY AWAY! Continue reading

[Highlights] City Hunter: Episode 9

Does anyone want to book a ticket to Korea with me? We need to make sure our City Hunter is fed often, and stop him from using expensive, one-of-a-kind showering gel. He looks so pale the past 4 episodes.

So what happens after the editor successfully left us with the best cliff hanger? Yoon Sung holding onto Nana as she hangs in the air while his wound rips apart.

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