Triumph in the Skies 2: Episode 6 – 10 “Fun with aviation jargon!”

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Mother Hen and the three gossipers! I love when these four share the same scene. It’s light and fuzzy and cute. And Sam’s reaction is hilarious as he feels challenged by the hyperactive Holiday, playful with Coco, and critical of Isaac. Yet together, these three dominate the mother hen with their mischief. Careful there Sam, losing MOAR hair doesn’t do your image any good. Breathe! And now I’m just sad that our little makeshift family is split up in the next few episodes for the development of other story threads, especially that pesky thing we call love. Oh yea, it comes with multiple sides too. What? You don’t like subtle hints? We have a doll for that! Meet triangle!

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Triumph in the Skies 2: Episode 1 – 5 “Unexpectedly good!”

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Men are handsome in uniform. Yes, yes?

Great flight guys! It’s a good sign when I sat down and breezed through 5 episodes like they did not take away five hours of my day. Old and new characters meshed in very well, with chemistry exploding from left to right. The conversations were surprisingly very funny and witty. Oddly enough, there were no emergency plane situations in the first five episodes. Considering Tvb’s style, this will change pretty soon. But I guess they have 38 episodes for those incidents. Heh. So far, it’s more character-driven than anything, but I don’t find myself feeling the urge to fast forward any scene. It’s a testament to the writer’s strength in turning mundane dialogues into entertainment. 🙂

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TVB 45th Anniversary Awards Ceremony (2012): “Well-deserved!”


Is all I have to say. Your favorites might not win, but it’s hard to argue against the winners. Everyone looked happy and moved, and the camaraderie was palpable among the contestants. The stage looked nice this year, not the usual bright and shiny getup. We have a dark blue canopy with stars shining overhead. The one thing that stood out was the fashion. Ladies, you’re PRETTY! Dress BETTER!

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A Promising Start: The Confidant Episode 1-5


So good! The fact that I inhaled the first five episodes in one sitting is telling enough. Unlike many other palace dramas, The Confidant focuses on the struggles of eunuchs – nothing too melodramatic or draggy for now, and less backstabbing and screaming from the consorts. I didn’t sense familial warmth and humor in the released trailers, but the first story arc added these two factors in seamlessly. The writer was able to turn daily routines into interesting character interactions, and before I knew it, I wanted to watch more. It’s a keeper! This one!

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