Would you believe me if I tell you this post was written in Feb (when filming wrapped) of this year but has it been sitting in the draft section? Why? Mainly because the production is so stingy with promo stills! And even now as they are gearing up to premiere…no trailer… >.>
Song of the Moon (月歌行) is adapted from the novel written by Shu Ke and stars Zhang Bin Bin and Xu Lu as the leads. This is what I have gathered from the novel: It is a tragic story. This is not a story about a good girl, this is a story about a lonely girl (a lot of readers say she’s pretty unlikable). The loneliness in her life breeds her stubborn, selfish, and bitter personality, and she acknowledges those traits. Our heroine comes from a wealthy family, her parents let her do whatever she wants and it’s the downfall of her life. She sees that they only care for her younger brother, who’s deemed as the one to carry on the family line (quite typical). She meets our male lead when she’s about 10/11 and he appears surprised to learn that the person said to help him save his people is a girl. He’s the Demon Lord, if you’re curious, always wearing a black robe. Like a genie, he tells her he’s the person to guide her destiny, to give her powers, to do a lot of big things. To compensate her for the future, he gives her two options, 1) He can do any 3 things for her or 2) She can have him for 3 days and he’ll do anything for her in those 3 days. Of course, to a little kid, the second option sounds much better and so she picks #2. After 3 days of fun and excitement, he disappears. A big fire takes away her family’s wealth and her parents don’t think twice about selling her to buy medicines for their beloved son. She’s sold to a manor and trained to become a killer. Our male lead also has another identity ~
I feel bad for our female lead – she gets abandoned quite a lot by the people who claim to love her, including our male lead. But a lot of people also die for her….. Some readers said that the love story wasn’t satisfying to them, some questioned whether he did indeed love her or not. Is it love or is it pity? Is it both?
I didn’t see a translation for the novel yet. If you’re aware of one, please let me know!
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