Ruler–Master of the Mask: Episodes 1 – 8 First Impression “Puppy vs Wolf.”

Wow. This is unexpected. I thought it would be, yunno, light and fluffy in the beginning and then heavy and angsty towards the end. Nope! No siree! The heaviest first four episodes (divided into 8 parts of 30min each, silly) ever. The running theme is this: “You have a dad?” *kills* “You have one too?” *stabs* “Who’s next?”

Oh, I have a feeling there are more…

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[Discussion Corner] Kdrama: Shut Up Flower Boy Band


New Feature! ‘Cause this place has become a ghost ship. I don’t want it to become a convenient download center – it was (still is) never my intention. Other than requests for upload and dramas, you guys are a quiet, tame bunch, which makes me nervous.

So here’s the first discussion post for Shut Up Flower Boy Band where all spazzers are welcome to share their thoughts, goodies, mvs, and artworks with other fans. Don’t be shy and join the wild ship partyyy!

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