3 posts in one day!? What’s going on? Well, a blizzard of around 3 feet is coming to the East Coast and the likelihood of a power outage is very high so I’m just gonna release all the goodies before I’m stuck without electricity. Lol. Bundle up drifters in the same land!
Tag Archives: Ikuta Toma
Shun Oguri and Toma Ikuta reunite for Ouroboros in Jan 2015
I’ll always use this picture for their future collaborations. heehee!!
If you could see my face, it’s a mixture of horror and happiness. I have enough planned projects as it is in Cdramaland and when I scrolled down the list of upcoming Winter Jdramas, I was like Oh Krappppp (at least 3 projects I want to take on.) The two darlings (well, one crazy kid) that we adored so much in Hanazakarino kimitachihe are reuniting in a police drama, Ouroboros ~ Kono Ai Koso, Seigi, airing on January 16th. Before we get to that, the two are invited for a photoshoot themed FRIENDS. Yea, like we dunnnnooo already. 😛
Jmovies: We Were There (Part 1 & 2)
Cast of ‘Osozaki no Himawari’ on VS Arashi Episode 196
Someone’s on Toma’s lap and he’s lookin too happy.
YADA! All (if not most) of my favorite Jboys together in one place! For those who don’t know, VS Arashi is a variety show hosted by Arashi, a Japanese boyband, and every week they compete in various games with actors and comedians. This is the first Japanese variety show that I’ve watched more than 5 episodes, thanks to drug dealer XY. 😛
This week, we have the castmates of drama Osozaki no Himawari competing against Arashi. It’s a tough battle because they challenge the boys at every turn. Knowing me, I cannot spazz by myself, so am spreading the virus to local drifters. Hop on if you’re interested!
Jdrama: Osozaki no Himawari Episodes
Kap’s Overview of Hanazakari No Kimitachi E (2007)
Troll faces.
If someone were to ask me the magic of this version, I would say the magic lies in the charming supporting cast. That means minus Oguri Shun and Horitaki Maki, everyone else was spot on in their characters no matter how ridiculous and illogical the scripts asked of them. Don’t complain since they warn you about it in the 1st episode. Suspend your beliefs and enjoy the view.