Don’t Think Twice Love’s All Right with Li Yi Tong and Chen Jian Bin to air

Previously known as Brave to Love, the modern drama has since changed its name to Don’t Think Twice Love’s All Right (爱我就别想太多) starring Li Yi Tong and Chen Jian Bin. As you can see the theme of this drama is exactly their big age gap. He’s a golden bachelor trying to find his partner for life and he meets a bubbly, youthful designer. He wants her to love him not for his money so he conceals his “rich” background, which makes it quite an upsetting lie for her to discover after their marriage. She wants a divorce but the two must maintain appearance for a few months for their company’s sake. Will those few months be able to save their blooming garden?

I’m a shallow person alright, but I do believe that love comes in many forms, shapes, sizes, status, and ages (uh, the legal ones). Both are strong actors so let’s hope they can sell their romance and sparkle. ❤

Airing tomorrow 6/25!

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Drama Updates: Mao Xiao Tong’s Delicious Destiny, Zhang Han’s Saker Falco, Bolin Chen’s The King of Blaze

Sometimes Cdramas have the weirdest titles to fool you, what’s with Delicious Destiny when it’s all sour angst, then a species under the falcon family too. Lol. I can’t even argue that it’s memorable!

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Li Yi Tong and Chen Jian Bin end filming for Brave to Love with a wedding

Gahhh. I’m so torn looking at the wedding stills of modern drama Brave to Love (爱我就别想太多官博). I know in love, age is only a number but…. in real life I have my own limits too. I guess the decision to watch or not to watch this series is based on your own experience and how well these two actors sparkle together. Li Yi Tong is 26 and veteran actor Chen Jian Bin is 47 and the story is exactly about that huge age gap; a golden bachelor trying to find his partner for life and he meets a bubbly, youthful designer. He wants her to love him not for his money so he conceals his “rich” background, only to find out later that she knew who he was before their marriage. Hurt, he opts for a divorce… but things don’t go the way he wants.

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Bulletin Board: Cdramaland & Entertainment News (55)

Compiled news for this week! Apparently, a lot of May Celebrity babies! Li Yi Feng, Zhang Yi Shan, Xie Na, Huang Zi Tao, to name a few. Happy Birthday to all ~ =D

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