Bulletin Board: Cdramaland/ENT News (27)

A lot of dramas are coming out (heck nawwww February!!) and a lot started their productions this past week as well. Some will get mentioned, others will get mentioned when there is more info. Never sleep, cdramaland. Cause I don’t need to. *joking joking*

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Cdrama: Go Princess Go OST + Two Endings Spoilers

Serving it hot! The full soundtrack with its instrumentals (the file is huge #notsorry)! You know not many dramas get this luxury. =D Go Princess Go is immensely popular, rendering plans for Season 2 and a movie. To be honest, I don’t want them to drag this franchise out. As it got more attention, criticisms from book fans also increased. On the upside, these unknown actors received plenty of love and support from the public, especially of the amazing performance put out by Crystal Zhang Tian Ai. Eye candy model Sheng Yi Lun also gathers himself a boatload of new fans. I also like him for singing and forking out money when the production had no money to hire professional singers. Poor puppy!

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