[Highlights] City Hunter: Episode 9

Does anyone want to book a ticket to Korea with me? We need to make sure our City Hunter is fed often, and stop him from using expensive, one-of-a-kind showering gel. He looks so pale the past 4 episodes.

So what happens after the editor successfully left us with the best cliff hanger? Yoon Sung holding onto Nana as she hangs in the air while his wound rips apart.

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Dramaland: The Battle in May

  In January, the addictive Dream High ended….In March’s batch of dramas, Royal Family and 49 Days are stealing hearts left to right, leaving Midas behind venting incoherent business codes.
What the heck, let’s take a brief look at the dramas, waiting to be aired in sun-shining month of May.
The drama is listed in the order of my interest. Yes. Everything is about me here. =P

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