Sigh~~ If only the cyclists around my neighborhood look like them, then I would feel motivated to hop out of bed and into those pants – any time of the day! 😀
This is director Dante Lam‘s latest film and has been in production since March this year. Ethan Ruan was originally part of the four leads, but due to a knee injury, he is replaced by Shawn Dou. Korean idol-turned actor, Choi Siwon, joins the cast as the geniuuuus cyclist (cannot stop face-palming at the description). Hardworking Taiwanese actor, Eddie Peng, reunites with Dante Lam after collaborating with him in Unbeatable. If anything, I’m glad that Shawn, my smiling chap, got a big part in a movie! They seem to be a dedicated group of workers, training approximately 12+ hours per day. Earlier today, one of the cast members, Carlos Chan, even hurt his collarbone (Ouch! Speedy recovery!). In the female category, the only recognizable name is May Wang (Fall In Love With You Again, The Virtuous Queen of Han).
Check them out in professional attires after the cut!