The Demon Hunter’s Romance (无忧渡) is a historical fantasy romance drama adapted from a novel written by Ban Ming Ban Mei. Our male lead is a black panther demon who hails from a family that guards the origin of evil. After an incident happened to his parents, our male lead rarely smiles. He accepts his responsibility, helping demons and other worldly beings let go of their hatred, solve their troubles, so they can cross peacefully to the other side. Our heroine’s a human girl with yin yang eyes, allowing her to see the inner thoughts of demons and spirits. While other people believe that her father died, she knows that the buried body isn’t his. They consider her a strange girl spilling nonsense so she sets out to look for her father, joining our male lead on his journey, slowly opening up his heart again.
Tag Archives: Author: Ban Ming Ban Mei
Discussion Post: What do you think of Bloody Romance’s Finale?
Looks like the dark horse of our summer dramas line-up is Li Yi Tong’s Bloody Romance. I have read so many good words that I’m ready to jump into the wagon; you know, when time permits! But since I did a discussion post for first impression, I thought it’s fair to make one when the series wraps up, which it did yesterday.
Give a review of the series fellow fans, what you like/dislike, what worked for/against, acting, ost, etc.
First Impression: What do you think of Li Yi Tong’s Bloody Romance?
As I have mentioned before, the promotional materials of this drama caught my attention! Bloody Romance (媚者无疆) is adapted from the novel written by Ban Ming Ban Mei and stars Li Yi Tong, Qu Chu Xiao, and Puff Kuo. Our heroine is sold to a brothel at the tender age of 16 where she’s tortured, assaulted, and treated like crap until she’s rescued and sent to a mysterious place. There she’s trained to become a top assassin!
Li Yi Tong, Qu Chu Xiao, and Puff Kuo in a Bloody Romance
Lol. I can’t stop laughing at the title, especially weird for an ancient series no less! Bloody Romance (媚者无疆) is adapted from the novel written by Ban Ming Ban Mei and stars Li Yi Tong, Qu Chu Xiao, and Puff Kuo. And why is it bloody? Cause our heroine is sold to a brothel at the tender age of 16 where she’s tortured, assaulted, and treated like crap until she’s rescued and sent to a mysterious place. There she’s trained to become a top assassin!