The most fascinating part of this drama is that the line between hero and villain is blurred. I guess this makes Gong Ou an anti-hero. Good thing Xiao Nian knows how to handle him.
Author Archives: Lily
I Love My President Though He’s A Psycho: Episode 1–3 Recap
You know when you’re not supposed to eat something because it’s unhealthy, but you eat it anyways? That’s this show in a nutshell. It’s over-the-top and feels like a fanfic, but I can’t stop watching. I attribute 75% of the watchableness to the heroine, who has a good head on her shoulders. Every time she rolls her eyes at her “psycho president,” which is often, I feel like she’s telling us: “It’s okay, don’t take this too seriously.”
Reincarnation of The Super Star (Revive): Episode 3 Recap
Our hero finally gets a chance to release some anger in this episode, but the villain gets suspicious and makes a nasty move. Don’t worry though, the fairy godmother is just one phone call away.
Reincarnation of The Super Star (Revive): Episode 2 Recap
Everyone wants a piece of our hero (and who could blame them, Ma Ke’s so pretty), but he’s laying low for now. It’s hard to let go of his past, but he takes an important first step towards getting his revenge.
Reincarnation of The Super Star (Revive): Episode 1 Recap
Hi there! I’m a long time lurker, first time recapper. Kappy was kind enough to let me try this out and I’m super excited. Now onto the drama.
I haven’t read the novel this is based on, so I’m coming in with almost a blank slate. So far, I’m liking it. It’s fluffy, it’s dark, and everything and everyone is just so beautiful. And I’m always up for a little revenge drama.