Filming Wrapped: Bai Yu and Zhou Yu Tong’s Swords into Plowshares, Ren Jia Lun and Wang He Run’s The Perfect Match

Hope everyone had a peaceful Lunar New Year! I was busy taking a recovering-from-multiple-viruses toddler to visit the relatives. You really don’t know how life will change with kids until it hits you in the face point-blank. Haven’t had time to browse the web much! Both dramas finished filming this past week and I’m intrigued seeing Bai Yu in historical costumes! I have a soft spot for this man. <3

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=======> ♦ Swords into Plowshares (太平年) with Bai Yu and Zhou Yu Tong released a bunch of stills and posters.

Wrap Up Video (from twitter cause YT blocked it)!

=======> ♦ The Perfect Match (佳偶天成) is adapted from the novel written by Shi Si Lang starring Ren Jia Lun and Wang He Run. Opposite from the above drama, this stingy production gave us NO STILLS. Just the actor and their congratulatory bouquet of flowers. Tskk Tskk.

Wrap Up Video!

What do you think?