Qing Qing Zi Jin (青青子衿) is a period drama starring Fan Shi Qi and Lu Xiao Yu. The topic is about poetry guys! Our male lead is an aspiring poet who enters an academy to further his studies and ends up changing the style of poetry in a new way.
To air 8/17!
3 thoughts on “Qing Qing Zi Jin with Fan Shi Qi and Lu Xiao Yu prepares for broadcast”
new topic but it sounds so boring. LOL.
3 thoughts on “Qing Qing Zi Jin with Fan Shi Qi and Lu Xiao Yu prepares for broadcast”
For some reason, I was imagining many poetry slams, but then I watched the trailer and was like… that was not it lol.
3 thoughts on “Qing Qing Zi Jin with Fan Shi Qi and Lu Xiao Yu prepares for broadcast”
The last drama that I can remember with poetry slams is… HZGG!! LOL!