First Impression: What do you think of Zhu Yi Long’s The Lost Tomb Reboot Season 1?

The Lost Tomb Reboot (重启之极海听雷) is the latest addition to the tomb-related franchise starring Zhu Yi Long, Mao Xiao Tong, Huang Jun Jie (as Qi Ling), Hu Jun, Chen Ming Hao, and Baron Chen. Our three musketeers are drawn back to adventures in the dark with a message from Mr. Wu.

Season 1 has 32 episodes. So I guess the whopping episode count is due to the fact they will be splitting the series into multiple seasons?

Airing today 7/15!

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Qiao Zhen Yu doesn’t age… Look how adorable he is in the picture below. PINK IS YOUR COLOR MY MAN!

Trailers subbed by wenella @yt:

Yi Long’s interview.

Opening themesong by Angela Chang:

This should have been the opening themesong! By the three boys. =D

  1. 9 thoughts on “First Impression: What do you think of Zhu Yi Long’s The Lost Tomb Reboot Season 1?

    Watched them last night in iqiyi (yes, it comes with sub).

    Very good so far. Great production value. The drama moves like a movie to me. They also love to zoom on Zhu Yilong’s eye- not minding them at all because hey, use your best asset when you have them. And thumbs up to the cast, even the extras brought their A-game. I laughed so hard at the barista’s reaction in the museum scene- heck, she doesn’t even have any line. But somehow the whole scene works.

    It’s also funnier than I first thought. Also, less scary than my previous assumption, luckily not many jump scares (I hate those). Though the dark tombs still raise your anxiety level as you anticipate what kind of ‘treasures’ they gonna find.

  2. 9 thoughts on “First Impression: What do you think of Zhu Yi Long’s The Lost Tomb Reboot Season 1?

    In case others don’t know yet, they change the title on iQiyi to “Reunion: The Sound of the Providence”. Starting this now!

  3. 9 thoughts on “First Impression: What do you think of Zhu Yi Long’s The Lost Tomb Reboot Season 1?

    Finished all 10 episodes in one go, shows how good it is! Story seems to be following the novel? I read it a long time ago and only rmb bits, but I see a few similarities here and there, well since 三叔 is the scriptwriter so I have some faith.
    Acting wise, large praises to ZYL and the actor acting as 胖子, gosh their chemistry is overflowing! I was so worried about ZYL when I watched the trailer but he is doing well interpreting WuXie! ChenMingHao as 胖子 is so apt, he is exactly the 胖子 I imagined. He improved so much from 沙海, didn’t really like his interpretation inside.
    The actor as 小哥, can definitely see he is losing out to ZYL and CMH in acting, but he is still acceptable. Find it weird that he is smiling so much though lols ZQL doesn’t smile that much, though not that I am complaining.
    Only complain I have is the shifting of scenes to 黑瞎子 and that girl, gosh that was so damn draggy. Kept on skipping their parts, don’t see much use in their stories, though we may have to wait and see, who knows. But for now, a lil annoying.

    • 9 thoughts on “First Impression: What do you think of Zhu Yi Long’s The Lost Tomb Reboot Season 1?

      I agreed. Watch all 10 episode at 1 go. Super good. And enjoyed it thoroughly. Bring me back to Indiana Jones film series. Action packed all the way.
      Acting especially ZYL on the mark as expected. Wish for more close up shots of ZYL facial expression particularly the emotional scenes. The scene on the imagined death of Fatty and Xiao Ke came so unexpectedly that I thought what ?? the metal trio adventure is over??.
      Story is Well paced and well narrated in between and easy to follow. Wish the scenes were not too dark inside the tunnel . The red lighting in episode 4 is good for viewing but feels unnaturally.
      Cannot wait for the subsequent episodes.

  4. 9 thoughts on “First Impression: What do you think of Zhu Yi Long’s The Lost Tomb Reboot Season 1?

    Yi Long sings another song!

  5. 9 thoughts on “First Impression: What do you think of Zhu Yi Long’s The Lost Tomb Reboot Season 1?

    I finished watching this series last night. And I have to say I enjoyed it very much. The annoying things is why did in the middel of the series The trio separated? After Wu Erbai finds out about Wu Xie’s condition, Kylin rarely appears. Wu Xie and Pang Zi busy on their own, especially Wu Xie in Warehouse eleven. I didn’t like Pang Zi’s girlfriend character. I think she is pushed into the story. Besides she is annoying. Also I remember xie Yuchen said he will be broke if he has to cure the mute girl and Wu Xie altogether?Alhtough I know it was a joke, but why did he didn’t treat Wu Xie or why Wu Er Nai didn’t send Wu Xie there? I really can’t wait season two of ZYL’s Wu Xie. Is the production already completed for two seasons? The original episode was 70?? So season two has 38 episode??

    • 9 thoughts on “First Impression: What do you think of Zhu Yi Long’s The Lost Tomb Reboot Season 1?

      Yes, it is split into 2 seasons for a total of 70 episodes. 🙂

      • 9 thoughts on “First Impression: What do you think of Zhu Yi Long’s The Lost Tomb Reboot Season 1?

        Thanks a lot Kappy. Can’t wait for season 2 to be aired. But I guess I have to wait until next year ah?? ‘m watching the eight at the moment. It’s good too.

What do you think?