Well, well, well. It’s been rumored for weeks and now it’s official! On the heels of Jin Han (Princess Wei Young, Princess Agents) confirming his joining of Zhao Li Ying studio, here he’s given a chance at first lead with lady Boss Li Ying in novel-to-drama adaptation of Ding Mo’s Our Glamorous Time (你和我的倾城时光). It is too bad Jerry Yan didn’t take the lead role but I guess Li Ying has obligation to her people now. heh. I haven’t read the novel yet but a quick scope reveals the backdrop set in the business world with corporate battles. Our male lead returns home from the military to help his family from bankruptcy and is involved in a guaranteed sweet love story with our strong yet feminine female lead.
How interesting to see Chu Qiao with Zhao Xi Feng in a modern setting together. I guess he’s reincarnated after being killed in Princess Agents. Lol.
Booting Ceremony 7/4:
Lol. Poor Jin Han still doesn’t have the aura of a leading actor yet, standing behind Li Ying and the rest of the crew. XD Brave up, young one! ^_^ Grab this chance and run with it!
Jin Han with Zhao Li Ying and Lin Geng Xin On His Birthday:
Directed by Zhou Lin Hao (Ice Fantasy Destiny, Death Notify), Our Glamorous Time begins filming today. Li Ying will film this before The Legend of the Concubine’s Daughter Ming Lan.
Via: 01
32 thoughts on “Zhao Li Ying confirms drama Our Glamorous Time with Jin Han”
Started reading the translation of this last year. Translation is slow going, but it’s pretty good/decent and entertaining enough that I’ll probably still go back to reading it once the translation updates, which is rare, cuz I tend to loose interest and drop things after long hiatuses.
32 thoughts on “Zhao Li Ying confirms drama Our Glamorous Time with Jin Han”
That said, it’s more of a comfort read…it’s not fantasmic enough or wow-never-seen-before-amazing for me to devote time to finding a diff translation or listening to the audiobook. It takes a freaking fantastic book for me to devote the time and energy into finding and committing to the audiobook. Despite considering myself fluent in listening and speaking Chinese, listening to Chinese literature is damn difficult and usually requires near90% concentration.
32 thoughts on “Zhao Li Ying confirms drama Our Glamorous Time with Jin Han”
She has her own studio? Wow I didn’t know that. The only two actresses that I know and is known for having their own studio is Yang Mi and Tang Yan.
32 thoughts on “Zhao Li Ying confirms drama Our Glamorous Time with Jin Han”
All actors have their own studio, studio here doesn’t mean a physical building like in the case of Yang Mi who owns a physical company. Studio is just a fancy word for their managed online identity/agency, example: posting news, explanation, and such on their own managed weibo (by their manager).
32 thoughts on “Zhao Li Ying confirms drama Our Glamorous Time with Jin Han”
She currently has two actors under her agency, but yeah having a ‘studio’ in China is just a term for having a team helping you manage your schedule and all. Most actors have it
32 thoughts on “Zhao Li Ying confirms drama Our Glamorous Time with Jin Han”
I’m shocked! Thought she would take on a drama with YY lol
I’ve been waiting for a rom com. Although it’s not, it is a modern drama, which is a break from her back-to-back ancient dramas.
Glad LY is giving her agent an opportunity. Good luck!
32 thoughts on “Zhao Li Ying confirms drama Our Glamorous Time with Jin Han”
Is the drama a production from her studio?
32 thoughts on “Zhao Li Ying confirms drama Our Glamorous Time with Jin Han”
Nope. It’s from production company Beijing Glory Pictures. Li Ying’s studio is not a physical company. She will need a lot of money to produce her own dramas.
What Li Ying could do is invest in this production, becoming a co-producer/investor, like many actors in the older age range do.
32 thoughts on “Zhao Li Ying confirms drama Our Glamorous Time with Jin Han”
I actually really like this novel. Ding Mo is known for her “crime” novels but their plots to me are all in the same vein and you really can’t differentiate one from the other just by reading the synopsis. Our Glamorous Time is a deviant from her usual fare and a pretty good read. I’m just worried that it’s not exciting enough for TV, but it’s definitely on my to-watch list.
32 thoughts on “Zhao Li Ying confirms drama Our Glamorous Time with Jin Han”
hmm they may not be that faithful to the the original novel. Theres quite a few novels that have simple love story- the drama adaptations added alot of angsty scenes to create more ‘drama’.
And i actually do like this novel too. so staying hopeful
32 thoughts on “Zhao Li Ying confirms drama Our Glamorous Time with Jin Han”
Sadly Jerry wasn’t offered the role, it was all rumours :/
32 thoughts on “Zhao Li Ying confirms drama Our Glamorous Time with Jin Han”
Usually actors dont respond to these rumors so for him to come out and “clarify” it, means something. No smoke without fire. Hes not that big of a name to just be randomly rumored with a project, too.
32 thoughts on “Zhao Li Ying confirms drama Our Glamorous Time with Jin Han”
Honestly, I’m glad it isn’t him. He’s a bad actor.
32 thoughts on “Zhao Li Ying confirms drama Our Glamorous Time with Jin Han”
Well. This casting is a huge disappointment.
Li Ying is still starting to feel like Tang Yan for me except she’s the better actress out of the two. Not sure how she’ll portray Lin Qian. I honestly would have preferred Janine Chang for the role.
I’m not even going to start on Jin Han as Li Zhicheng.
I want to see who will play Lin Qian’s brother. Perhaps they’ll also toss his story into the drama as well.
32 thoughts on “Zhao Li Ying confirms drama Our Glamorous Time with Jin Han”
ZLY like tang yan? How so how so? 😅
From what i read the novel is focused on the male lead, feels like shes doing this to help her people, like yang mi is doing, but Im not into business battles. T_T
32 thoughts on “Zhao Li Ying confirms drama Our Glamorous Time with Jin Han”
The novel is focused on the male lead, but it’s written more from the female lead’s perspective (as are most novels). All romance novels are essentially female-centric imo. I agree that the choice of the male lead in this instance is really questionable. Even when Yang Mi was helping “her kids” she sought more “big name” male leads and cast her peeps in supporting roles. But I think this is really just a filler drama for ZLY (like Old Nine Gates, Chusen). With Ming Lan coming up all other dramas are there to just tide over the period where she’s not appearing in the public’s eyes.
32 thoughts on “Zhao Li Ying confirms drama Our Glamorous Time with Jin Han”
At one point it seemed like Tang Yan was everywhere and in everything. ZLY is starting to feel that way for me. I honestly enjoyed watching her pre-HQG dramas a lot more.
32 thoughts on “Zhao Li Ying confirms drama Our Glamorous Time with Jin Han”
A lot of fans complain about Qi Ji’s character being a crappy male character, but I like ZLY in Cuo Dian Yuan Yang best. The CDYY costumes looked low budget, but I felt that she was very natural in it. Very in character. Full of heart.Now I feel that she acts for her fans. Very concerned about her image etc.That said, I’m glad she is finding great financial success and has huge fan base. But I missed her original spirit that made me notice her in the first place. I prefer the natural LY to the polished LY. I’m not a fan of HQG drama & novel. So I haven’t liked post-HQG dramas much either. Croton’s period dramas tend to come out very Mary Sue, isn’t it? Princess Weiyoung (General &I, 3l3w). One is better off shipping the OTP rather than trying to apply logic. They are all the same kind of dramas to me.
@chasingpolaris, did you finish watching Surgeons finally?
I like the actresses in Jin dong’s latest drama. Yuan Quan’s acting is nice to watch. Wish the plot is not like this though. (Ma Yili’s) Falling in love with with BFF’s guy seems a bit icky to think about.
It seems to me for many cdrama fans, once they like actor/actress X, they want to see X in 10 dramas and films a year. As long as X looks beautiful or dashing, has competent appearance. Fans don’t get sick of seeing X. Even if it’s 10 Mary Sue’s. This baffles me.
32 thoughts on “Zhao Li Ying confirms drama Our Glamorous Time with Jin Han”
Sorry about near duplicate comments. Unusual trouble with the website. It took a long time to respond. I thought the first click didn’t register.
First post never appeared after the first click. But eventually, both posts appeared at once after the second click.
32 thoughts on “Zhao Li Ying confirms drama Our Glamorous Time with Jin Han”
She was very impressive in CDYY and handled each scene very well. I remember thinking how underrated she was back then and now it’s the total opposite. Like you, anon, I’m very happy that she is successful now, but she’s lost some of that charm that drew me to her years ago.
I haven’t finished Surgeons. Actually, I’ve dropped all Cdramas for the time being and have returned to Jdramaland. The format of having only 10-12 episodes is a lot more enticing because there aren’t that many filler episodes. Hehe.
32 thoughts on “Zhao Li Ying confirms drama Our Glamorous Time with Jin Han”
@chasingpolaris, Nice chatting with you. I noticed we overlapped in some of our preferences before.
I marvel at your J language proficiency. I will probably have to delay my trip to J just bc I’m too slow at learning basic J. J has such long words. Yang Zi would be Murasaki XYZ. So many syllables. 🙂 Katakana “letters” look a bit too indistinguishable to me too.
FYI: C webdramas tend to be shorter and has some younger C actors. I checked out a bit of Cambrian Period. Acting from the leads look ok. Mike He is starting to look a bit avuncular to me. Web dramas are not all going thru the standard Mary Sue cookie cutter ala Croton yet. I mentioned Croton earlier bc it’s a co-producer of ZLY’s current PA.
32 thoughts on “Zhao Li Ying confirms drama Our Glamorous Time with Jin Han”
Nice to chat with you as well! 🙂
It’s possible to travel to Japan without knowing any Japanese! Of course if you really want to pick up some words, hello, thank you and sorry should be enough to get around. Let Google translate handle the rest!
Despite having the character for the color purple, Yang Zi’s name wouldn’t be pronounced as Murasaki in Japanese. It’s phonetic, very much like how Chinese people say Zhen Ni Hua for Jennifer. Yang Zi’s name in Japanese would be Yan Ji.
I’ve watched a few webdramas but they no longer interest me. Can say the same for all Cdramas now, hence I haven’t been showing up here very often or commenting.
32 thoughts on “Zhao Li Ying confirms drama Our Glamorous Time with Jin Han”
Me am sad. T____T
Recommend me something to watch Polaris. I have missed Jdramaland. Something to erase PA from my brain….
32 thoughts on “Zhao Li Ying confirms drama Our Glamorous Time with Jin Han”
@Kappy: Have you watched Nigeru wa Haji da ga Yaku ni Tatsu? It was a hit last year.
32 thoughts on “Zhao Li Ying confirms drama Our Glamorous Time with Jin Han”
@chasingpolaris and Kappy, Nice to read your comments!
I noticed polaris has been missing for a while too. And I can understand why. I’m hoping the animated C movie, Tea Pets, will be reasonable. idk which North Amer cities it will show in. It may be showing this weekend.
With PA, I’m more addicted to Kappy’s comments than PA itself. Good thing they cast Shawn Dou in PA. Or I probably would have stopped watching PA a while back. I’m watching PA in snail speed now. C dramas that have a lot of discussions & viewers tend to be worse than those with fewer fans.
Thanks for the J tips! I already know some basic phrases, although I find Oyasuminasai etc. are so awfully long. 🙂 Sometimes I mistakenly substitute “z” for “s”, or vice versa. Or mess up some vowels. I remember ppl say there’s the more C way of pronunciation vs the J way. I guess Yang Zi would be an instance where that is relevant. I’m trying to manage reading J menus without taking too much time. I did also notice they don’t use ichi, ni, etc. when ordering menu items and instead use other phrases that are currently escaping my mind. There’s quite a bit to learn before revisiting J. I visit J w my BFF w even worse J language proficiency; who confuses origami, arigato and a bunch of other things. So I have to take over all J travel issues. __ I feel like teasing you. You used up all your energy to watch the 90 ep Dragon Pearl. Now you’re out of fuel for C drama. lol.
@Kappy, I just recalled some French sweet shop brands I liked and posted a reply on your other comment post for your NYC visit. Hope you’re having / will have a great trip! Kappy, you are fluent in J?
32 thoughts on “Zhao Li Ying confirms drama Our Glamorous Time with Jin Han”
After PA, I will probably hibernate from Cdramas for a while too. Don’t know how Polaris did it with Glory of the Tang and then Dragon Pearl. Her fuel must be emptier and dryer then the desert! XD I missed her too!
I’m back from my trip Anon, you might have noticed from the flurry of new posts within 12 hours. Lol. I wouldn’t recommend bus tour to anyone because my neck is killing me from all the sitting and sleeping in that position for hours straight. I’m not fluent in Japanese at all. My friends and I did plan on going to Japan this year but my accident happened and I couldn’t go. She went with her boyfriend instead. They spammed us with a lot of foodie pics, for sure. Traveling is now my top priority!
32 thoughts on “Zhao Li Ying confirms drama Our Glamorous Time with Jin Han”
@Kappy, If you want to maintain your tiny figure avoid Instagrams and foodies’ pics. 😉
I didn’t see my post on the other thread. i messed up again? I type a short version below.
Hope you had a good trip. I agree, I dread bus tours. Only do it if my travel partner or BFF picks the tour.
But the NYC names I mentioned (in my post that I am currently not seeinig), some of those also exist in J:
Pierre Hermes, Laduree
La maison du chocolat, maison kayser.
Amorino (I prefer Berthillon ice cream).
32 thoughts on “Zhao Li Ying confirms drama Our Glamorous Time with Jin Han”
jin han is new,probably there would be some lacking in his acting however we should give him a chance after badass role he play before hahaha,watever ,the time for li ying modern drama has come,now just waiting for the offcial drama poster and behind the scene.
32 thoughts on “Zhao Li Ying confirms drama Our Glamorous Time with Jin Han”
It’s gonna take a while for me to get over his Zhao Xi Feng’s psycho image…
I know she’s promoting her people, but this drama is boring (for me) on paper, so I can’t imagine sitting through it in motion.
32 thoughts on “Zhao Li Ying confirms drama Our Glamorous Time with Jin Han”
I prefer Jin Han to Jerry look wise. As for acting, I think they are about the same except that Jin Han has much less experience.
I am honestly not happing with the casting for this drama, not only the male lead but all the casting. I think most of her fans are not happy she picked this drama, but it is a done deal.
32 thoughts on “Zhao Li Ying confirms drama Our Glamorous Time with Jin Han”
It’s a filler drama. I’m glad she’s accepting new projects, but I want to see quality over quantity.
If she wants to push her artists up, then she can put them in her dramas with 2nd lead/supporting roles first. 1st lead is a lot of pressure for JH.
32 thoughts on “Zhao Li Ying confirms drama Our Glamorous Time with Jin Han”
this is the best drama ever.you guys complained too much like little babies.grow up .nothing wrong with this drama.thanks for watching from usa.