One more week! I feel bad for Li Qin. She’s terribly wasted in here… combining all her screen time, she has less than Yuwen Huai… and he’s been dead!
One more week! I feel bad for Li Qin. She’s terribly wasted in here… combining all her screen time, she has less than Yuwen Huai… and he’s been dead!
63 thoughts on “Princess Agents Discussion Post Week 8: Episodes 57 – 64”
Yeah Li Qin is awesome as a villian!!! Many people on weibo has been saying her only purpose in this drama was the rape scene, which is so upsetting 🙁 And I honestly hate how dramas always have that moment where the villian will talk a lot of bull crap just for that moment where the male lead will come save the female lead. Like can’t you just swing your sword asap?
Is Chun Er in the novel also so under used? Didn’t read the novel so I was wondering whether they were following it when it comes to her development.
63 thoughts on “Princess Agents Discussion Post Week 8: Episodes 57 – 64”
I’m nearing the end of the novel and I must say the rape scene really does define and change Chun Er’s character alot later in the novel It’s difficult to explain because the drama has cut out so much important stuff especially regarding Xiao Ce’s involvement which is so pivotal.
Spoilers ahead!
Long story short within the novel Chun Er is on the way to marry Xiao Ce in a political marriage but “fakes” being raped by Yan Xun’s men within Xiao Ce’s city (even though we know early in the story this really did happen but it was at a different place and only Chu Qiao with the Xiu Li army know of it). This brings political outrage and causes a mess between the Xiao Ce and Chun Er’s countries but was later calmed down by Xiao Ce. However Chun Er then seduces a general under Xiao Ce and uses him to try and kill Xiao Ce, while later spreading rumours of her and Xiao Ce’s death to trick his people into a war with Yan Xun’s men. The armies under the general believes it and nearly kill Chu Qiao as well, but luckily Xiao Ce, Yan Xun and YWY all arrive and stops it. So despite Chun Er being raped early in the story, it is only later known by everyone officially as she uses it to advance her own agenda and her country’s political fight against Xiao Ce’s country. Since Chun Er lost her purity as a princess she’s cast aside from the royal family and loses favour, plus by that time the her dad the King was getting old and senile so not much political attention was focused on her.
63 thoughts on “Princess Agents Discussion Post Week 8: Episodes 57 – 64”
Wow…now that is a much better development of character than what they are showing us on screen, at least we know she actually have some political scheme and intelligent rather than the horrible characterization in the drama. If only they will give more time to develop her character in the drama. I really like her as an actress and feel kind of sad that we don’t get to see her more but at least she is getting recognition of her acting skills 🙂
63 thoughts on “Princess Agents Discussion Post Week 8: Episodes 57 – 64”
Yeah for what it’s worth both Shawn and Li Qin are gaining a lot of recognition/fame for their roles even as antagonists so I don’t think she’s terribly wasted.
Actually even though Chun Er also had a hand in the uprising in Xiao Ce’s country which is also not gonna be portrayed here….but if you ask me, even in the book I feel her character just flits in and out of the story and don’t feature that prominently.
The author likes to introduce a lot of characters, some just fades away as well.
63 thoughts on “Princess Agents Discussion Post Week 8: Episodes 57 – 64”
In the novel, Chun Er plotted her own rape & wasn’t really raped like in the drama?
63 thoughts on “Princess Agents Discussion Post Week 8: Episodes 57 – 64”
No. She was really raped by Yan xun’s soldiers. It was in a later event where she was offered as a bride to Xiao Ce in a political alliance. It was then she framed Chu qiao for her alleged rape. No one knew except for Chu Qiao and Yuan Song so she used that to put up a show.
63 thoughts on “Princess Agents Discussion Post Week 8: Episodes 57 – 64”
Thanks a lot! Well she definitely sounds way smarter than portrayed in the drama… The way the scriptwriters wrote out her character is ……….
63 thoughts on “Princess Agents Discussion Post Week 8: Episodes 57 – 64”
I’m jumping off the romance ship altogether. Did Lin Geng Xin go to acting school? All the Xing-Yue moments have been really lackluster, underwhelming. Even the hug scene in the battle scene today… Yuwen Yue has no expression in his eyes. Relief? Hurt? Happy? Your woman is laying there lifeless and he shows nothing in his eyes… *face palm*
Can we end the drama with Chu Qiao off to lead a troops by herself? No?
63 thoughts on “Princess Agents Discussion Post Week 8: Episodes 57 – 64”
I disagree with you. LGX has been doing an amazing job! All his moments with XE are full of chemistry, one of the reason why he show is so successful is due to the shipping of ywy and xe. Many people are not satisfy with the series but it is the romantic shipping that keeps people watching. I love how LGX is portraying YWY he is actually the perfect YWY. I love how he has this smug look and its not overly done when he is teasing Xing Er. I think the kiss was actually done tastefully. With CQ personality, do you think if YWY pulled her in close and kiss her wildly that she wouldn’t pull away? YWY knows her best. The best part of hat scene was when he pulled away from the kiss, you can see how hurt he was from the look in his eyes. He words that ywy poor out ‘ I also need you, can you feel it?’ One of the most emotion scene between them. Where as i did not feel any chemistry or connection with her and YX. When watch ywy run to her and held her in his arm as she lay there lifeless, i thought lgx did a great job even without seeing his face, his eyes was able to pull my emotions for the characters. Some times i think people are being so bais and having so much hate for LGX because of the plot and characters changes from the novel to the book. I don’t understand why there is a deep disappointment finding out that the true OPT is between YWY and Xe/cq. You can tell this by the PA conference / the promotion clips, he bts are usually lgx and zyl highlights! I am very happy that they change and made zly and lgx more screen time, which for me seems very little since they are always seperated. I perferbto watch all ywy/ lgx scene compared to YX/SD scene. But that s just my opinion. The series is not without flaws and yet i am very addicted to it and one of the main reason why is the acting from lgx and my ship for ywy and xe!
63 thoughts on “Princess Agents Discussion Post Week 8: Episodes 57 – 64”
Oh i’m soooo agree with you. YwY and XE bond is actually something that made me watch like crazy
63 thoughts on “Princess Agents Discussion Post Week 8: Episodes 57 – 64”
@mimi26, I like how you brought in Yan Xun even though I did not mention him at all. You know why? Because I also jumped off that ship a long time ago!
The relationships are poorly developed, which makes me no longer interested in shipping anybody with anybody. I don’t know what you saw in Yuwen Yue’s eyes in that hug scene. Honestly. He was completely blank. His eyes have no emotions of any kind. Don’t even let me get started on that forced kiss scene which was poorly directed and acted by both ZLY and LGX. They were so soul-less. The changes they made to Yue didn’t bother me because I actually like him in the BEGINNING of the drama. But as the series progresses, there was no more of that adorableness that lured fans in the beginning. Now it’s just saving damsel in distress, rinse and repeat.
I definitely wouldn’t out the romance as one of the successful factors at all…seeing how it fails on all fronts. IMO.
@Yoyo, I understand about cold people not conveying much on their face but it’s the eyes! The focus of my argument is his blank, empty eyes. There was nothing to convey the fact that he’s holding dearly onto the woman he loves deeply and she’s hurt. No narrow of the eyes, no nothing, just embrace her prettily for the camera. The director is at fault but LGX looks like he has gave up on this role…almost bored of having nothing else to do but save the damsel. Lol.
XLN sparkles with rage with her eyes (after finding her being R). Yuwen Yue has been very expressionless.
63 thoughts on “Princess Agents Discussion Post Week 8: Episodes 57 – 64”
On a side note, who’s XLN? Just curious cuz I don’t immediately recognize that…is it weird that my first reaction is Xiao Long Nv (even tho she like…doesn’t rage)?
63 thoughts on “Princess Agents Discussion Post Week 8: Episodes 57 – 64”
nevermind, I saw in a later comment…it IS Xiao Long Nv right?
63 thoughts on “Princess Agents Discussion Post Week 8: Episodes 57 – 64”
I was replying to you as well, as well as giving a general observation for everyone else. Sorry perhaps I should have list the comparison of YX and YWY on a separate reply. Anyhoot, I guess what people are seeing is subjective, you may not feel or see the emotion in LGX eyes but I do. I agree that the direction could be improved, but I actually enjoy the kissing scene and the pull away. It made me tear up lol. As well as the scene where he was going to save her his expressions did it for me lol and am sure other audience saw it as well. I know you and others might not see it, and of course thats okay, but I just thought I share my thoughts about how I feel about YWY :).
63 thoughts on “Princess Agents Discussion Post Week 8: Episodes 57 – 64”
i do agree to your opinion, especially they are main stars and their acting
were superb…..
63 thoughts on “Princess Agents Discussion Post Week 8: Episodes 57 – 64”
@Angela It is a problem of writers/directors not understanding what “serious people” are like, they went to the super extreme that serious people don’t even smile a tiny little bit, cry for the saddest thing on earth, get angry if you stomp on them, or worried about any dangers ahead, etc. It’s like making a big (offensive or sarcastic?) joke about cold people. Serious people are people that are very serious, hahahah very good explanation… but what should be important is that they are humans, I don’t know why recently there are so many robotics like BZH, Xue Qi, Xu you rong, YWY, etc. who are so unrealistic. You can tell they purposedly put on a stern face with no smile, they were not allowed to move their mouth certain ways at all but stay with a straight face only. I wouldn’t say it is the actors fault, they were probably told to act that way because of the lack of understanding of what realistic cold people are like. In reality, cold people like XLN cries and gets emotional and that is real, that was how every XLN always convinced us how much she loves YG despite their lack of chemistry. It is sad to see how we are shifting away from understanding people and reality. Even robots know how to cry, swear, and be angry in some movies!
63 thoughts on “Princess Agents Discussion Post Week 8: Episodes 57 – 64”
So true. I’d read in an interview with ZLY that how LGX played it was a creative choice by production and that they didn’t want him to smile. (I’m guessing it has to do with how the character was brought up and was supposed to be reserved, controlled, unemotional and not running about saving rebellious maids. And I think there’s also a bit of a cultural thing as well in regards to what it means to be “masculine”.) Just watch LGX in Swordmaster or Journey to the West: The Demons Strike Back. He definitely can do emotions. (His Monkey King is my favorite.) I am hoping for him to finally break the facade completely as the show comes to the end to show how his character has changed.
63 thoughts on “Princess Agents Discussion Post Week 8: Episodes 57 – 64”
The biggest problem I think in the is dramas lack of consistency to purposefully show the growth of the characters while also balancing out the political agendas. Despite all the battles and rebellion there was alot of power play which affected everything. Instead all we got was forced romance between YWY & CQ. The terrible script and butchered the story so much, as characters were forgotten and huge plot holes were developed. ZYL is wasted in the drama despite being a great casting as Chu Qiao, I don’t think anyone else could play the character. My biggest gain was discovering how amazing Shawn Dou is, boy can sure rock a guy liner 😉
I’ll still continue watching it but I’ve lost so much energy to appreciate everything, just please end a semi-satisfying note. I don’t even hope to have an amazing finale.
63 thoughts on “Princess Agents Discussion Post Week 8: Episodes 57 – 64”
I can’t agree with you more…I know a lot of people like YWY & CQ but I am not really feeling it because it is a bit forced. I am still ok at the beginning but now they are a bit frustrating. It will be soooo much better if they followed the book more with the development of the characters. I think I was never really on their ship because of the master and slave relationship at the beginning and they drag that out. I am never really fond of falling in love with your master/teacher/dictator figure type of relationship, especially since I felt when CQ is Xing Er, she was really not herself. She is under a fake ‘identify’ to be sweet and submissive to YWY but that is not CQ! At the beginning, CQ shows her true self to YX (always being rude and mean to him) because she knows that he will not abuse his power on her and she is never afraid of him. That’s why I ship YX and CQ at first because I see them as equal. That’s the type of relationship I felt CQ is fit for…an equal partner. Someone that fight by her side but also let her take care of things on her own because he believes in her. I see that in YX, the trust, the equality, and the faith in her ability. After YX’s tragedy, although they show sooooo little of YX and CQ relationship, at least I still feel that there is a partnership where CQ chose to stay by his side and help him. In addition, we get to see that YX let CQ handled some of the tougher mission as well as listen to her opinion/advise. I remember I read somewhere that YX let/use CQ to do all the dangerous work for him while YWY is always saving and protecting CQ. Yes, you protect the one you love but in this case, CQ is not a weak woman who needs saving all the time. That’s why I prefer YX who agrees with CQ’s action/planning but also worries about her and only take action to save her when it is absolutely necessary. Somehow, although YWY is very much in love with CQ, he still treats her like a ‘lesser’ person (berating her and keep saying she is wrong, telling her what to do etc) I understand what he is saying is in a sense true but do you really have to use such an arrogant tone and attitude? No wonder CQ is cold and rude to him.
Since YX and CQ are no longer on the same path, the best scenario will be for YWY to start appearing then and realize his love for CQ and slowing getting influenced with CQ’s belief and start walking toward the same path with her. Instead, by making all the focus on YWY, we know feel like CQ is wrong and we are waiting to see when CQ will finally see YWY’s love and righteousness??? Our focus is CQ and her belief…so we need a man that can walk along side with her, not for CQ to wake up and return YWY’s love. By changing the story this way, the character and plot development is all off. 🙁
FYI…My greatest gain is also Shawn with a side of Li qin lol
63 thoughts on “Princess Agents Discussion Post Week 8: Episodes 57 – 64”
It’s clear how important is post production lol
63 thoughts on “Princess Agents Discussion Post Week 8: Episodes 57 – 64”
I’m probably the only one that has now totally jumped off the PA ship and gone sailing on The Eternal Love. Bodyguard boy is so much better in every way compared to YWY – actively fights for love (in a very manly, charismatic and best way possible for a man to) PLUS he has the skills and smarts and conviction to give up everything.
63 thoughts on “Princess Agents Discussion Post Week 8: Episodes 57 – 64”
Lol it’s the characterization that is different. Anyhow that show also takes forever to update 🙈
63 thoughts on “Princess Agents Discussion Post Week 8: Episodes 57 – 64”
I love the female assassin who is working with Yuwen Yue and Yue Qi. Would love to see her and Yue Qi end up together in the end.
63 thoughts on “Princess Agents Discussion Post Week 8: Episodes 57 – 64”
Changing my mind. Now want her to be Yuan Song’s right hand lady. 😀
63 thoughts on “Princess Agents Discussion Post Week 8: Episodes 57 – 64”
I am on the yue qi mengfeng ship
63 thoughts on “Princess Agents Discussion Post Week 8: Episodes 57 – 64”
Yes yes Eternal Love, I am sailing that ship too!!!!! Even though they update only 4 episodes per week, I always find myself feeling satisfied and happy after watching it!!! Bodyguard boy and Tan er is so so so adorable! Their acting skills aren’t the best but their chemistry is A*, and the drama somehow just makes you want more! So addictive!
63 thoughts on “Princess Agents Discussion Post Week 8: Episodes 57 – 64”
what happen to xing ers identity? her inner power? tell me pls. in the novel and in the drama, coz all i see is just the rebellion but xing ers identity is still questionable.
63 thoughts on “Princess Agents Discussion Post Week 8: Episodes 57 – 64”
My question exactly… I thought her real identity would be related to the wei or liang or even yanbei. But the story got stuck. And they missed that one point. Did her real identity get skipped also in the novel?
Well, i wonder, will YX die in the end? I wish he can kill the king first! Oh revenge for your his parents at least. And happy ending for ywy and xe hehe.. Such a loyal shipper.
But shawn seriously gets all my attention. His acting is superB.
63 thoughts on “Princess Agents Discussion Post Week 8: Episodes 57 – 64”
Shawn is just so charismatic on the screen..
I hope he can reunite with ZLY in a future drama
63 thoughts on “Princess Agents Discussion Post Week 8: Episodes 57 – 64”
totally agree. his charisma is glowing since his family downfall whereas Yuwen Yue is going dimmer. Really like to see Shawn n ZLY reunite in a future drama. I think both of them can give us viewers a great chemistry!
63 thoughts on “Princess Agents Discussion Post Week 8: Episodes 57 – 64”
Yes, what happened to her identity as Luo He’s daughter and did she find 烏先生 to unravel the mystery behind her bead and her parentage? I recall it was someone from YWY’s clan who killed her mother so i really wanted to see how it was resolved.
63 thoughts on “Princess Agents Discussion Post Week 8: Episodes 57 – 64”
Yes, what happened to her identity as Luo He’s daughter and did she find 烏先生 to unravel the mystery behind her bead and her parentage? I recall it was someone from YWY’s clan who killed her mother so i really wanted to see how it was resolved.
63 thoughts on “Princess Agents Discussion Post Week 8: Episodes 57 – 64”
There was no secret identity in the NOVEL. Chu Qiao was a time-traveler and inhabits a young slave’s body after she time-traveled to the past. That’s it. The drama added the secret identity and feng yun ling crap, which they swept under the rug… until…hopefully this last week to get it solved? Lol. So many additions that were never addressed fully. Plot holes everywhere!
63 thoughts on “Princess Agents Discussion Post Week 8: Episodes 57 – 64”
Which is really unfortunate, if you ask me, because the more I read about CQ in the book, the more I prefer CQ in the tv show. At least, tv CQ’s personality is consistent with the time period in which she lives and displays appropriate development for her age (now, the convenient amnesia hides her superpowers and true position in the grand political chess game, which is a pitty..) Book CQ is really, really weird. She is introduced to us as a fully grown woman (a Black Widow type spy, actually), then she goes back to the past in the body of a 8 year old girl and “grows up”in that body again. So, by the time she develops her relationships with YX , and later with YWY, mentally she is in her thirties, closer to forties by the end of the story in the book. Yet, somehow she acts more like her biological age rather than her supposed mental age, which I found extemely jarring.
63 thoughts on “Princess Agents Discussion Post Week 8: Episodes 57 – 64”
I actually enjoyed her being all adult like while in that small body within the novel. Since as a kid she was a orphan and was taken in by the government and trained to be a top tier spy/agent. She never experienced love or romance so when it came to childishness and emotional connections she wasn’t knowledgeable in that area. Plus I assumed she eventually grew into the age of her body, so although she had the mind of someone older. It was only applicable when she needed to use her combative knowledge and was in fight mode.
63 thoughts on “Princess Agents Discussion Post Week 8: Episodes 57 – 64”
The scriptwriters threw the secret identity under the bus! There aren’t many episodes left and it is clear that they aren’t gonna really touch a lot on the secret identity. Once again, shows how awful and terrible and horrible the writing is.
63 thoughts on “Princess Agents Discussion Post Week 8: Episodes 57 – 64”
The writer deserted Yan Xun so cruelly, everything is given to Yue…… So here are some mvs I found and uploaded. Wish some were longer ~
“Heavens has never been kind to me.” – Yan Xun. My heart. My broken heart. You tragic boy.
63 thoughts on “Princess Agents Discussion Post Week 8: Episodes 57 – 64”
I came to think that the original author secretly hates Yan Xun (yes! The character that she created!), since she agreed to the butchering of his character, and his story with Chu Qiao in this drama. Thankfully, Yan Xun remains the most interesting character, and IMO Shawn Dou the best performer among the cast (the fact that he gains a helluva new fans — despite loverboy and saviour god Yuwen Yue being shoved down our throats constantly — is a testament to this). Sigh, I might sound like a Yuwen Yue hater, but I actually quite like him, especially in the beginning, before his transformation into the most misunderstood hero.
63 thoughts on “Princess Agents Discussion Post Week 8: Episodes 57 – 64”
The character that she created that was the original male lead too! GAHHH.
Shawn is very lucky, he hit jackpot with this role. Developments, emotional and physical highs and lows.
63 thoughts on “Princess Agents Discussion Post Week 8: Episodes 57 – 64”
Why on earth did she change her mind???! Eeeek.
63 thoughts on “Princess Agents Discussion Post Week 8: Episodes 57 – 64”
Oh I so agree kappy. Ever since she reunited with Yan Xun they hardly spend any time together…The hugs ..The kiss…The proposal…nothing…It’s like they are treating it like Chu Qiao never really loved him…I mean I get that Ywy gets the girl..but why take away their lovely time together…so sad.
63 thoughts on “Princess Agents Discussion Post Week 8: Episodes 57 – 64”
Yeah, that would have been nice to have. I wonder if if they cut it just to keep the series from being too long or something else. I’ve noticed these series tend to not like having their lead actress smooching multiple guys, only the guy she’s going to end up with.
63 thoughts on “Princess Agents Discussion Post Week 8: Episodes 57 – 64”
She treats him like a stranger! Not even friends (so mind-boggling)! Like if you won’t talk to him, nothing will get solved! It’s killing me seeing him carve the jade pendant and then pour his heart out to Ah Jing.
This writer…. deserted Yan Xun completely.
63 thoughts on “Princess Agents Discussion Post Week 8: Episodes 57 – 64”
OH I am so with you Kappy! Thank you for all your words here, you are just totally speaking for me when you speak for Yan Xun. I hate the writer at this point because I love Yan Xun and the writer has wrecked him and his life!! How can they just take Chu Qiao away from him? I saw there are three script writers for this series. One or two (or three) must be against him. How can they make us fall in love with him and then just TRASH his life this way. I think the writer is the biggest villain here.
63 thoughts on “Princess Agents Discussion Post Week 8: Episodes 57 – 64”
“Heavens has never been kind to me.”
That totally spoke to me, too, Kappy… That and that Yanbei isn’t his home anymore.
And many other words of Yan Xun.
He is simply the best.
63 thoughts on “Princess Agents Discussion Post Week 8: Episodes 57 – 64”
Yx and chun er actors are the best in this show im very impressed with their acting..i dont get why cq and yx dont talk either, it’s too can cq convince yx about xiuli and the war if she doesnt really talk to him..mind-boggling
63 thoughts on “Princess Agents Discussion Post Week 8: Episodes 57 – 64”
Anyone here totally loving Yuan Song’s story. I thought it was too cutsy and annoying at first, but love how his character has changed and Niu Junfeng has become a standout for me now. Really enjoying him turning into someone who would make a great Emperor.
63 thoughts on “Princess Agents Discussion Post Week 8: Episodes 57 – 64”
LOL you are a minute quicker than me but we think alike with regards to Yuan Song. I dunno why but I love that they gave him a proper closure.
63 thoughts on “Princess Agents Discussion Post Week 8: Episodes 57 – 64”
Yay! 🙂
I’ve gotten so used to these shows having characters that just never change and this show is now my favorite just because of the character development. I really wish though they’d trimmed a lot of the extraneous characters because the time spent on them I think has taken away from the key characters which is a shame.
In the meantime, I’m going to keep studying my Chinese so I can improve my reading skills so I can finally read the book and find out all the stuff I missed.
63 thoughts on “Princess Agents Discussion Post Week 8: Episodes 57 – 64”
Whoever complained that Li Qin is not getting enough screen time should be rather happy with yesterday and today’s episodes. Quite like her confrontation with the King – man she just voiced out all the audience’s frustrations with the King. Almost thought she was gonna succeed in killing the King. Also thought Yuan Song’s change is nice and befitting.
63 thoughts on “Princess Agents Discussion Post Week 8: Episodes 57 – 64”
Ooo, I think I figured out how it’s going to end. My guess (since I haven’t read the book and don’t know how it all works out) is that after the icy lake it’s going to be a reverse of what happened waaaaaay back when YWY had the typhoid and the snake bites, but had to save Xing’er from overheating after she held that jade watchamacalit and got too cold. I’m guessing that is where all that training with her mother as a child will come into play as well as given how many things in the show end up recalling things that happened early on. And then the sequel everyone keeps talking about would be with their kids vs Chun’er’s baby brother, the next heir apparent to the throne.
(Or I’m just delusional because it’s been a really long work day today.)
63 thoughts on “Princess Agents Discussion Post Week 8: Episodes 57 – 64”
I hate the way people are blaming Yan Xun for his actions, when EVERTHING and EVERYONE around him has pushed him in this direction of hatred and revenge. Can’t they see that he is actually in despair, and he’s doing the only thing he feels he can (and must) do? Yan Xun only abandoned his people because they abandoned him first (from his perspective). Speaking to his deceased father, he said he doesn’t have any place to call a home anymore. Yanbei is no longer his home. Thus, he will make his home wherever he sees fit, in the process of getting revenge (and JUSTICE). Many seem to forget the fact that Yan Xun wasn’t merely after revenge. In the beginning, it was just as much about justice for himself, family, and the people of Yanbei, although he increasingly goes down the lane of purely revenge as time goes on (even that isn’t all of his fault). People seem to forget where his mad desire came from. The King of Yanbei had cared for his people, defending his land and ruling with justice for many years. He and his family and followers fought and made it possible for their people to live in peace and without slavery. Yan Xun loved his country and everything it stood for. But on his return, he found that the people only cared about their own lives and cared little for their land or the King and his family, who had given themselves for the people. No one remembered and no one cared. Few gave support, and some just to fill their own bellies. Yanbei itself didn’t care for Yanbei. It had no loyalty to show their new King, who’s the son of the King who had lived for his people. After all the betrayal and hurt Yan Xun suffered, this betrayal was added by his own people. It took away the last of his hopes for humanity (apart from his remaining hope in one individual, which is A Chu). While trying to get justice, he gets consumed by revenge and forgets justice. Or to put it another way, in trying to get justice for himself, he forgets justice for others. Not saying what YX did is right, but it’s understandable. Someone said it perfectly by these words: “I think had he (Yan Xun) not loved his family the way he did, the pain, the desire for revenge and his change would probably not have been as drastic.”
63 thoughts on “Princess Agents Discussion Post Week 8: Episodes 57 – 64”
Have you ever thought of how the people of Yanbei must have felt? They are people in an era of war and turmoil. Of course their life and their family should comes first. Rulers changes in a blink of an eye, why should they risk their lives and blindly follow an old heir to a kingdom that is once lost.
I totally understand that Yan Xun is in despair and a lot of the things that happen isn’t really his “fault” but he let it happen. He endorse or turn a blind eyes to a lot of the evil doings because it was an easier way out. I used to love Yan Xun before his tragedy but after it, he had become such a coward using vengeance as an excuse to justify his actions. He had also becomes “weak” in a way that he can’t even control his own subordinates or maybe like I said he doesn’t want to because it’s easier to let it be.
He claimed that Yanbei abandoned him but what have he done for yanbei? absolutely nothing. He left Yanbei at a young age and lived in Chang An for all his life then comes running back to Yanbei and expect the people of Yanbei to cheer for him? He is merely a title to a lost ruler that they once had. Yan Xun had done absolutely nothing to gain or win the trust of his people. He just comes riding in, expecting to be welcome and love just because he is the son of the King of Yanbei? He must have forgotten how his people have suffer these past 3 years (10 years in the novel). They are scared for their lives and he have done (like I said again) nothing to calm his people and win their trust. For all they know, he is just their temporarily. Why would they want to risk their fragile lives to support a king who is only in title. The people who opposed him in Yanbei are the greedy evil lords, not the citizen of Yanbei. Yet he is willing to sacrifice the innocent people of Yanbei for doing nothing. The people of Yanbei did not abandon him, he didn’t give them a reason or a chance to stay by his side. He just quickly find (again) an easier way out and use that as an excuse for being a coward that he had become.
63 thoughts on “Princess Agents Discussion Post Week 8: Episodes 57 – 64”
What has he done for Yan bei?!! NOTHING?? He was raised by great parents and in itself is telling. Even at a young age, he VOLUNTEERED to be the hostage prince to safeguard Yanbei people from Wei King’s paranoia right before his older brothers. For 10 whole years, laughing and smiling among the wolves, separated from his own loved ones, but still maintained the righteousness within him when time called for it. let me remind you he was the only one who put in effort to save the girls during the slave hunting scene! while everyone “precious” Yuwen Yue just watched from the mountainside but gets cheered on as a love interest. he was also the only one who stopped his horse during the opening scene so he wouldn’t hurt a civilian in return.
If bloodline and heir mean nothing in this world, then Wei King wouldn’t have kept Yan xun alive at all. he could’ve killed him and installed a new puppet. during the ancient time, bloodline determines a lot of things, ranking, wives, first dips, entitlement. this is not a democracy. did you think Wei King could sit on that throne by calming his people at the beginning of time? NO. there was wars and there were deaths, innocents included, especially now that Yanbei is ruled by different region tribal leaders, who do not care about yan xun at all. you want him to have tea with them?
this drama would be 100+ episodes if Yan xun were to try and calm his people and win them over like a marysue in most typical cdramas (accomplished by giving a show of saving the poor group from yada yada). if he were a coward, he could just live peacefully after he returned to yanbei instead of fighting his way to the throne, hoping to do a better job than King wei. And in the novel side story, he was an effective King. period. different methods by different people. it is never an easy to ride to the top. never. of course, his method isn’t supported by me but it’s crazy times and he became this way because of circumstances. just like how chu qiao admitted by the end of the novel why yan xun became the way he did when his family was ripped away from him. SHE admitted herself that she would scorn the world to avenge for her family (this is after she has a family of her own with Yue.) that’s a clear indication of uncontrollably blood lust and how dramatic one could change.
63 thoughts on “Princess Agents Discussion Post Week 8: Episodes 57 – 64”
No it wouldn’t be a 100+ episodes if they are smart enough to take out those 100+ nonesense characters out of the story, give those scenes to the main characters man, I do agree that YX has been so carefree like there was nothing he care about except for his freedom (although it’s true he’s more humane and compassionate), he doesn’t campaign for any big goals like helping the poor so his contribution is really nothing, although he has a kind heart for sure.
When he lose that kindness, he got a bit careless (although with arguable reasons) about the people (probably never really had the “people” in mind in the first place) and chose his goals.
I skimmed ALOT, but from what I feel YWY is worse because ep 1 – 40+ he got absolutely no goals no nothing, don’t know if he’s having way too deep hidden agendas but I like seeing people developing their goals instead of seeing them as “nothing” then they pop up at the end with “Hey I had this idea all along y’all misunderstand me”
63 thoughts on “Princess Agents Discussion Post Week 8: Episodes 57 – 64”
Anxious for the the last three episodes to air and couldn’t sleep so I put together some fight scene clips from the show. Figured I would make something fun and upbeat because that whole scene by the lake was giving me all the feels.
63 thoughts on “Princess Agents Discussion Post Week 8: Episodes 57 – 64”
Don’t know what to say except your music is more badass than the fighting scenes. LOL. *thumbs up*
63 thoughts on “Princess Agents Discussion Post Week 8: Episodes 57 – 64”
Love it. Thanks Enid Bee
63 thoughts on “Princess Agents Discussion Post Week 8: Episodes 57 – 64”
I dont get yx..he already got the girl, cq already chose him but he’s the one pushing her away to ywy with his decisions and actions..he justifies it by saying he wants to give the best and the world but he himself knows that what cq only wants is to live peacefully in yanbei with him..
63 thoughts on “Princess Agents Discussion Post Week 8: Episodes 57 – 64”
Did you hear the news ?
63 thoughts on “Princess Agents Discussion Post Week 8: Episodes 57 – 64”
Ai ya. This is a petition. I don’t endorse this idea as it really only puts pressure towards the cast. They will only drag out short story arcs the story have left. Not a good idea.
63 thoughts on “Princess Agents Discussion Post Week 8: Episodes 57 – 64”
You might be right. But to be honest. Who changes the main cast when the ratings are so high?Doesn’t matter if the story is good or not. Film history in the past proved that it was almost everytime a backfire.
63 thoughts on “Princess Agents Discussion Post Week 8: Episodes 57 – 64”
wow…Only 500??? I believe it can go over that. But I would only petition for actor/actress I hate/dislike (luckily I don’t hate people) to do season 2 because I strongly believe it is going to be another extremely boring drama too. Some director was fired in Wallace and Nicky detective drama, but that was 10Xs better than PA and I don’t know how PA’s rating is so high just because of the actors, without the same casts it will be very hard for season 2 to be successful so it’s a lot to wonder why they want to continue this?